blob: 0743bd5a477502423c5fa5e3802bbd52ff6a6d94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import Foundation
public extension PCollection {
// No Output
/// Apply a closure-based ``DoFn`` to an input ``PCollection`` that returns no output.
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: A name for this transform
/// - fn: A closure that implements a DoFn by taking a single ``PInput`` and emitting no outputs
func pardo(name: String, _ fn: @Sendable @escaping (PInput<Of>) async throws -> Void) {
pstream(name: name) { input in
for try await element in input {
try await fn(PInput(element))
// One Output
/// Apply a closure-based ``DoFn`` to an input ``PCollection`` that emits to a single output ``PCollection``
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: A name for this transform
/// - fn: <#fn description#>
/// - Returns: <#description#>
func pardo<O0>(name: String, _ fn: @Sendable @escaping (PInput<Of>, POutput<O0>) async throws -> Void) -> PCollection<O0> {
pstream(name: name) { input, output in
for try await element in input {
try await fn(PInput(element),
POutput(stream: output, timestamp: element.1, window: element.2))
// Two Outputs
func pardo<O0, O1>(name: String, _ fn: @Sendable @escaping (PInput<Of>, POutput<O0>, POutput<O1>) async throws -> Void) -> (PCollection<O0>, PCollection<O1>) {
pstream(name: name) { input, o0, o1 in
for try await element in input {
try await fn(PInput(element),
POutput(stream: o0, timestamp: element.1, window: element.2),
POutput(stream: o1, timestamp: element.1, window: element.2))