blob: 76b63ac89ea168105957f65278b78e36f312a334 [file] [log] [blame]
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import Foundation
/// The worker side realization of a PCollection that supports reading and writing
public final class PCollectionStream<Of>: AsyncSequence {
public typealias Element = (Of, Date, Window)
private let stream: AsyncStream<Element>
private let emitter: AsyncStream<Element>.Continuation
public init() {
(stream, emitter) = AsyncStream.makeStream(of: Element.self)
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncStream<Element>.Iterator {
public func finish() {
public func emit(_ value: Element) {
public func emit(_ value: Of, timestamp: Date, window: Window) {
emit((value, timestamp, window))
// Implementing key-value pair conversion is a little more complicated because we need
// to convert to a KV<K,V> from what is essentially a KV<Any,Any> which requires us to
// cast the key and the value first and then construct the KV from that. There might be
// a more clever way of doing this, but I don't know what it is.
func emit(key: some Any, value: [some Any], timestamp: Date, window: Window) {
emit(KV(key, values: value) as! Of, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
func emit(key: some Any, value: BeamValue, timestamp: Date, window: Window) throws {
// We overload the key value type as both (K,[V]) and (K,V). It may be worth considering
// having an explicit Pair type in addition to KV to simplify this decoding a little bit.
// On the other hand, the code is already written and pretty straightforward and there
// won't be much in the way of new scalar values.
if case let .array(array) = value {
switch array.first {
case .boolean: emit(key: key, value: { $0.baseValue! as! Bool }, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case .bytes: emit(key: key, value: { $0.baseValue! as! Data }, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case .double: emit(key: key, value: { $0.baseValue! as! Double }, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case .integer: emit(key: key, value: { $0.baseValue! as! Int }, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case .string: emit(key: key, value: { $0.baseValue! as! String }, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
throw ApacheBeamError.runtimeError("Can't use \(String(describing: array.first)) as a value in a key value pair")
} else {
switch value {
case let .boolean(v): emit(key: key, value: [v!], timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .bytes(v): emit(key: key, value: [v!], timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .double(v): emit(key: key, value: [v!], timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .integer(v): emit(key: key, value: [v!], timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .string(v): emit(key: key, value: [v!], timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
throw ApacheBeamError.runtimeError("Can't use \(value) as a value in a key value pair")
// Unwrap all of the actual value types (not windows or windowed elements)
func emit(_ value: BeamValue, timestamp: Date, window: Window) throws {
if case let .kv(key, value) = value {
// Unwrap the key first
switch key {
case let .boolean(v): try emit(key: v!, value: value, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .bytes(v): try emit(key: v!, value: value, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .double(v): try emit(key: v!, value: value, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .integer(v): try emit(key: v!, value: value, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
case let .string(v): try emit(key: v!, value: value, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
throw ApacheBeamError.runtimeError("Can't use \(value) as a value in a key value pair")
} else {
emit(value.baseValue as! Of, timestamp: timestamp, window: window)
/// Mostly intended as a convenience function for bundle processing this emit unwraps a windowed value
/// for further conversion in (non-public) versions of the function.
public func emit(_ value: BeamValue) throws {
switch value {
case let .windowed(value, timestamp, _, window):
try emit(value, timestamp: timestamp, window: window.baseValue as! Window)
throw ApacheBeamError.runtimeError("Only windowed values can be sent directly to a PCollectionStream, not \(value)")