tree: 4b7554f4be292e545722f638f2fab2670cd216d8 [path history] [tgz]
  1. api/
  2. backend/
  3. doc/
  4. frontend/
  5. infrastructure/
  6. kafka-emulator/
  7. terraform/
  8. buf.gen.yaml
  9. build.gradle.kts
  10. categories.yaml
  11. docker-compose.local.yaml
  12. index.yaml
  15. sdks-emulator.yaml
  16. sdks.yaml

The Beam Playground is a web application to run Beam code snippets in a modern browser. This directory holds code to build, test, and deploy the frontend and backend services.

Setup development prerequisites

Google Cloud Shell note: Google Cloud Shell already has most of the prerequisites installed. Only the following has to be installed manually:

  • Flutter - run flutter precache
  • Go protobuf dependencies
  • Dart protobuf dependencies
  • buf
  • sbt
  1. Install Go 1.20+

    Ubuntu 22.04 and newer:

    sudo apt install golang

    Other Linux variants: Follow manual at

  2. Install flutter

    Ubuntu 22.04 or newer:

    sudo apt install flutter

    Other Linux variants: Follow manual at

  3. Install protoc

    Ubuntu 22.04 or newer/Debian 11 or newer:

    sudo apt install protobuf-compiler

    Other Linux variants: Follow manual at

  4. Install Go protobuf dependencies: Go gRPC Quickstart

    Do not forget to update your PATH environment variable

  5. Install Dart protobuf dependencies: Dart gRPC Quickstart

    Do not forget to update your PATH environment variable

  6. Install npm Ubuntu 22.04 and newer/Debian 11 and newer:

    sudo apt install npm

    Other Linux variants: Follow manual at

  7. Install buf

    npm install -g @bufbuild/buf
  8. Install Docker Ubuntu 22.04 and newer/Debian 11 and newer:

    sudo apt install

    Other Linux variants: Follow manual at

    To verify your docker installation, run:

    docker ps

    It should finish without any errors. If you get a permission denied error, you need to add your user to the docker group:

    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

    Then, log out and log back in to apply the changes.

  9. Install Docker Compose Ubuntu 22.04 and newer/Debian 11 and newer:

    sudo apt install docker-compose

    Other Linux variants: Follow manual at

  10. Install gcloud CLI by following the manual for your system

  11. Install Cloud Datastore Emulator

    gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator

    or, if you have install gcloud CLI using APT:

    sudo apt install google-cloud-cli-datastore-emulator
  12. Install sbt following instruction at

    Optional: Run sbt comamnd once after installation to let it cache its dependencies

  13. Make sure that you have the full installation of Python 3.8 or newer. On Debian or Ubuntu it can be installed using sudo apt install python3-full.

Common tasks

To get an overview of common tasks, see

Run Beam Playground locally

Configure frontend to use local backend

Note: Follow this step only if you want to have a local deployment of Playground. Skip this step entirely if you want to deploy Playground to Google Cloud.

Uncommend lines after // Uncomment the following lines to use local backend. in frontend/playground_components/lib/src/constants/backend_urls.dart

Run local deployment using Gradle task

For more information read the corresponding section in

Run the deployment script:

./gradlew :playground:dockerComposeLocalUp

To shut down the playground, run:

./gradlew :playground:dockerComposeLocalDown

Deploy examples

  1. Go to /playground/infrastucture directory

    cd playground/infrastucture
  2. Setup python venv

    python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate venv

    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Setup the environment variables

    export BEAM_ROOT_DIR=$(realpath ../../)
    export SDK_CONFIG="../../playground/sdks.yaml"
    export BEAM_EXAMPLE_CATEGORIES="../categories.yaml"
    export BEAM_USE_WEBGRPC=yes
    export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8081
  6. Run the script

    export SERVER_ADDRESS=<runner_address> # see the note below
    python --step CD \
                    --sdk <SDK> \ # SDK_GO, SDK_JAVA, SDK_PYTHON, SDK_SCIO
                    --namespace Playground \
                    --datastore-project test \
                    --origin PG_EXAMPLES \
                    --subdirs $BEAM_ROOT_DIR/sdks $BEAM_ROOT_DIR/examples $BEAM_ROOT_DIR/learning/katas # For SCIO examples see note below

    Note: The SERVER_ADDRESS variable should be set to the address of the runner server for the particular SDK. For the local deployment the default values are: | SDK | Address | | --- | --- | | Go | localhost:8084 | | Java | localhost:8086 | | Python | localhost:8088 | | SCIO | localhost:8090 |

    Note: SCIO examples are not committed to the Beam tree. You will need to use script to download them to some directory and then use --subdirs option to point to that directory. For example:

    python --output-dir /tmp/scio-examples
    python --step CD \
                    --sdk SDK_SCIO \
                    --namespace Playground \
                    --datastore-project test \
                    --origin PG_EXAMPLES \
                    --subdirs /tmp/scio-examples

    See this section for more information.

How to add your own example

Please refer to this document.

Deployment guide

Manual deployment

See deployment guide at terraform/

Manual CloudBuild setup

To set up CloudBuild triggers manually please refer to this guide

Project structure

Several directories in this repository are used for the Beam Playground project. The list of the directories used can be seen below.

/examplesContains code of the examples for Java SDK. The examples are getting loaded into the main catalog.
/learning/beamdocContains code of the examples which should not be available in the main Playground catalog.
/learning/katasContaines small code examples, loaded into main catalog.
/playgroundRoot of Playground sources.
/playground/apiProtobuf definitions for the Playground gRPC API.
/playground/backendRoot of Playground backend sources. See this document for detailed description.
/playground/frontendRoot of Playground frontend sources. See this document for detailed description.
/playground/infrastructureScripts used in Playground CI/CD pipelines for verifying and uploading examples.
/playground/kafka-emulatorSources of a Kafka emulator used for demonstrating KafkaIO examples.
/playground/terraformTerraform configuration files for Playground deployment to Google Cloud Platform.
/sdksSource of the BEAM SDKs. Used by Playground as a source of examples for Go and Python SDKs.

Contribution guide