layout: section title: “Beam Java SDK” section_menu: section-menu/sdks.html permalink: /documentation/sdks/java/ redirect_from: /learn/sdks/java/

Apache Beam Java SDK

The Java SDK for Apache Beam provides a simple, powerful API for building both batch and streaming parallel data processing pipelines in Java.

Get Started with the Java SDK

Get started with the [Beam Programming Model]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/) to learn the basic concepts that apply to all SDKs in Beam.

See the Java API Reference for more information on individual APIs.

Supported Features

The Java SDK supports all features currently supported by the Beam model.

Pipeline I/O

See the [Beam-provided I/O Transforms]({{site.baseurl }}/documentation/io/built-in/) page for a list of the currently available I/O transforms.


The Java SDK has the following extensions:

  • join-library provides inner join, outer left join, and outer right join functions.
  • sorter is an efficient and scalable sorter for large iterables.
  • Nexmark is a benchmark suite that runs in batch and streaming modes.
  • euphoria is easy to use Java 8 DSL for BEAM.

In addition several 3rd party Java libraries exist.