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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""><html xmlns="" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/><link rel="stylesheet" href="../.resources/report.css" type="text/css"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="../.resources/report.gif" type="image/gif"/><title></title><link rel="stylesheet" href="../.resources/prettify.css" type="text/css"/><script type="text/javascript" src="../.resources/prettify.js"></script></head><body onload="window['PR_TAB_WIDTH']=4;prettyPrint()"><div class="breadcrumb" id="breadcrumb"><span class="info"><a href="../.sessions.html" class="el_session">Sessions</a></span><a href="../index.html" class="el_report">Coverage Report</a> &gt; <a href="index.source.html" class="el_package">org.apache.rampart</a> &gt; <span class="el_source"></span></div><h1></h1><pre class="source lang-java linenums">/*
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.rampart;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.rampart.policy.RampartPolicyData;
import org.apache.rampart.policy.SupportingPolicyData;
import org.apache.rampart.util.RampartUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.jaxen.XPath;
import org.jaxen.JaxenException;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
<span class="fc" id="L45">public class PolicyBasedResultsValidator implements ExtendedPolicyValidatorCallbackHandler {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L47"> private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PolicyBasedResultsValidator.class);</span>
public void validate(ValidatorData data, Vector results)
throws RampartException {
<span class="nc" id="L51"> List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; resultsList = new ArrayList&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt;(results);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L52"> this.validate(data, resultsList);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L53"> }</span>
* {@inheritDoc}
public void validate(ValidatorData data, List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results)
throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L61"> RampartMessageData rmd = data.getRampartMessageData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L63"> RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData();</span>
//If there's Security policy present and no results
//then we should throw an error
<span class="pc bpc" id="L67" title="2 of 4 branches missed."> if(rpd != null &amp;&amp; results == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L68"> throw new RampartException(&quot;noSecurityResults&quot;);</span>
//Check presence of timestamp
<span class="fc" id="L72"> WSSecurityEngineResult tsResult = null;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L73" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if(rpd != null &amp;&amp; rpd.isIncludeTimestamp()) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L74"> tsResult = </span>
WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.TS);
<span class="pc bpc" id="L76" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if(tsResult == null &amp;&amp; !rpd.isIncludeTimestampOptional()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L77"> throw new RampartException(&quot;timestampMissing&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L83"> List&lt;WSEncryptionPart&gt; encryptedParts = RampartUtil.getEncryptedParts(rmd);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L84" title="2 of 6 branches missed."> if(rpd != null &amp;&amp; rpd.isSignatureProtection() &amp;&amp; isSignatureRequired(rmd)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L86"> String sigId = RampartUtil.getSigElementId(rmd);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L88"> encryptedParts.add(RampartUtil.createEncryptionPart(WSConstants.SIG_LN, sigId, WSConstants.SIG_NS,</span>
<span class="fc" id="L92"> List&lt;WSEncryptionPart&gt; signatureParts = RampartUtil.getSignedParts(rmd);</span>
//Timestamp is not included in sig parts
<span class="pc bpc" id="L95" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (rpd != null) {</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L96" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if (tsResult != null || !rpd.isIncludeTimestampOptional()) {</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L97" title="All 4 branches covered."> if (rpd.isIncludeTimestamp()</span>
&amp;&amp; !rpd.isTransportBinding()) {
<span class="fc" id="L99"> signatureParts.add(RampartUtil.createEncryptionPart(WSConstants.TIMESTAMP_TOKEN_LN, &quot;timestamp&quot;));</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L104" title="All 2 branches covered."> if(!rmd.isInitiator()) {</span>
//Just an indicator for EndorsingSupportingToken signature
<span class="fc" id="L107"> SupportingToken endSupportingToken = null;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L108" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (rpd != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L109"> endSupportingToken = rpd.getEndorsingSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L112" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if(endSupportingToken != null &amp;&amp; !endSupportingToken.isOptional()) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L113"> SignedEncryptedParts endSignedParts = endSupportingToken.getSignedParts();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L114" title="8 of 10 branches missed."> if((endSignedParts != null &amp;&amp; !endSignedParts.isOptional() &amp;&amp;</span>
(endSignedParts.isBody() ||
endSignedParts.getHeaders().size() &gt; 0)) ||
rpd.isIncludeTimestamp()) {
<span class="fc" id="L119"> signatureParts.add(RampartUtil.createEncryptionPart(&quot;EndorsingSupportingTokens&quot;,</span>
//Just an indicator for SignedEndorsingSupportingToken signature
<span class="fc" id="L124"> SupportingToken sgndEndSupportingToken = null;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L125" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (rpd != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L126"> sgndEndSupportingToken = rpd.getSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L128" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if(sgndEndSupportingToken != null &amp;&amp; !sgndEndSupportingToken.isOptional()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L129"> SignedEncryptedParts sgndEndSignedParts = sgndEndSupportingToken.getSignedParts();</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L130" title="All 10 branches missed."> if((sgndEndSignedParts != null &amp;&amp; !sgndEndSignedParts.isOptional() &amp;&amp;</span>
(sgndEndSignedParts.isBody() ||
sgndEndSignedParts.getHeaders().size() &gt; 0)) ||
rpd.isIncludeTimestamp()) {
<span class="nc" id="L135"> signatureParts.add(RampartUtil.createEncryptionPart(&quot;SignedEndorsingSupportingTokens&quot;,</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L140" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (rpd != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L141"> List&lt;SupportingToken&gt; supportingToks = rpd.getSupportingTokensList();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L142" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (SupportingToken supportingToken : supportingToks) {</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L143" title="2 of 4 branches missed."> if (supportingToken != null &amp;&amp; !supportingToken.isOptional()) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L144"> SupportingPolicyData policyData = new SupportingPolicyData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L145">;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L146"> encryptedParts.addAll(RampartUtil.getSupportingEncryptedParts(rmd, policyData));</span>
<span class="fc" id="L147"> signatureParts.addAll(RampartUtil.getSupportingSignedParts(rmd, policyData));</span>
<span class="fc" id="L149"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L153"> validateEncrSig(data,encryptedParts, signatureParts, results);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L155" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if(rpd != null &amp;&amp; !rpd.isTransportBinding()) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L156"> validateProtectionOrder(data, results);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L159"> validateEncryptedParts(data, encryptedParts, results);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L161"> validateSignedPartsHeaders(data, signatureParts, results);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L163"> validateRequiredElements(data);</span>
//Supporting tokens
<span class="fc bfc" id="L166" title="All 2 branches covered."> if(!rmd.isInitiator()) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L167"> validateSupportingTokens(data, results);</span>
* Now we can check the certificate used to sign the message. In the
* following implementation the certificate is only trusted if either it
* itself or the certificate of the issuer is installed in the keystore.
* Note: the method verifyTrust(X509Certificate) allows custom
* implementations with other validation algorithms for subclasses.
// Extract the signature action result from the action vector
<span class="fc" id="L180"> WSSecurityEngineResult actionResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(</span>
results, WSConstants.SIGN);
<span class="fc bfc" id="L183" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (actionResult != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L184"> X509Certificate returnCert = (X509Certificate) actionResult</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L187" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (returnCert != null) {</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L188" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (!verifyTrust(returnCert, rmd)) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L189"> throw new RampartException (&quot;trustVerificationError&quot;);</span>
* Perform further checks on the timestamp that was transmitted in the
* header.
* In the following implementation the timestamp is valid if :
* Timestamp-&gt;Created &lt; 'now' &lt; Timestamp-&gt;Expires.
* (Last test handled by WSS4J also if timeStampStrict enabled)
* Note: the method verifyTimestamp(Timestamp) allows custom
* implementations with other validation algorithms for subclasses.
// Extract the timestamp action result from the action vector
<span class="fc" id="L206"> actionResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.TS);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L208" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (actionResult != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L209"> Timestamp timestamp = (Timestamp) actionResult</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L212" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (timestamp != null) {</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L213" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (!verifyTimestamp(timestamp, rmd)) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L214"> throw new RampartException(&quot;cannotValidateTimestamp&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L218"> }</span>
* @param encryptedParts
* @param signatureParts
protected void validateEncrSig(ValidatorData data,List&lt;WSEncryptionPart&gt; encryptedParts,
List&lt;WSEncryptionPart&gt; signatureParts, List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results)
throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L227"> List&lt;Integer&gt; actions = getSigEncrActions(results);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L228"> boolean sig = false; </span>
<span class="fc" id="L229"> boolean encr = false;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L230" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object action : actions) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L231"> Integer act = (Integer) action;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L232" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (act == WSConstants.SIGN) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L233"> sig = true;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L234" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> } else if (act == WSConstants.ENCR) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L235"> encr = true;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L237"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L239"> RampartPolicyData rpd = data.getRampartMessageData().getPolicyData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L241"> SupportingToken sgndSupTokens = rpd.getSignedSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L242"> SupportingToken sgndEndorSupTokens = rpd.getSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L244" title="9 of 12 branches missed."> if(sig &amp;&amp; signatureParts.size() == 0 </span>
&amp;&amp; (sgndSupTokens == null || sgndSupTokens.getTokens().size() == 0)
&amp;&amp; (sgndEndorSupTokens == null || sgndEndorSupTokens.getTokens().size() == 0)) {
//Unexpected signature
<span class="nc" id="L249"> throw new RampartException(&quot;unexprectedSignature&quot;);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L250" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> } else if(!sig &amp;&amp; signatureParts.size() &gt; 0) {</span>
//required signature missing
<span class="nc" id="L253"> throw new RampartException(&quot;signatureMissing&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L256" title="All 4 branches covered."> if(encr &amp;&amp; encryptedParts.size() == 0) {</span>
//Check whether its just an encrypted key
<span class="fc" id="L259"> List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; list = this.getResults(results, WSConstants.ENCR);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L261"> boolean encrDataFound = false;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L262" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSSecurityEngineResult result : list) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L263"> ArrayList dataRefURIs = (ArrayList) result.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_DATA_REF_URIS);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L264" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if (dataRefURIs != null &amp;&amp; dataRefURIs.size() != 0) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L265"> encrDataFound = true;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L267"> }</span>
//TODO check whether the encrptedDataFound is an UsernameToken
<span class="pc bpc" id="L269" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if(encrDataFound &amp;&amp; !isUsernameTokenPresent(data)) {</span>
//Unexpected encryption
<span class="nc" id="L271"> throw new RampartException(&quot;unexprectedEncryptedPart&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L273" title="All 4 branches covered."> } else if(!encr &amp;&amp; encryptedParts.size() &gt; 0) {</span>
//required signature missing
<span class="fc" id="L276"> throw new RampartException(&quot;encryptionMissing&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L278"> }</span>
* @param data
* @param results
protected void validateSupportingTokens(ValidatorData data, List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results)
throws RampartException {
//Check for UsernameToken
<span class="fc" id="L288"> RampartPolicyData rpd = data.getRampartMessageData().getPolicyData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L289"> List&lt;SupportingToken&gt; supportingTokens = rpd.getSupportingTokensList();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L290" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (SupportingToken suppTok : supportingTokens) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L291"> handleSupportingTokens(results, suppTok);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L292"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L293"> SupportingToken signedSuppToken = rpd.getSignedSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L294"> handleSupportingTokens(results, signedSuppToken);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L295"> SupportingToken signedEndSuppToken = rpd.getSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L296"> handleSupportingTokens(results, signedEndSuppToken);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L297"> SupportingToken endSuppToken = rpd.getEndorsingSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L298"> handleSupportingTokens(results, endSuppToken);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L299"> }</span>
* @param results
* @param suppTok
* @throws RampartException
protected void handleSupportingTokens(List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results, SupportingToken suppTok) throws RampartException {
<span class="fc bfc" id="L308" title="All 2 branches covered."> if(suppTok == null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L309"> return;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L312"> ArrayList tokens = suppTok.getTokens();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L313" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object objectToken : tokens) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L314"> Token token = (Token) objectToken;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L315" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (token instanceof UsernameToken) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L316"> UsernameToken ut = (UsernameToken) token;</span>
//Check presence of a UsernameToken
<span class="fc" id="L318"> WSSecurityEngineResult utResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.UT);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L320" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if (utResult == null &amp;&amp; !ut.isOptional()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L321"> throw new RampartException(&quot;usernameTokenMissing&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L324"> wssUt = </span>
( utResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_USERNAME_TOKEN);
<span class="pc bpc" id="L327" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if(ut.isNoPassword() &amp;&amp; wssUt.getPassword() != null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L328"> throw new RampartException(&quot;invalidUsernameTokenType&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L331" title="All 4 branches covered."> if(ut.isHashPassword() &amp;&amp; !wssUt.isHashed()) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L332"> throw new RampartException(&quot;invalidUsernameTokenType&quot;);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L333" title="2 of 6 branches missed."> } else if (!ut.isHashPassword() &amp;&amp; (wssUt.getPassword() == null ||</span>
!wssUt.getPasswordType().equals(WSConstants.PASSWORD_TEXT))) {
<span class="nc" id="L335"> throw new RampartException(&quot;invalidUsernameTokenType&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L340" title="All 2 branches covered."> } else if (token instanceof IssuedToken) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L341"> WSSecurityEngineResult samlResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.ST_SIGNED);</span>
// Then check for unsigned saml tokens
<span class="pc bpc" id="L343" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (samlResult == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L344"> log.debug(&quot;No signed SAMLToken found. Looking for unsigned SAMLTokens&quot;);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L345"> samlResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.ST_UNSIGNED);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L347" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (samlResult == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L348"> throw new RampartException(&quot;samlTokenMissing&quot;);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L350" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> } else if (token instanceof X509Token) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L351"> X509Token x509Token = (X509Token) token;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L352"> WSSecurityEngineResult x509Result = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.BST);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L353" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if (x509Result == null &amp;&amp; !x509Token.isOptional()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L354"> throw new RampartException(&quot;binaryTokenMissing&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L357"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L358"> }</span>
* @param data
* @param results
protected void validateProtectionOrder(ValidatorData data, List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results)
throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L370"> String protectionOrder = data.getRampartMessageData().getPolicyData().getProtectionOrder();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L371"> List&lt;Integer&gt; sigEncrActions = this.getSigEncrActions(results);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L373" title="All 2 branches covered."> if(sigEncrActions.size() &lt; 2) {</span>
//There are no results to COMPARE
<span class="fc" id="L375"> return;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L378"> boolean sigNotPresent = true; </span>
<span class="fc" id="L379"> boolean encrNotPresent = true;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L381" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object sigEncrAction : sigEncrActions) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L382"> Integer act = (Integer) sigEncrAction;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L383" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (act == WSConstants.SIGN) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L384"> sigNotPresent = false;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L385" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> } else if (act == WSConstants.ENCR) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L386"> encrNotPresent = false;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L388"> }</span>
// Only one action is present, so there is no order to check
<span class="pc bpc" id="L391" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if ( sigNotPresent || encrNotPresent ) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L392"> return;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L396"> boolean done = false;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L397" title="All 2 branches covered."> if(SPConstants.SIGN_BEFORE_ENCRYPTING.equals(protectionOrder)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L399"> boolean sigFound = false;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L400"> for (Iterator iter = sigEncrActions.iterator(); </span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L401" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> iter.hasNext() || !done;) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L402"> Integer act = (Integer);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L403" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if(act == WSConstants.ENCR &amp;&amp; ! sigFound ) {</span>
// We found ENCR and SIGN has not been found - break and fail
<span class="nc" id="L405"> break;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L407" title="All 2 branches covered."> if(act == WSConstants.SIGN) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L408"> sigFound = true;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L409" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> } else if(sigFound) {</span>
//We have an ENCR action after sig
<span class="fc" id="L411"> done = true;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L413"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L415"> } else {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L416"> boolean encrFound = false;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L417" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object sigEncrAction : sigEncrActions) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L418"> Integer act = (Integer) sigEncrAction;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L419" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if (act == WSConstants.SIGN &amp;&amp; !encrFound) {</span>
// We found SIGN and ENCR has not been found - break and fail
<span class="nc" id="L421"> break;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L423" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (act == WSConstants.ENCR) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L424"> encrFound = true;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L425" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> } else if (encrFound) {</span>
//We have an ENCR action after sig
<span class="fc" id="L427"> done = true;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L429"> }</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L432" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if(!done) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L433"> throw new RampartException(&quot;protectionOrderMismatch&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L435"> }</span>
protected List&lt;Integer&gt; getSigEncrActions(List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results) {
<span class="fc" id="L439"> List&lt;Integer&gt; sigEncrActions = new ArrayList&lt;Integer&gt;();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L440" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSSecurityEngineResult result : results) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L441"> Integer action = (Integer) (result)</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L444" title="All 4 branches covered."> if (WSConstants.SIGN == action || WSConstants.ENCR == action) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L445"> sigEncrActions.add(action);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L448"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L449"> return sigEncrActions;</span>
protected void validateEncryptedParts(ValidatorData data,
List&lt;WSEncryptionPart&gt; encryptedParts, List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results)
throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L456"> RampartMessageData rmd = data.getRampartMessageData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L458"> ArrayList encrRefs = getEncryptedReferences(results);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L460"> RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData();</span>
// build the list of encrypted nodes based on the dataRefs xpath expressions
<span class="fc" id="L463"> SOAPEnvelope envelope = rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L464"> Set namespaces = RampartUtil.findAllPrefixNamespaces(envelope,</span>
<span class="fc" id="L467"> Map decryptedElements = new HashMap();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L468" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object encrRef : encrRefs) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L469"> WSDataRef dataRef = (WSDataRef) encrRef;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L471" title="2 of 4 branches missed."> if (dataRef == null || dataRef.getXpath() == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L472"> continue;</span>
try {
<span class="fc" id="L476"> XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath(dataRef.getXpath());</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L478" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object namespaceObject : namespaces) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L479"> OMNamespace tmpNs = (OMNamespace) namespaceObject;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L480"> xp.addNamespace(tmpNs.getPrefix(), tmpNs.getNamespaceURI());</span>
<span class="fc" id="L481"> }</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L483" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object o : xp.selectNodes(envelope)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L484"> decryptedElements.put(o, dataRef.isContent());</span>
<span class="fc" id="L485"> }</span>
<span class="nc" id="L488"> } catch (JaxenException e) {</span>
// This has to be changed to propagate an instance of a RampartException up
<span class="nc" id="L490"> throw new RampartException(&quot;An error occurred while searching for decrypted elements.&quot;, e);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L491"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L493"> }</span>
//Check for encrypted body
<span class="pc bpc" id="L496" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if(rpd.isEncryptBody()&amp;&amp; !rpd.isEncryptBodyOptional()) {</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L498" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if( !isRefIdPresent(encrRefs, data.getBodyEncrDataId())){</span>
<span class="nc" id="L499"> throw new RampartException(&quot;encryptedPartMissing&quot;, </span>
new String[]{data.getBodyEncrDataId()});
<span class="fc bfc" id="L504" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSEncryptionPart encryptedPart : encryptedParts) {</span>
//This is the encrypted Body and we already checked encrypted body
<span class="fc bfc" id="L507" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (encryptedPart.getName().equals(WSConstants.ELEM_BODY)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L508"> continue;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L511" title="1 of 6 branches missed."> if ((WSConstants.SIG_LN.equals(encryptedPart.getName()) &amp;&amp;</span>
|| encryptedPart.getEncModifier().equals(WSConstants.ELEM_HEADER)) {
<span class="pc bpc" id="L514" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (!isRefIdPresent(encrRefs, new QName(encryptedPart.getNamespace(), encryptedPart.getName()))) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L515"> throw new RampartException(&quot;encryptedPartMissing&quot;,</span>
new String[]{encryptedPart.getNamespace() + &quot;:&quot; + encryptedPart.getName()});
// it is not a header or body part... verify encrypted xpath elements
<span class="fc" id="L522"> String xpath = encryptedPart.getXpath();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L523"> boolean found = false;</span>
try {
<span class="fc" id="L525"> XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L527" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object namespaceObject : namespaces) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L528"> OMNamespace tmpNs = (OMNamespace) namespaceObject;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L529"> xp.addNamespace(tmpNs.getPrefix(), tmpNs.getNamespaceURI());</span>
<span class="fc" id="L530"> }</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L532" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> for (Object o : xp.selectNodes(envelope)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L533"> Object result = decryptedElements.get(o);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L534" title="2 of 4 branches missed."> if (result != null &amp;&amp;</span>
^ (Boolean) result)) {
<span class="fc" id="L537"> found = true;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L538"> break;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L540"> }</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L542" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (!found) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L543"> throw new RampartException(&quot;encryptedPartMissing&quot;,</span>
new String[]{xpath});
<span class="nc" id="L548"> } catch (JaxenException e) {</span>
// This has to be changed to propagate an instance of a RampartException up
<span class="nc" id="L550"> throw new RampartException(&quot;An error occurred while searching for decrypted elements.&quot;, e);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L551"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L553"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L555"> }</span>
public void validateRequiredElements(ValidatorData data) throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L559"> RampartMessageData rmd = data.getRampartMessageData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L561"> RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L563"> SOAPEnvelope envelope = rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L565" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (String expression : rpd.getRequiredElements()) {</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L567" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (!RampartUtil.checkRequiredElements(envelope, rpd.getDeclaredNamespaces(), expression)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L568"> throw new RampartException(&quot;requiredElementsMissing&quot;, new String[]{expression});</span>
<span class="fc" id="L570"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L572"> }</span>
protected void validateSignedPartsHeaders(ValidatorData data, List&lt;WSEncryptionPart&gt; signatureParts,
List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results)
throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L578"> RampartMessageData rmd = data.getRampartMessageData();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L580"> Node envelope = rmd.getDocument().getFirstChild();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L582"> WSSecurityEngineResult[] actionResults = fetchActionResults(results, WSConstants.SIGN);</span>
// Find elements that are signed
<span class="fc" id="L585"> List&lt;QName&gt; actuallySigned = new ArrayList&lt;QName&gt;();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L586" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (actionResults != null) {</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L587" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSSecurityEngineResult actionResult : actionResults) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L589"> List wsDataRefs = (List) actionResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_DATA_REF_URIS);</span>
// if header was encrypted before it was signed, protected
// element is 'EncryptedHeader.' the actual element is
// first child element
<span class="fc bfc" id="L595" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (Object objectDataReference : wsDataRefs) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L596"> WSDataRef wsDataRef = (WSDataRef) objectDataReference;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L597"> Element protectedElement = wsDataRef.getProtectedElement();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L598" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (protectedElement.getLocalName().equals(&quot;EncryptedHeader&quot;)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L599"> NodeList nodeList = protectedElement.getChildNodes();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L600" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> for (int x = 0; x &lt; nodeList.getLength(); x++) {</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L601" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (nodeList.item(x).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L602"> String ns = (nodeList.item(x)).getNamespaceURI();</span>
<span class="nc" id="L603"> String ln = (nodeList.item(x)).getLocalName();</span>
<span class="nc" id="L604"> actuallySigned.add(new QName(ns, ln));</span>
<span class="nc" id="L605"> break;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L608"> } else {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L609"> String ns = protectedElement.getNamespaceURI();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L610"> String ln = protectedElement.getLocalName();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L611"> actuallySigned.add(new QName(ns, ln));</span>
<span class="fc" id="L613"> }</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L618" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSEncryptionPart wsep : signatureParts) {</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L619" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (wsep.getName().equals(WSConstants.ELEM_BODY)) {</span>
QName bodyQName;
<span class="fc bfc" id="L623" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (WSConstants.URI_SOAP11_ENV.equals(envelope.getNamespaceURI())) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L624"> bodyQName = new SOAP11Constants().getBodyQName();</span>
} else {
<span class="fc" id="L626"> bodyQName = new SOAP12Constants().getBodyQName();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L629" title="3 of 4 branches missed."> if (!actuallySigned.contains(bodyQName) &amp;&amp; !rmd.getPolicyData().isSignBodyOptional()) {</span>
// soap body is not signed
<span class="nc" id="L631"> throw new RampartException(&quot;bodyNotSigned&quot;);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L634" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> } else if (wsep.getName().equals(WSConstants.ELEM_HEADER) ||</span>
wsep.getXpath() != null) {
// TODO earlier this was wsep.getType() == WSConstants.PART_TYPE_ELEMENT
// This means that encrypted element of an XPath expression type. Therefore we are checking
// now whether an XPath expression exists. - Verify
<span class="fc" id="L640"> Element element = WSSecurityUtil.findElement(</span>
envelope, wsep.getName(), wsep.getNamespace());
<span class="pc bpc" id="L643" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (element == null) {</span>
// The signedpart header or element we are checking is not present in
// soap envelope - this is allowed
<span class="nc" id="L646"> continue;</span>
// header or the element present in soap envelope - verify that it is part of signature
<span class="pc bpc" id="L650" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (actuallySigned.contains(new QName(element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getLocalName()))) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L651"> continue;</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L654" title="All 2 branches missed."> String msg = wsep.getXpath() != null ?</span>
&quot;signedPartHeaderNotSigned&quot; : &quot;signedElementNotSigned&quot;;
// header or the element defined in policy is present but not signed
<span class="nc" id="L658"> throw new RampartException(msg, new String[]{wsep.getNamespace() + &quot;:&quot; + wsep.getName()});</span>
<span class="fc" id="L661"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L662"> }</span>
protected boolean isSignatureRequired(RampartMessageData rmd) {
<span class="fc" id="L666"> RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L667" title="6 of 16 branches missed."> return (rpd.isSymmetricBinding() &amp;&amp; rpd.getSignatureToken() != null) ||</span>
(!rpd.isSymmetricBinding() &amp;&amp; !rpd.isTransportBinding() &amp;&amp;
((rpd.getInitiatorToken() != null &amp;&amp; rmd.isInitiator())
|| rpd.getRecipientToken() != null &amp;&amp; !rmd.isInitiator()));
* Verify whether timestamp of the message is valid.
* If timeStampStrict is enabled in rampartConfig; testing of timestamp has not expired
* ('now' is before ts-&gt;Expires) is also handled earlier by WSS4J without timeskew.
* TODO must write unit tests
protected boolean verifyTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp, RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L682"> long maxSkew = RampartUtil.getTimestampMaxSkew(rmd);</span>
//Verify that ts-&gt;Created is before 'now'
<span class="fc" id="L685"> Date createdTime = timestamp.getCreated();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L686" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (createdTime != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L687"> long now = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();</span>
//calculate the tolerance limit for timeskew of the 'Created' in timestamp
<span class="pc bpc" id="L690" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (maxSkew &gt; 0) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L691"> now += (maxSkew * 1000);</span>
// fail if ts-&gt;Created is after 'now'
<span class="pc bpc" id="L695" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (createdTime.getTime() &gt; now) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L696"> return false;</span>
//Verify that ts-&gt;Expires is after now.
<span class="fc" id="L701"> Date expires = timestamp.getExpires();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L703" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (expires != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L704"> long now = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();</span>
//calculate the tolerance limit for timeskew of the 'Expires' in timestamp
<span class="pc bpc" id="L706" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (maxSkew &gt; 0) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L707"> now -= (maxSkew * 1000);</span>
//fail if ts-&gt;Expires is before 'now'
<span class="pc bpc" id="L710" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (expires.getTime() &lt; now) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L711"> return false;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L715"> return true;</span>
* Evaluate whether a given certificate should be trusted.
* Hook to allow subclasses to implement custom validation methods however they see fit.
* &lt;p&gt;
* Policy used in this implementation:
* 1. Search the keystore for the transmitted certificate
* 2. Search the keystore for a connection to the transmitted certificate
* (that is, search for certificate(s) of the issuer of the transmitted certificate
* 3. Verify the trust path for those certificates found because the search for the issuer might be fooled by a phony DN (String!)
* @param cert the certificate that should be validated against the keystore
* @param rmd To get signature keystore information.
* @return true if the certificate is trusted, false if not (AxisFault is thrown for exceptions during CertPathValidation)
* @throws RampartException If an error occurred during validation.
protected boolean verifyTrust(X509Certificate cert, RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException {
// If no certificate was transmitted, do not trust the signature
<span class="pc bpc" id="L736" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (cert == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L737"> return false;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L740"> Crypto crypto = RampartUtil.getSignatureCrypto(</span>
// TODO removing this with WSS4J 1.6 migration. We do not have a way to get alias
// Therefore cannot set alias to message context. What will be affected from this ?
// rmd.getMsgContext().setProperty(RampartMessageData.SIGNATURE_CERT_ALIAS, alias);
// TODO this validation we are doing in SignatureProcessor.handleToken (WSS4J) So why we need to do again ?
// investigate
<span class="fc" id="L752"> return isCertificateTrusted(cert, crypto);</span>
* TODO - This is directly copied from WSS4J (SignatureTrustValidator).
* We need to use to Validators instead of following code. REFACTOR later.
* Evaluate whether a given certificate should be trusted.
* Policy used in this implementation:
* 1. Search the keystore for the transmitted certificate
* 2. Search the keystore for a connection to the transmitted certificate
* (that is, search for certificate(s) of the issuer of the transmitted certificate
* 3. Verify the trust path for those certificates found because the search for the issuer
* might be fooled by a phony DN (String!)
* @param cert the certificate that should be validated against the keystore
* @param crypto A crypto instance to use for trust validation
* @return true if the certificate is trusted, false if not
* @throws RampartException If an error occurred during validation.
protected boolean isCertificateTrusted(
X509Certificate cert,
Crypto crypto
) throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L779"> String subjectString = cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L780"> String issuerString = cert.getIssuerX500Principal().getName();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L781"> BigInteger issuerSerial = cert.getSerialNumber();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L783" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L784"> log.debug(&quot;Transmitted certificate has subject &quot; + subjectString);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L785"> log.debug(</span>
&quot;Transmitted certificate has issuer &quot; + issuerString + &quot; (serial &quot;
+ issuerSerial + &quot;)&quot;
// FIRST step - Search the keystore for the transmitted certificate
<span class="pc bpc" id="L794" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (isCertificateInKeyStore(crypto, cert)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L795"> return true;</span>
// SECOND step - Search for the issuer cert (chain) of the transmitted certificate in the
// keystore or the truststore
<span class="nc" id="L802"> CryptoType cryptoType = new CryptoType(CryptoType.TYPE.SUBJECT_DN);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L803"> cryptoType.setSubjectDN(issuerString);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L804"> X509Certificate[] foundCerts = new X509Certificate[0];</span>
try {
<span class="nc" id="L806"> foundCerts = crypto.getX509Certificates(cryptoType);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L807"> } catch (WSSecurityException e) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L808"> throw new RampartException(&quot;noCertForSubject&quot;, e);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L809"> }</span>
// If the certs have not been found, the issuer is not in the keystore/truststore
// As a direct result, do not trust the transmitted certificate
<span class="nc bnc" id="L813" title="All 4 branches missed."> if (foundCerts == null || foundCerts.length &lt; 1) {</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L814" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L815"> log.debug(</span>
&quot;No certs found in keystore for issuer &quot; + issuerString
+ &quot; of certificate for &quot; + subjectString
<span class="nc" id="L820"> return false;</span>
// THIRD step
// Check the certificate trust path for the issuer cert chain
<span class="nc bnc" id="L827" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L828"> log.debug(</span>
&quot;Preparing to validate certificate path for issuer &quot; + issuerString
// Form a certificate chain from the transmitted certificate
// and the certificate(s) of the issuer from the keystore/truststore
<span class="nc" id="L836"> X509Certificate[] x509certs = new X509Certificate[foundCerts.length + 1];</span>
<span class="nc" id="L837"> x509certs[0] = cert;</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L838" title="All 2 branches missed."> for (int j = 0; j &lt; foundCerts.length; j++) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L839"> x509certs[j + 1] = (X509Certificate)foundCerts[j];</span>
// Use the validation method from the crypto to check whether the subjects'
// certificate was really signed by the issuer stated in the certificate
// TODO we need to configure enable revocation ...
try {
<span class="nc bnc" id="L848" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (crypto.verifyTrust(x509certs, false)) {</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L849" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L850"> log.debug(</span>
&quot;Certificate path has been verified for certificate with subject &quot;
+ subjectString
<span class="nc" id="L855"> return true;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L857"> } catch (WSSecurityException e) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L858"> throw new RampartException(&quot;certPathVerificationFailed&quot;, e);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L859"> }</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L861" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L862"> log.debug(</span>
&quot;Certificate path could not be verified for certificate with subject &quot;
+ subjectString
<span class="nc" id="L867"> return false;</span>
* Check to see if the certificate argument is in the keystore
* TODO Directly copied from WSS4J (SignatureTrustValidator) - Optimize later
* @param crypto A Crypto instance to use for trust validation
* @param cert The certificate to check
* @return true if cert is in the keystore
* @throws RampartException If certificates are not found for given issuer and serial number.
protected boolean isCertificateInKeyStore(
Crypto crypto,
X509Certificate cert
) throws RampartException {
<span class="fc" id="L882"> String issuerString = cert.getIssuerX500Principal().getName();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L883"> BigInteger issuerSerial = cert.getSerialNumber();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L885"> CryptoType cryptoType = new CryptoType(CryptoType.TYPE.ISSUER_SERIAL);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L886"> cryptoType.setIssuerSerial(issuerString, issuerSerial);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L887"> X509Certificate[] foundCerts = new X509Certificate[0];</span>
try {
<span class="fc" id="L889"> foundCerts = crypto.getX509Certificates(cryptoType);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L890"> } catch (WSSecurityException e) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L891"> throw new RampartException(&quot;noCertificatesForIssuer&quot;, new String[]{issuerString,</span>
issuerSerial.toString()}, e);
<span class="fc" id="L893"> }</span>
// If a certificate has been found, the certificates must be compared
// to ensure against phony DNs (compare encoded form including signature)
<span class="pc bpc" id="L899" title="3 of 6 branches missed."> if (foundCerts != null &amp;&amp; foundCerts[0] != null &amp;&amp; foundCerts[0].equals(cert)) {</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L900" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L901"> log.debug(</span>
&quot;Direct trust for certificate with &quot; + cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName()
<span class="fc" id="L905"> return true;</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L907" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L908"> log.debug(</span>
&quot;No certificate found for subject from issuer with &quot; + issuerString
+ &quot; (serial &quot; + issuerSerial + &quot;)&quot;
<span class="nc" id="L913"> return false;</span>
protected ArrayList getEncryptedReferences(List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results) {
//there can be multiple ref lists
<span class="fc" id="L920"> List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; encrResults = getResults(results, WSConstants.ENCR);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L922"> ArrayList refs = new ArrayList();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L924" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSSecurityEngineResult engineResult : encrResults) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L925"> ArrayList dataRefUris = (ArrayList) engineResult</span>
//take only the ref list processing results
<span class="fc bfc" id="L929" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (dataRefUris != null) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L930"> for (Iterator iterator = dataRefUris.iterator(); iterator</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L931" title="All 2 branches covered."> .hasNext(); ) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L932"> WSDataRef uri = (WSDataRef);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L933"> refs.add(uri);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L934"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L936"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L938"> return refs;</span>
protected List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; getResults(List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; results, int action) {
<span class="fc" id="L945"> List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; list = new ArrayList&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt;();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L947" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSSecurityEngineResult result : results) {</span>
// Check the result of every action whether it matches the given
// action
<span class="fc" id="L950"> Integer actInt = (Integer) result.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L951" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (actInt == action) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L952"> list.add(result);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L954"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L956"> return list;</span>
protected boolean isUsernameTokenPresent(ValidatorData data) {
//TODO This can be integrated with supporting token processing
// which also checks whether Username Tokens present
<span class="nc" id="L964"> RampartPolicyData rpd = data.getRampartMessageData().getPolicyData();</span>
<span class="nc" id="L966"> List&lt;SupportingToken&gt; supportingToks = rpd.getSupportingTokensList();</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L967" title="All 2 branches missed."> for (SupportingToken suppTok : supportingToks) {</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L968" title="All 2 branches missed."> if (isUsernameTokenPresent(suppTok)) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L969"> return true;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L971"> }</span>
<span class="nc" id="L973"> SupportingToken signedSuppToken = rpd.getSignedSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L974" title="All 2 branches missed."> if(isUsernameTokenPresent(signedSuppToken)) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L975"> return true;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L978"> SupportingToken signedEndSuppToken = rpd.getSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L979" title="All 2 branches missed."> if(isUsernameTokenPresent(signedEndSuppToken)) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L980"> return true;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L983"> SupportingToken endSuppToken = rpd.getEndorsingSupportingTokens();</span>
<span class="nc" id="L984"> return isUsernameTokenPresent(endSuppToken);</span>
protected boolean isUsernameTokenPresent(SupportingToken suppTok) {
<span class="nc bnc" id="L991" title="All 2 branches missed."> if(suppTok == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L992"> return false;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L995"> ArrayList tokens = suppTok.getTokens();</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L996" title="All 2 branches missed."> for (Iterator iter = tokens.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L997"> Token token = (Token);</span>
<span class="nc bnc" id="L998" title="All 2 branches missed."> if(token instanceof UsernameToken) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L999"> return true;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1001"> }</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1003"> return false;</span>
private boolean isRefIdPresent(ArrayList refList , String id) {
<span class="pc bpc" id="L1008" title="2 of 4 branches missed."> if(id != null &amp;&amp; id.charAt(0) == '#') {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1009"> id = id.substring(1);</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L1012" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> for (Object aRefList : refList) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1013"> WSDataRef dataRef = (WSDataRef) aRefList;</span>
//ArrayList can contain null elements
<span class="pc bpc" id="L1016" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (dataRef == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1017"> continue;</span>
//Try to get the wsuId of the decrypted element
<span class="fc" id="L1020"> String dataRefUri = dataRef.getWsuId();</span>
//If not found, try the reference Id of encrypted element ( we set the same Id when we
// decrypted element in WSS4J)
// TODO wsu id must present. We need to find the scenario where it is not set
// if (dataRefUri == null) {
// dataRefUri = dataRef.getProtectedElement().getAttribute(&quot;Id&quot;); // TODO check whether this is correct
// earlier it was dataRefUri = dataRef.getDataref();
<span class="pc bpc" id="L1028" title="2 of 4 branches missed."> if (dataRefUri != null &amp;&amp; dataRefUri.equals(id)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1029"> return true;</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1031"> }</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1033"> return false;</span>
public static WSSecurityEngineResult[] fetchActionResults(List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; wsSecurityEngineResults, int action) {
<span class="fc" id="L1038"> List&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt; wsResult = new ArrayList&lt;WSSecurityEngineResult&gt;();</span>
// Find the part of the security result that matches the given action
<span class="fc bfc" id="L1041" title="All 2 branches covered."> for (WSSecurityEngineResult wsSecurityEngineResult : wsSecurityEngineResults) {</span>
// Check the result of every action whether it matches the given action
<span class="fc" id="L1043"> WSSecurityEngineResult result = (WSSecurityEngineResult) wsSecurityEngineResult;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1044"> int resultAction = (Integer) result.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L1045" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (resultAction == action) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1046"> wsResult.add(wsSecurityEngineResult);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1048"> }</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1050"> return wsResult.toArray(new WSSecurityEngineResult[wsResult</span>
private boolean isRefIdPresent(ArrayList refList , QName qname) {
<span class="pc bpc" id="L1056" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> for (Object aRefList : refList) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1057"> WSDataRef dataRef = (WSDataRef) aRefList;</span>
//ArrayList can contain null elements
<span class="pc bpc" id="L1060" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (dataRef == null) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1061"> continue;</span>
//QName of the decrypted element
<span class="fc" id="L1064"> QName dataRefQName = dataRef.getName();</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L1066" title="1 of 4 branches missed."> if (dataRefQName != null &amp;&amp; dataRefQName.equals(qname)) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1067"> return true;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L1070"> }</span>
<span class="nc" id="L1072"> return false;</span>
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