layout: page title: Bahir Release 2.1.0 description: Release Notes for Apache Bahir 2.1.0 group: nav-right

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Apache Bahir for Apache Spark 2.3.4

Below are all the enhancements and bug fixes for the 2.3.x releases.

Release Notes - Bahir - Version Spark-2.3.0

* [BAHIR-46]  - Handle re-delivery of message in MQTT structured streaming source.
* [BAHIR-104] - MQTT Dstream returned by the new multi topic support API is not a pairRDD
* [BAHIR-128] - Test failing sporadically in sql-cloudant's CloudantChangesDFSuite
* [BAHIR-139] - Scala-maven-plugin does not respect Java compile level
* [BAHIR-152] - License header not enforced for Java sources
* [BAHIR-159] - Our project needs to use org.apache.bahir:spark-sql-streaming-mqtt_2.11:2.2.0, which has dependency conflict problem.
* [BAHIR-165] - The avro messages to streaming-mqtt gives negative value.
* [BAHIR-66]  - Add test that ZeroMQ streaming connector can receive data
* [BAHIR-164] - Spark Streaming with MQTT fails with Spark 2.3.0
* [BAHIR-166] - Migrate akka sql streaming source to datasrouce v2 API
* [BAHIR-49]  - Add MQTTSink to SQL Streaming MQTT.
* [BAHIR-182] - Create PubNub extension for Apache Spark Streaming
* [BAHIR-137] - Load performance improvements for _changes API in sql-cloudant
* [BAHIR-154] - Refactor sql-cloudant to use Cloudant's java-cloudant features
* [BAHIR-181] - username and password should be available for pyspark when using mqtt streaming
* [BAHIR-123] - Fix errors to support the latest version of Play JSON library for sql-cloudant
* [BAHIR-138] - Fix sql-cloudant deprecation messages
* [BAHIR-150] - Jenkins PR builder should not abort build after first failed module