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/// A struct that encodes the different types of available in Beam
public struct Environment {
public enum Category {
/// Default environment type. "default" is a reserved word so we use "system" here
case system
/// Process. command, arch, os, environment
case process(String, String, String, [String: String])
/// Docker container image
case docker(String)
/// External service using an api descriptor
case external(ApiServiceDescriptor)
let category: Category
let capabilities: [String]
let dependencies: [ArtifactInfo]
public init(_ category: Category = .system, capabilities: [String] = [], dependencies: [ArtifactInfo]) {
self.category = category
self.capabilities = capabilities
self.dependencies = dependencies
extension Environment: ProtoConversion {
func populate(_ proto: inout EnvironmentProto) throws {
proto.urn = switch category {
case .docker: .beamUrn("docker", type: "env")
case .system: .beamUrn("default", type: "env")
case .process: .beamUrn("process", type: "env")
case .external: .beamUrn("external", type: "env")
proto.capabilities = capabilities
proto.dependencies = try { artifact in
try .with {
try artifact.populate(&$0)
if case let .docker(containerImage) = category {
proto.payload = try Org_Apache_Beam_Model_Pipeline_V1_DockerPayload.with {
$0.containerImage = containerImage
if case let .external(endpoint) = category {
proto.payload = try Org_Apache_Beam_Model_Pipeline_V1_ExternalPayload.with {
$0.endpoint = try .with {
try endpoint.populate(&$0)
if case let .process(command, arch, os, env) = category {
proto.payload = try Org_Apache_Beam_Model_Pipeline_V1_ProcessPayload.with {
$0.arch = arch
$0.command = command
$0.os = os
$0.env = env
public static func docker(_ imageName: String, capabilities: [String] = [], dependencies: [ArtifactInfo] = []) -> Environment {
Environment(.docker(imageName), capabilities: capabilities, dependencies: dependencies)
public static func external(_ endpoint: ApiServiceDescriptor, capabilities: [String] = [], dependencies: [ArtifactInfo] = []) -> Environment {
Environment(.external(endpoint), capabilities: capabilities, dependencies: dependencies)