type: languages title: “Java multi-language pipelines quickstart” aliases:

  • /documentation/patterns/cross-language/

Java multi-language pipelines quickstart

This page provides a high-level overview of creating multi-language pipelines with the Apache Beam SDK for Java. For a more complete discussion of the topic, see Multi-language pipelines.

A multi-language pipeline is a pipeline that’s built in one Beam SDK language and uses one or more transforms from another Beam SDK language. These transforms from another SDK are called cross-language transforms. Multi-language support makes pipeline components easier to share across the Beam SDKs and grows the pool of available transforms for all the SDKs.

In the examples below, the multi-language pipeline is built with the Beam Java SDK, and the cross-language transform is built with the Beam Python SDK.


This quickstart is based on a Java example pipeline, PythonDataframeWordCount, that counts words in a Shakespeare text. If you’d like to run the pipeline, you can clone or download the Beam repository and build the example from the source code.

To build and run the example, you need a Java environment with the Beam Java SDK version 2.40.0 or later installed, and a Python environment. If you don’t already have these environments set up, first complete the Apache Beam Java SDK Quickstart and the Apache Beam Python SDK Quickstart.

Specify a cross-language transform

The Java example pipeline uses the Python DataframeTransform as a cross-language transform. The transform is part of the Beam Dataframe API for working with pandas-like DataFrame objects.

To apply a cross-language transform, your pipeline must specify it. Python transforms are identified by their fully qualified name. For example, DataframeTransform can be found in the apache_beam.dataframe.transforms package, so its fully qualified name is apache_beam.dataframe.transforms.DataframeTransform. The example pipeline, PythonDataframeWordCount, passes this fully qualified name to PythonExternalTransform.

Note: The example pipeline is intended to demonstrate the development of Java multi-language pipelines that use arbitrary Python cross-language transforms. For production use cases of the Dataframe API in Java, you should use the higher-level DataframeTransform instead.

Here's the complete pipeline definition from the example:

static void runWordCount(WordCountOptions options) {
  Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);

  p.apply("ReadLines", TextIO.read().from(options.getInputFile()))
      .apply(ParDo.of(new ExtractWordsFn()))
          PythonExternalTransform.<PCollection<Row>, PCollection<Row>>from(
              .withKwarg("func", PythonCallableSource.of("lambda df: df.groupby('word').sum()"))
              .withKwarg("include_indexes", true))
      .apply(MapElements.via(new FormatAsTextFn()))
      .apply("WriteCounts", TextIO.write().to(options.getOutput()));


PythonExternalTransform is a wrapper for invoking external Python transforms. The from method accepts two strings: 1) the fully qualified transform name; 2) an optional address and port number for the expansion service. The method returns a stub for the Python cross-language transform that can be used directly in a Java pipeline. withKwarg specifies a keyword argument for instantiating the Python cross-language transform. In this case, withKwarg is invoked twice, to specify a func argument and an include_indexes argument, and these arguments are passed to DataframeTransform. PythonExternalTransform also provides other ways to specify args and kwargs for Python cross-language transforms.

To understand how this pipeline works, it’s helpful to look more closely at the first withKwarg invocation:

.withKwarg("func", PythonCallableSource.of("lambda df: df.groupby('word').sum()"))

The argument to PythonCallableSource.of is a string representation of a Python lambda function. DataframeTransform takes as an argument a Python callable to apply to a PCollection as if it were a Dataframe. The withKwarg method lets you specify a Python callable in your Java pipeline. To learn more about passing a function to DataframeTransform, see Embedding DataFrames in a pipeline.

Run the Java pipeline

If you want to customize the environment or use transforms not available in the default Beam SDK, you might need to run your own expansion service. In such cases, start the expansion service before running your pipeline.

For this example, you can simply run your multi-language pipeline using Gradle, as shown below.

Run with Dataflow runner

The following script runs the example multi-language pipeline on Dataflow, using example text from a Cloud Storage bucket. You’ll need to adapt the script to your environment.

export OUTPUT_BUCKET=<bucket>
export GCP_REGION=<region>
export PYTHON_VERSION=<version>

./gradlew :examples:multi-language:pythonDataframeWordCount --args=" \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--output=gs://${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/count \
--region=${GCP_REGION} \

The pipeline outputs a file with the results to gs://$OUTPUT_BUCKET/count-00000-of-00001.

Advanced: Start an expansion service

When building a job for a multi-language pipeline, Beam uses an expansion service to expand composite transforms. You must have at least one expansion service per remote SDK.

In the general case, if you have a supported version of Python installed on your system, you can let PythonExternalTransform handle the details of creating and starting up the expansion service. But if you want to customize the environment or use transforms not available in the default Beam SDK, you might need to run your own expansion service.

For example, to start the standard expansion service for a Python transform, ExpansionServiceServicer, follow these steps:

  1. Activate a Python virtual environment and install Apache Beam, as described in the Python quick start.

  2. In the beam/sdks/python directory of the Beam source code, run the following command:

    python apache_beam/runners/portability/expansion_service_main.py -p 18089 --fully_qualified_name_glob "*"

The command runs expansion_service_main.py, which starts the standard expansion service. When you use Gradle to run your Java pipeline, you can specify the expansion service with the expansionService option. For example: --expansionService=localhost:18089.

Next steps

To learn more about Beam support for cross-language pipelines, see Multi-language pipelines. To learn more about the Beam DataFrame API, see Beam DataFrames overview.