layout: section title: “Apache Flink Runner” section_menu: section-menu/runners.html permalink: /documentation/runners/flink/ redirect_from: /learn/runners/flink/

Using the Apache Flink Runner

The old Flink Runner will eventually be replaced by the Portable Runner which enables to run pipelines in other languages than Java. Please see the [Portability page]({{ site.baseurl }}/contribute/portability/) for the latest state.

The Apache Flink Runner can be used to execute Beam pipelines using Apache Flink. When using the Flink Runner you will create a jar file containing your job that can be executed on a regular Flink cluster. It‘s also possible to execute a Beam pipeline using Flink’s local execution mode without setting up a cluster. This is helpful for development and debugging of your pipeline.

The Flink Runner and Flink are suitable for large scale, continuous jobs, and provide:

  • A streaming-first runtime that supports both batch processing and data streaming programs
  • A runtime that supports very high throughput and low event latency at the same time
  • Fault-tolerance with exactly-once processing guarantees
  • Natural back-pressure in streaming programs
  • Custom memory management for efficient and robust switching between in-memory and out-of-core data processing algorithms
  • Integration with YARN and other components of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem

The [Beam Capability Matrix]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/runners/capability-matrix/) documents the supported capabilities of the Flink Runner.

Flink Runner prerequisites and setup

If you want to use the local execution mode with the Flink runner to don't have to complete any setup.

To use the Flink Runner for executing on a cluster, you have to setup a Flink cluster by following the Flink setup quickstart.

Version Compatibility

The Flink cluster version has to match the version used by the FlinkRunner. To find out which version of Flink please see the table below:

For retrieving the right version, see the Flink downloads page.

For more information, the Flink Documentation can be helpful.

Specify your dependency

When using Java, you must specify your dependency on the Flink Runner in your pom.xml.

  <version>{{ site.release_latest }}</version>

This section is not applicable to the Beam SDK for Python.

Executing a pipeline on a Flink cluster

For executing a pipeline on a Flink cluster you need to package your program along will all dependencies in a so-called fat jar. How you do this depends on your build system but if you follow along the [Beam Quickstart]({{ site.baseurl }}/get-started/quickstart/) this is the command that you have to run:

$ mvn package -Pflink-runner

The Beam Quickstart Maven project is setup to use the Maven Shade plugin to create a fat jar and the -Pflink-runner argument makes sure to include the dependency on the Flink Runner.

For actually running the pipeline you would use this command

$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount \
    -Pflink-runner \
    -Dexec.args="--runner=FlinkRunner \
      --inputFile=/path/to/pom.xml \
      --output=/path/to/counts \
      --flinkMaster=<flink master url> \

If you have a Flink JobManager running on your local machine you can give localhost:8081 for flinkMaster.

Pipeline options for the Flink Runner

When executing your pipeline with the Flink Runner, you can set these pipeline options.

See the reference documentation for the [FlinkPipelineOptions]({{ site.release_latest }}/index.html?org/apache/beam/runners/flink/FlinkPipelineOptions.html)PipelineOptions interface (and its subinterfaces) for the complete list of pipeline configuration options.

Additional information and caveats

Monitoring your job

You can monitor a running Flink job using the Flink JobManager Dashboard. By default, this is available at port 8081 of the JobManager node. If you have a Flink installation on your local machine that would be http://localhost:8081.

Streaming Execution

If your pipeline uses an unbounded data source or sink, the Flink Runner will automatically switch to streaming mode. You can enforce streaming mode by using the streaming setting mentioned above.