layout: page title: Bahir Release 2.0.0 description: Release Notes for Apache Bahir 2.0.0 group: nav-right

{% include JB/setup %}

Apache Bahir 2.0 for Apache Spark 2.0


[BAHIR-13] - Update spark tags dependency
[BAHIR-14] - Cleanup maven pom from Spark dependencies
[BAHIR-15] - Enable RAT on Bahir builds
[BAHIR-16] - Build issues due to log4j properties not found
[BAHIR-18] - Include examples in Maven test build
[BAHIR-23] - Build should fail on Checkstyle violation
[BAHIR-24] - Fix MQTT Python code
[BAHIR-38] - Spark-submit does not use latest locally installed Bahir packages
[BAHIR-42] - Refactor sql-streaming-mqtt examples to follow other projects pattern
[BAHIR-43] - Add missing apache license header to sql-mqtt file
[BAHIR-44] - Add new sql-streaming-mqtt to distribution


[BAHIR-36] - Update with build instructions

New Feature

[BAHIR-2]  - Create initial build for Bahir components
[BAHIR-39] - MQTT as a streaming source for SQL Streaming


[BAHIR-17] - Prepare release based on Apache Spark 2.0.0-preview
[BAHIR-22] - Add script to run examples
[BAHIR-35] - Include Python code in the binary jars for use with "--packages ..."
[BAHIR-37] - Prepare release based on Apache Spark 2.0.0


[BAHIR-19] - Create Bahir source distribution
[BAHIR-20] - Create release script
[BAHIR-21] - Create script to change build between scala 2.10 and 2.11
[BAHIR-28] - Add documentation for streaming-akka connector
[BAHIR-29] - Add documentation for streaming-mqtt connector
[BAHIR-30] - Add documentation for streaming-twitter connector
[BAHIR-31] - Add documentation for streaming-zeromq connector