blob: 2479a4763cfb51d1321868be683576da0a24ee67 [file] [log] [blame]
# Translation instructions.
# 1. Each message line is of the form key=value.
# Translate the value, DO NOT translate the key.
# 2. The messages may contain arguments that will be filled in
# by the runtime. These are of the form: {0}, {1}, etc.
# These must appear as is in the message, though the order
# may be changed to support proper language syntax.
# 3. If a single quote character is to appear in the resulting
# message, it must appear in this file as two consecutive
# single quote characters.
# 4. Lines beginning with "#" (like this one) are comment lines
# and may contain translation instructions. They need not be
# translated unless your translated file, rather than this file,
# will serve as a base for other translators.
################## Converter Util #################################################
converter.cannotGenerate=Cannot generate object for {0}
converter.cannotConvert=No way to convert {0}
converter.cannotParse=Unable to parse ''{0}''