blob: f8147a845122e7f31215a1e75e4b5c74a87779df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package test.interop.whitemesa.round2;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import test.interop.whitemesa.SunClient;
import test.interop.whitemesa.SunClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.WhiteMesaIneterop;
import test.interop.whitemesa.WhiteMesaConstants;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoBase64ClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoBooleanClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoDateClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoDecimalClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoFloatArrayClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoFloatClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoHexBinaryClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoIntegerArrayclientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoIntegerClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoStringArrayClientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoStringclientUtil;
import test.interop.whitemesa.round2.util.Round2EchoStructArrayClientUtil;
* class GSRound2InteropTest
* To test Interoperability Axis2 clients vs gSOAP Server, Round2
* WSDLs:-
* "base"
* "Group B"
* "Group C"
* Todo - The commented Tests are failing.
* IMO: the request and response SOAP envelopes are correct.
* Some of the test cases that work on float values may fail since the endpoint seems to be sending
* approximated values for e.g.: 47.459999 as the echo of 47.46
public class GSRound2InteropTest extends WhiteMesaIneterop {
SOAPEnvelope retEnv = null;
File file = null;
String url = "";
String soapAction = "";
String resFilePath = "interop/whitemesa/round2/";
String tempPath = "";
SunClientUtil util;
SunClient client = new SunClient();
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GSRound2InteropTest.class);
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoString
public void testR2BaseEchoString() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoStringclientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseStringRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoStringArray
public void testR2BaseEchoStringArray() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoStringArrayClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseStringArrayRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoInteger
public void testR2BaseEchoInteger() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoIntegerClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseIntegerRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoIntegerArray
public void testR2BaseEchoIntegerArray() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoIntegerArrayclientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseIntegerArrayRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoFloat
public void testR2BaseEchoFloat() throws AxisFault {"This may fail if the echoed float value is different");
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoFloatClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseFloatRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoFloatArray
public void testR2BaseEchoFloatArray() throws AxisFault {"This may fail if an echoed float value is different");
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoFloatArrayClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseFloatArrayRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoStruct
/*public void testRBaseEchoStruct() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoStructClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseStructRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoStructArray
public void testR2BaseEchoStructArray() throws AxisFault {"This may fail if an echoed float value is different");
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoStructArrayClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseStructArrayRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoVoid
/*public void testR2BaseEchoVoid() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoVoidClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseVoidRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoBase64
public void testR2BaseEchoBase64() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoBase64ClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseBase64Res.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoDate
public void testR2BaseEchoDate() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoDateClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseDateRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoHexBinary
public void testR2BaseEchoHexBinary() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoHexBinaryClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseHexBinaryRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoDecimal
public void testR2BaseEchoDecimal() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoDecimalClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseDecimalRes.xml";
* Round2
* Group Base
* operation echoBoolean
public void testR2BaseEchoBoolean() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new Round2EchoBooleanClientUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSBaseBooleanRes.xml";
// checkR2EchoBooleanResult(retEnv);
// checkForValueInThePayload(retEnv,WhiteMesaConstants.ECHO_BOOLEAN);
* Round2
* Group B
* operation echoStructAsSimpleTypes
/* public void testR2GBEchoStructAsSimpleTypes() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new GroupbEchoStructAsSimpleTypesUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSGroupbStructAsSimpleTypesRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);
* Round2
* Group B
* operation echoSimpleTypesAsStruct
/*public void testR2GBEchoSimpleTypesAsStruct() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new GroupbEchoSimpleTypesAsStructUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSGroupbSimpletypesAsStructRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);
* Round2
* Group B
* operation echo2DStringArray
/*public void testR2GBEcho2DStringArray() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new GroupbEcho2DStringArrayUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSGroupb2DStringArrayRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);
* Round2
* Group B
* operation echoNestedStruct
/* public void testR2GBEchoNestedStruct() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new GroupbEchoNestedStructUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSGroupbNestedStructRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);
* Round2
* Group B
* operation echoNestedArray
/* public void testR2GBEchoNestedArray() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new GroupbEchoNestedArrayUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSGroupbNestedArrayRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);
* Round2
* Group C
* operation echoVoid
/*public void testR2GCEchoVoid() throws AxisFault {
url = "";
soapAction = "";
util = new GroupcVoidUtil();
retEnv = client.sendMsg(util, url, soapAction);
tempPath = resFilePath + "GSGroupcVoidRes.xml";
compareXML(retEnv, tempPath);