blob: 4870105694590f838832244aa771017fe01b63e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.emitter;
import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException;
import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.*;
import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants;
import org.apache.axis2.util.JavaUtils;
import org.apache.axis2.util.Utils;
import org.apache.axis2.util.PolicyUtil;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.PolicyInclude;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisMessage;
import org.apache.neethi.Policy;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CEmitter extends AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter {
protected static final String C_STUB_PREFIX = "axis2_stub_";
protected static final String C_SKEL_PREFIX = "axis2_skel_";
protected static final String C_SVC_SKEL_PREFIX = "axis2_svc_skel_";
protected static final String C_STUB_SUFFIX = "";
protected static final String C_SKEL_SUFFIX = "";
protected static final String C_SVC_SKEL_SUFFIX = "";
protected static final String JAVA_DEFAULT_TYPE = "";
protected static final String C_DEFAULT_TYPE = "axiom_node_t*";
protected static final String C_OUR_TYPE_PREFIX = "axis2_";
protected static final String C_OUR_TYPE_SUFFIX = "_t*";
* Emit the stub
* @throws CodeGenerationException
public void emitStub() throws CodeGenerationException {
try {
// write interface implementations
} catch (Exception e) {
//log the error here
* Emit the skeltons
* @throws CodeGenerationException
public void emitSkeleton() throws CodeGenerationException {
try {
// write skeleton
// write a Service Skeleton for this particular service.
catch( Exception e)
* Writes the Stub.
* @throws Exception
protected void writeCStub() throws Exception {
// first check for the policies in this service and write them
Document interfaceImplModel = createDOMDocumentForInterfaceImplementation();
CStubHeaderWriter writerHStub =
new CStubHeaderWriter(getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(),
writeClass(interfaceImplModel, writerHStub);
CStubSourceWriter writerCStub =
new CStubSourceWriter(getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(),
writeClass(interfaceImplModel, writerCStub);
* Writes the Skel.
* @throws Exception
protected void writeCSkel() throws Exception {
Document skeletonModel = createDOMDocumentForSkeleton(codeGenConfiguration.isServerSideInterface());
CSkelHeaderWriter skeletonWriter = new CSkelHeaderWriter(getOutputDirectory(this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(),
codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()), this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage());
writeClass(skeletonModel, skeletonWriter);
CSkelSourceWriter skeletonWriterStub = new CSkelSourceWriter(getOutputDirectory(this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(),
codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()), this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage());
writeClass(skeletonModel, skeletonWriterStub);
* @throws Exception
protected void writeCServiceSkeleton() throws Exception {
Document skeletonModel = createDOMDocumentForServiceSkeletonXML();
CSvcSkeletonWriter writer = new CSvcSkeletonWriter(getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(),
writeClass(skeletonModel, writer);
* Write the service XML
* @throws Exception
protected void writeServiceXml() throws Exception {
if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isGenerateDeployementDescriptor()) {
// Write the service xml in a folder with the
Document serviceXMLModel = createDOMDocumentForServiceXML();
ClassWriter serviceXmlWriter =
new CServiceXMLWriter(getOutputDirectory(this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(),
writeClass(serviceXMLModel, serviceXmlWriter);
* Creates the DOM tree for implementations.
protected Document createDOMDocumentForInterfaceImplementation() throws Exception {
String serviceName = axisService.getName();
String serviceTns = axisService.getTargetNamespace();
String serviceCName = makeCClassName(axisService.getName());
String stubName = C_STUB_PREFIX + serviceCName + C_STUB_SUFFIX;
Document doc = getEmptyDocument();
Element rootElement = doc.createElement("class");
addAttribute(doc, "name", stubName, rootElement);
addAttribute( doc,"prefix", stubName, rootElement); //prefix to be used by the functions
addAttribute(doc, "qname", serviceName + "|" + serviceTns, rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "servicename", serviceCName, rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "package", "", rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "namespace", serviceTns, rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "interfaceName", serviceCName, rootElement);
/* The following block of code is same as for the
* AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter createDOMDocumentForInterfaceImplementation()
// add the wrap classes flag
if (codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses()) {
addAttribute(doc, "wrapped", "yes", rootElement);
// add SOAP version
addSoapVersion(doc, rootElement);
// add the end point
addEndpoint(doc, rootElement);
// set the sync/async attributes
fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement);
// ###########################################################################################
// this block of code specifically applies to the integration of databinding code into the
// generated classes tightly (probably as inner classes)
// ###########################################################################################
// check for the special models in the mapper and if they are present process them
if (mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) {
// add an attribute to the root element showing that the writing has been skipped
addAttribute(doc, "skip-write", "yes", rootElement);
// process the mapper objects
processModelObjects(mapper.getAllMappedObjects(), rootElement, doc);
// #############################################################################################
// load the operations
loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null);
// add the databind supporters. Now the databind supporters are completly contained inside
// the stubs implementation and not visible outside
Object stubMethods;
//if some extension has added the stub methods property, add them to the
//main document
if ((stubMethods = codeGenConfiguration.getProperty("stubMethods")) != null) {
rootElement.appendChild(doc.importNode((Element) stubMethods, true));
//add another element to have the unique list of faults
return doc;
protected Document createDOMDocumentForSkeleton(boolean isSkeletonInterface) {
Document doc = getEmptyDocument();
Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interface");
String serviceCName = makeCClassName(axisService.getName());
String skelName = C_SKEL_PREFIX + serviceCName + C_SKEL_SUFFIX;
// only the name is used
addAttribute(doc, "name", skelName , rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "package", "", rootElement);
String serviceName = axisService.getName();
String serviceTns = axisService.getTargetNamespace();
addAttribute( doc,"prefix", skelName, rootElement); //prefix to be used by the functions
addAttribute(doc, "qname", serviceName + "|" + serviceTns, rootElement);
fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement);
loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null);
//attach a list of faults
return doc;
protected Document createDOMDocumentForServiceSkeletonXML() {
Document doc = getEmptyDocument();
Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interface");
String localPart = makeCClassName(axisService.getName());
String svcSkelName = C_SVC_SKEL_PREFIX + localPart + C_SVC_SKEL_SUFFIX;
String skelName = C_SKEL_PREFIX + localPart + C_SKEL_SUFFIX;
// only the name is used
addAttribute(doc, "name", svcSkelName , rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "prefix", svcSkelName , rootElement); //prefix to be used by the functions
String serviceName = axisService.getName();
String serviceTns = axisService.getTargetNamespace();
addAttribute(doc, "qname", serviceName + "|" + serviceTns, rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "svcname", skelName , rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "svcop_prefix", skelName , rootElement);
addAttribute(doc, "package", "", rootElement);
fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement);
loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null);
// add SOAP version
addSoapVersion(doc, rootElement);
//attach a list of faults
return doc;
* @param word
* @return Returns character removed string.
protected String makeCClassName(String word) {
//currently avoid only java key words and service names with '.' characters
if (JavaUtils.isJavaKeyword(word)) {
return JavaUtils.makeNonJavaKeyword(word);
return word.replace('.', '_');
* Loads the operations
* @param doc
* @param rootElement
* @param mep
* @return operations found
protected boolean loadOperations(Document doc, Element rootElement, String mep) {
Element methodElement;
String portTypeName = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName());
Iterator operations = axisService.getOperations();
boolean opsFound = false;
while (operations.hasNext()) {
AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation);
// populate info holder with mep information. This will used in determining which
// message receiver to use, etc.,
String messageExchangePattern = axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern();
if (infoHolder.get(messageExchangePattern) == null) {
infoHolder.put(messageExchangePattern, Boolean.TRUE);
if (mep == null) {
opsFound = true;
List soapHeaderInputParameterList = new ArrayList();
List soapHeaderOutputParameterList = new ArrayList();
methodElement = doc.createElement("method");
String localPart = axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart();
String opCName = makeCClassName(localPart);
String opNS = axisOperation.getName().getNamespaceURI();
addAttribute(doc, "name", opCName, methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "localpart", localPart, methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "qname", localPart+ "|"+ opNS, methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "namespace", opNS, methodElement);
String style = axisOperation.getStyle();
addAttribute(doc, "style", style, methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "dbsupportname", portTypeName + localPart + DATABINDING_SUPPORTER_NAME_SUFFIX,
addAttribute(doc, "mep", Utils.getAxisSpecifMEPConstant(axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern()) + "", methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "mepURI", axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(), methodElement);
addSOAPAction(doc, methodElement, axisOperation);
//add header ops for input
addHeaderOperations(soapHeaderInputParameterList, axisOperation, true);
//add header ops for output
addHeaderOperations(soapHeaderOutputParameterList, axisOperation, false);
PolicyInclude policyInclude = axisOperation.getPolicyInclude();
Policy policy = policyInclude.getPolicy();
if (policy != null) {
try {
addAttribute(doc, "policy", PolicyUtil.policyComponentToString(policy), methodElement);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("can't serialize the policy to a String " , ex);
methodElement.appendChild(getInputElement(doc, axisOperation, soapHeaderInputParameterList));
methodElement.appendChild(getOutputElement(doc, axisOperation, soapHeaderOutputParameterList));
methodElement.appendChild(getFaultElement(doc, axisOperation));
} else {
//mep is present - we move ahead only if the given mep matches the mep of this operation
if (mep.equals(axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern())) {
//at this point we know it's true
opsFound = true;
List soapHeaderInputParameterList = new ArrayList();
List soapHeaderOutputParameterList = new ArrayList();
methodElement = doc.createElement("method");
String localPart = axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart();
String opCName = makeCClassName(localPart);
String opNS = axisOperation.getName().getNamespaceURI();
addAttribute(doc, "name", opCName, methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "localpart", localPart, methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "qname", localPart+ "|"+ opNS, methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "namespace", axisOperation.getName().getNamespaceURI(), methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "style", axisOperation.getStyle(), methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "dbsupportname", portTypeName + localPart + DATABINDING_SUPPORTER_NAME_SUFFIX,
addAttribute(doc, "mep", Utils.getAxisSpecifMEPConstant(axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern()) + "", methodElement);
addAttribute(doc, "mepURI", axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(), methodElement);
addSOAPAction(doc, methodElement, axisOperation);
addHeaderOperations(soapHeaderInputParameterList, axisOperation, true);
addHeaderOperations(soapHeaderOutputParameterList, axisOperation, false);
* Setting the policy of the operation
Policy policy = axisOperation.getPolicyInclude().getPolicy();
if (policy != null) {
try {
addAttribute(doc, "policy",
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("can't serialize the policy to a String", ex);
axisOperation, soapHeaderInputParameterList));
axisOperation, soapHeaderOutputParameterList));
return opsFound;
* A convenient method for the generating the parameter
* element
* @param doc
* @param paramName
* @param paramType
* @param opName
* @param paramName
protected Element generateParamComponent(Document doc,
String paramName,
String paramType,
QName opName,
String partName,
boolean isPrimitive) {
Element paramElement = doc.createElement("param");
//return paramElement;/*
addAttribute(doc, "name",
paramName, paramElement);
String typeMappingStr = (paramType == null)
? ""
: paramType;
if (JAVA_DEFAULT_TYPE.equals(typeMappingStr))
typeMappingStr = C_DEFAULT_TYPE;
addAttribute(doc, "type", typeMappingStr, paramElement);
addAttribute(doc, "caps-type", typeMappingStr.toUpperCase(), paramElement);
//adds the short type
// add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is the default
if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(paramType)) {
addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", paramElement);
addAttribute(doc, "value", getParamInitializer(paramType), paramElement);
// add this as a body parameter
addAttribute(doc, "location", "body", paramElement);
//if the opName and partName are present , add them
if (opName!=null){
if (partName!= null){
if (isPrimitive){
// the following methods are moved from addOurs functioin
Map typeMap = CTypeInfo.getTypeMap();
Iterator it= typeMap.keySet().iterator();
boolean isOurs = true;
while (it.hasNext()){
if ({
isOurs = false;
if ( isOurs && typeMappingStr.length() != 0 && !typeMappingStr.equals("void") &&
!typeMappingStr.equals(C_DEFAULT_TYPE) ){
addAttribute(doc, "ours", "yes", paramElement);
isOurs = false;
if ( isOurs)
typeMappingStr = C_OUR_TYPE_PREFIX + typeMappingStr + C_OUR_TYPE_SUFFIX;
addAttribute(doc, "axis2-type", typeMappingStr, paramElement);
addAttribute(doc, "axis2-caps-type", typeMappingStr.toUpperCase(), paramElement);
return paramElement; //*/
* @param doc
* @param operation
* @return Returns Element.
protected Element getOutputParamElement(Document doc, AxisOperation operation) {
Element paramElement = doc.createElement("param");
AxisMessage outputMessage = operation.getMessage(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_OUT_VALUE);
String typeMappingStr;
String parameterName;
if (outputMessage != null) {
parameterName = this.mapper.getParameterName(outputMessage.getElementQName());
String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName(outputMessage.getElementQName());
typeMappingStr = (typeMapping == null)
? ""
: typeMapping;
} else {
parameterName = "";
typeMappingStr = "";
if (JAVA_DEFAULT_TYPE.equals(typeMappingStr))
typeMappingStr = C_DEFAULT_TYPE;
addAttribute(doc, "name", parameterName, paramElement);
addAttribute(doc, "type", typeMappingStr, paramElement);
addAttribute(doc, "caps-type", typeMappingStr.toUpperCase(), paramElement);
// the following methods are moved from addOurs functioin
Map typeMap = CTypeInfo.getTypeMap();
Iterator it= typeMap.keySet().iterator();
boolean isOurs = true;
while (it.hasNext()){
if ({
isOurs = false;
if ( isOurs && typeMappingStr.length() != 0 && !typeMappingStr.equals("void") &&
!typeMappingStr.equals(C_DEFAULT_TYPE) ){
addAttribute(doc, "ours", "yes", paramElement);
isOurs = false;
if ( isOurs)
typeMappingStr = C_OUR_TYPE_PREFIX + typeMappingStr + C_OUR_TYPE_SUFFIX;
//adds the short type
// add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is the default
if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(typeMappingStr)) {
addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", paramElement);
// add this as a body parameter
addAttribute(doc, "location", "body", paramElement);
addAttribute(doc, "opname", operation.getName().getLocalPart(), paramElement);
return paramElement;
* Gets the output directory for source files.
* @param outputDir
* @return Returns File.
protected File getOutputDirectory(File outputDir, String dir2) {
if (dir2 != null && !"".equals(dir2)) {
if (outputDir.getName().equals(".")) {
outputDir = new File(outputDir, dir2);
if (!outputDir.exists()) {
return outputDir;