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Test Your Pipeline

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Testing your pipeline is a particularly important step in developing an effective data processing solution. The indirect nature of the Beam model, in which your user code constructs a pipeline graph to be executed remotely, can make debugging-failed runs a non-trivial task. Often it is faster and simpler to perform local unit testing on your pipeline code than to debug a pipeline's remote execution.

Before running your pipeline on the runner of your choice, unit testing your pipeline code locally is often the best way to identify and fix bugs in your pipeline code. Unit testing your pipeline locally also allows you to use your familiar/favorite local debugging tools.

You can use [DirectRunner]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/runners/direct), a local runner helpful for testing and local development.

After you test your pipeline using the DirectRunner, you can use the runner of your choice to test on a small scale. For example, use the Flink runner with a local or remote Flink cluster.

The Beam SDKs provide a number of ways to unit test your pipeline code, from the lowest to the highest levels. From the lowest to the highest level, these are:

  • You can test the individual function objects, such as [DoFn]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/#pardo)s, inside your pipeline's core transforms.
  • You can test an entire [Composite Transform]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/#composite-transforms) as a unit.
  • You can perform an end-to-end test for an entire pipeline.

To support unit testing, the Beam SDK for Java provides a number of test classes in the testing package. You can use these tests as references and guides.

Testing Individual DoFn Objects

The code in your pipeline's DoFn functions runs often, and often across multiple Compute Engine instances. Unit-testing your DoFn objects before running them using a runner service can save a great deal of debugging time and energy.

The Beam SDK for Java provides a convenient way to test an individual DoFn called DoFnTester, which is included in the SDK Transforms package.

DoFnTesteruses the JUnit framework. To use DoFnTester, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Create a DoFnTester. You'll need to pass an instance of the DoFn you want to test to the static factory method for DoFnTester.
  2. Create one or more main test inputs of the appropriate type for your DoFn. If your DoFn takes side inputs and/or produces [multiple outputs]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide#additional-outputs), you should also create the side inputs and the output tags.
  3. Call DoFnTester.processBundle to process the main inputs.
  4. Use JUnit's Assert.assertThat method to ensure the test outputs returned from processBundle match your expected values.

Creating a DoFnTester

To create a DoFnTester, first create an instance of the DoFn you want to test. You then use that instance when you create a DoFnTester using the .of() static factory method:

static class MyDoFn extends DoFn<String, Integer> { ... }
  MyDoFn myDoFn = ...;

  DoFnTester<String, Integer> fnTester = DoFnTester.of(myDoFn);

Creating Test Inputs

You'll need to create one or more test inputs for DoFnTester to send to your DoFn. To create test inputs, simply create one or more input variables of the same input type that your DoFn accepts. In the case above:

static class MyDoFn extends DoFn<String, Integer> { ... }
MyDoFn myDoFn = ...;
DoFnTester<String, Integer> fnTester = DoFnTester.of(myDoFn);

String testInput = "test1";

Side Inputs

If your DoFn accepts side inputs, you can create those side inputs by using the method DoFnTester.setSideInputs.

static class MyDoFn extends DoFn<String, Integer> { ... }
MyDoFn myDoFn = ...;
DoFnTester<String, Integer> fnTester = DoFnTester.of(myDoFn);

PCollectionView<List<Integer>> sideInput = ...;
Iterable<Integer> value = ...;
fnTester.setSideInputInGlobalWindow(sideInput, value);

See the ParDo documentation on [side inputs]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/#side-inputs) for more information.

Additional Outputs

If your DoFn produces multiple output PCollections, you‘ll need to set the appropriate TupleTag objects that you’ll use to access each output. A DoFn with multiple outputs produces a PCollectionTuple for each output; you'll need to provide a TupleTagList that corresponds to each output in that tuple.

Suppose your DoFn produces outputs of type String and Integer. You create TupleTag objects for each, and bundle them into a TupleTagList, then set it for the DoFnTester as follows:

static class MyDoFn extends DoFn<String, Integer> { ... }
MyDoFn myDoFn = ...;
DoFnTester<String, Integer> fnTester = DoFnTester.of(myDoFn);

TupleTag<String> tag1 = ...;
TupleTag<Integer> tag2 = ...;
TupleTagList tags = TupleTagList.of(tag1).and(tag2);


See the ParDo documentation on [additional outputs]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/#additional-outputs) for more information.

Processing Test Inputs and Checking Results

To process the inputs (and thus run the test on your DoFn), you call the method DoFnTester.processBundle. When you call processBundle, you pass one or more main test input values for your DoFn. If you set side inputs, the side inputs are available to each batch of main inputs that you provide.

DoFnTester.processBundle returns a List of outputs—that is, objects of the same type as the DoFn's specified output type. For a DoFn<String, Integer>, processBundle returns a List<Integer>:

static class MyDoFn extends DoFn<String, Integer> { ... }
MyDoFn myDoFn = ...;
DoFnTester<String, Integer> fnTester = DoFnTester.of(myDoFn);

String testInput = "test1";
List<Integer> testOutputs = fnTester.processBundle(testInput);

To check the results of processBundle, you use JUnit's Assert.assertThat method to test if the List of outputs contains the values you expect:

String testInput = "test1";
List<Integer> testOutputs = fnTester.processBundle(testInput);

Assert.assertThat(testOutputs, Matchers.hasItems(...));

// Process a larger batch in a single step.
Assert.assertThat(fnTester.processBundle("input1", "input2", "input3"), Matchers.hasItems(...));

Testing Composite Transforms

To test a composite transform you've created, you can use the following pattern:

  • Create a TestPipeline.
  • Create some static, known test input data.
  • Use the Create transform to create a PCollection of your input data.
  • Apply your composite transform to the input PCollection and save the resulting output PCollection.
  • Use PAssert and its subclasses to verify that the output PCollection contains the elements that you expect.


TestPipeline is a class included in the Beam Java SDK specifically for testing transforms. For tests, use TestPipeline in place of Pipeline when you create the pipeline object. Unlike Pipeline.create, TestPipeline.create handles setting PipelineOptions interally.

You create a TestPipeline as follows:

Pipeline p = TestPipeline.create();

Note: Read about testing unbounded pipelines in Beam in [this blog post]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/2016/10/20/test-stream.html).

Using the Create Transform

You can use the Create transform to create a PCollection out of a standard in-memory collection class, such as Java List. See [Creating a PCollection]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/programming-guide/#creating-a-pcollection) for more information.


[PAssert]({{ site.release_latest }}/index.html?org/apache/beam/sdk/testing/PAssert.html) is a class included in the Beam Java SDK that is an assertion on the contents of a PCollection. You can use PAssertto verify that a PCollection contains a specific set of expected elements.

For a given PCollection, you can use PAssert to verify the contents as follows:

PCollection<String> output = ...;

// Check whether a PCollection contains some elements in any order.

Any code that uses PAssert must link in JUnit and Hamcrest. If you‘re using Maven, you can link in Hamcrest by adding the following dependency to your project’s pom.xml file:


For more information on how these classes work, see the [org.apache.beam.sdk.testing]({{ site.release_latest }}/index.html?org/apache/beam/sdk/testing/package-summary.html) package documentation.

An Example Test for a Composite Transform

The following code shows a complete test for a composite transform. The test applies the Count transform to an input PCollection of String elements. The test uses the Create transform to create the input PCollection from a Java List<String>.

public class CountTest {

// Our static input data, which will make up the initial PCollection.
static final String[] WORDS_ARRAY = new String[] {
"hi", "there", "hi", "hi", "sue", "bob",
"hi", "sue", "", "", "ZOW", "bob", ""};

static final List<String> WORDS = Arrays.asList(WORDS_ARRAY);

public void testCount() {
  // Create a test pipeline.
  Pipeline p = TestPipeline.create();

  // Create an input PCollection.
  PCollection<String> input = p.apply(Create.of(WORDS)).setCoder(StringUtf8Coder.of());

  // Apply the Count transform under test.
  PCollection<KV<String, Long>> output =

  // Assert on the results.
        KV.of("hi", 4L),
        KV.of("there", 1L),
        KV.of("sue", 2L),
        KV.of("bob", 2L),
        KV.of("", 3L),
        KV.of("ZOW", 1L));

  // Run the pipeline.;

Testing a Pipeline End-to-End

You can use the test classes in the Beam SDKs (such as TestPipeline and PAssert in the Beam SDK for Java) to test an entire pipeline end-to-end. Typically, to test an entire pipeline, you do the following:

  • For every source of input data to your pipeline, create some known static test input data.
  • Create some static test output data that matches what you expect in your pipeline's final output PCollection(s).
  • Create a TestPipeline in place of the standard Pipeline.create.
  • In place of your pipeline's Read transform(s), use the Create transform to create one or more PCollections from your static input data.
  • Apply your pipeline's transforms.
  • In place of your pipeline's Write transform(s), use PAssert to verify that the contents of the final PCollections your pipeline produces match the expected values in your static output data.

Testing the WordCount Pipeline

The following example code shows how one might test the [WordCount example pipeline]({{ site.baseurl }}/get-started/wordcount-example/). WordCount usually reads lines from a text file for input data; instead, the test creates a Java List<String> containing some text lines and uses a Create transform to create an initial PCollection.

WordCount's final transform (from the composite transform CountWords) produces a PCollection<String> of formatted word counts suitable for printing. Rather than write that PCollection to an output text file, our test pipeline uses PAssert to verify that the elements of the PCollection match those of a static String array containing our expected output data.

public class WordCountTest {

    // Our static input data, which will comprise the initial PCollection.
    static final String[] WORDS_ARRAY = new String[] {
      "hi there", "hi", "hi sue bob",
      "hi sue", "", "bob hi"};

    static final List<String> WORDS = Arrays.asList(WORDS_ARRAY);

    // Our static output data, which is the expected data that the final PCollection must match.
    static final String[] COUNTS_ARRAY = new String[] {
        "hi: 5", "there: 1", "sue: 2", "bob: 2"};

    // Example test that tests the pipeline's transforms.

    public void testCountWords() throws Exception {
      Pipeline p = TestPipeline.create();

      // Create a PCollection from the WORDS static input data.
      PCollection<String> input = p.apply(Create.of(WORDS)).setCoder(StringUtf8Coder.of());

      // Run ALL the pipeline's transforms (in this case, the CountWords composite transform).
      PCollection<String> output = input.apply(new CountWords());

      // Assert that the output PCollection matches the COUNTS_ARRAY known static output data.

      // Run the pipeline.;