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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.context;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Test the setting of properties on an AbstractContext instance. Note that MessageContext is used
* in most of the tests as the concrete implementation of AbstractContext. Some tests also test
* the HashTableUpdateLockable collection used in AbstractContext.proeprties directly.
public class ContextPropertiesTest extends TestCase {
* Test to ensure using an Iterator from getPropertyNames() after the properties have been
* updated does not cause a ConcurrentModificationException. The CME does not happen because
* the Iterator is over a copy of the key names, not the actual collection (which would cause
* a CME in this test).
public void testPropertyNamesForCME() {
MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
mc.setProperty("key1", "value1");
mc.setProperty("key2", "value2");
mc.setProperty(null, "value3_nullkey");
mc.setProperty("key4_nullvalue", null);
// Get an iterator over the key names, then add a new element.
// This simulates two threads accessing the context. This should not cause
// a ConcurrentModificationException (it will if a live iterator over the collection
// key set is returned by getPropertyNames())
Iterator propNamesIterator = mc.getPropertyNames();
mc.setProperty("newKey", "newValue");
while (propNamesIterator.hasNext()) {
// Verify
// (1) that calling next() on the iterator does not cause a CME,
// (2) that the keys are as expected and
// (3) those keys can be used to access the entries in the collection.
String checkKey = (String);
Iterator concurrentIterator = mc.getPropertyNames();
while (concurrentIterator.hasNext()) {
String concurrentKey = (String);
* Test that using an iterator of propertyNames does not cause a CME. This is degenerate
* test of the test for CME that updates the collection before using the iterator.
* @see #testPropertyNamesForCME()
public void testPropertyNamesForCME_NoUpdate() {
MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
mc.setProperty("key1", "value1");
mc.setProperty("key2", "value2");
mc.setProperty(null, "value3_nullkey");
mc.setProperty("key4_nullvalue", null);
Iterator propNamesIterator = mc.getPropertyNames();
while (propNamesIterator.hasNext()) {
Iterator concurrentIterator = mc.getPropertyNames();
// Verify
// (1) that calling next() on the iterator does not cause a CME,
// (2) that the keys are as expected and
// (3) those keys can be used to access the entries in the collection.
String checkKey = (String);
* Test some aspects of the Concurrent collection directly, such as creating with a Map.
public void testHashMapUpdateLockable() {
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable();
testMap.put("key", "value");
testMap.put(1, 2);
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("k1", "v1");
map.put("k2", "v2");
map.put(null, "v3NullKey");
map.put("k3_null", null);
HashMapUpdateLockable testCtorMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable(map);
assertEquals("v1", testCtorMap.get("k1"));
assertEquals("v2", testCtorMap.get("k2"));
assertEquals("v3NullKey", testCtorMap.get(null));
// put returns the previous value if there was one, or null
assertEquals("v1", testCtorMap.put("k1", "newK1Value"));
assertNull(testCtorMap.put("k3_null", "newK3Value"));
assertNull(testCtorMap.put("noSuchKey-put", "value6"));
// remove returns the value if there was an entry with that key, or null
testCtorMap.put("key7", null);
// =============================================================================================
// The following tests are multithreaded tests to test the locking, blocking, and releasing
// of threads by the HashTableUpdateLockable collection.
// =============================================================================================
* Methods on HashTableUpdateLockable to be tested. The update methods are tested to
* verify they block while the updateLock is held. Some non-update methods are tested to
* verify they do not block if the updateLock is held.
private enum MethodToCheck {checkLock_wait, checkLock_nowait, put, putAll, remove, get};
* Test HashTableUpdateLockable.remove method which overrides the HashTable method.
* Tests the HashTableUpdateLockable collection in a multithreaded environment to ensure that
* a thread trying to update the collection will block as long as another thread has the
* collection locked for update. Note that UpdateRunnable performs the actual test of the
* method.
* @see UpdateRunnable#run()
public void testMultithreadUpdateLock_remove() {
MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor = new MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor();
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable();
testMap.put("testKey1", "value1");
testMap.put("removeKey", "value2");
startupTestThreads(testMonitor, testMap, MethodToCheck.remove);
// Make sure the update thread blocked, i.e. the lockThread was released before the update thread.
assertTrue(testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime <= testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime);
* Test HashTableUpdateLockable.putAll method which overrides the HashTable method.
* Tests the HashTableUpdateLockable collection in a multithreaded environment to ensure that
* a thread trying to update the collection will block as long as another thread has the
* collection locked for update. Note that UpdateRunnable performs the actual test of the
* method.
* @see UpdateRunnable#run()
public void testMultithreadUpdateLock_putAll() {
MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor = new MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor();
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable();
startupTestThreads(testMonitor, testMap, MethodToCheck.putAll);
// Make sure the update thread blocked, i.e. the lockThread was released before the update thread.
assertTrue(testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime <= testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime);
* Test HashTableUpdateLockable.put method which overrides the HashTable method.
* Tests the HashTableUpdateLockable collection in a multithreaded environment to ensure that
* a thread trying to update the collection will block as long as another thread has the
* collection locked for update. Note that UpdateRunnable performs the actual test of the
* method.
* @see UpdateRunnable#run()
public void testMultithreadUpdateLock_put() {
MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor = new MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor();
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable();
startupTestThreads(testMonitor, testMap, MethodToCheck.put);
// Make sure the update thread blocked, i.e. the lockThread was released before the update thread.
assertTrue(testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime <= testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime);
* Test HashTableUpdateLockable.put method which overrides the HashTable method.
* Tests the HashTableUpdateLockable collection in a multithreaded environment to ensure that
* a thread trying to update the collection does not block as long as another thread has the
* collection locked for update. Note that UpdateRunnable performs the actual test of the
* method.
* @see UpdateRunnable#run()
public void testMultithreadUpdateLock_get() {
MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor = new MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor();
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable();
testMap.put("key1", "value1");
testMap.put("key2", "value2");
testMap.put("getKey", "value3");
startupTestThreads(testMonitor, testMap, MethodToCheck.get);
// The update thread shouldn't block since we said to not wait.
assertTrue(testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime <= testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime);
* Test HashTableUpdateLockable.checkUpdateLock method.
* Tests the HashTableUpdateLockable collection in a multithreaded environment to ensure that
* a thread trying to update the collection will block as long as another thread has the
* collection locked for update. Note that UpdateRunnable performs the actual test of the
* method.
* @see UpdateRunnable#run()
public void testMultithreadUpdateLock_checkLock_wait() {
MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor = new MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor();
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable();
startupTestThreads(testMonitor, testMap, MethodToCheck.checkLock_wait);
// Make sure the update thread blocked, i.e. the lockThread was released before the update thread.
assertTrue(testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime <= testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime);
// Make sure the return value indicates the table was not locked.
assertFalse(((Boolean) testMonitor.methodToTestReturnValue).booleanValue());
* Test HashTableUpdateLockable.checkUpdateLock method.
* Tests the HashTableUpdateLockable collection in a multithreaded environment to ensure that
* a thread trying to update the collection will not block as long as another thread has the
* collection locked for update. Note that UpdateRunnable performs the actual test of the
* method.
* @see UpdateRunnable#run()
public void testMultithreadUpdateLock_checkLock_nowait() {
MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor = new MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor();
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = new HashMapUpdateLockable();
startupTestThreads(testMonitor, testMap, MethodToCheck.checkLock_nowait);
// The update thread shouldn't block since we said to not wait.
assertTrue(testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime <= testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime);
// Make sure the return value indicates the table was locked.
assertTrue(((Boolean) testMonitor.methodToTestReturnValue).booleanValue());
// Amount of time the testcase should wait on the test threads before timing out
private static int THREAD_TIMEOUT = 90000;
// Amount of time the thread holding the update lock should sleep. This needs to be long
// enough so that comparisons between the time the locking thread is released and the update
// thread is released can be reliably compared as an indication of whether the update thread
// was blocked.
private static int LOCK_THREAD_SLEEP = 5000;
* Assert there were no errors in the basic running of the threads.
* @param testMonitor contains information about each of the test threads.
private void assertNoThreadErrors(MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor) {
// Make sure both threads were released (i.e. release time != 0) and that the
// that there were no exceptions encountered
assertTrue(testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime != 0);
assertTrue(testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime != 0);
* Configures the test threads with the common object to store information about each one, the
* collection to be tested and the method to be tested. Two threads will be started:
* (1) A thread that will lock the collection, sleep, then unlock the collection
* (2) A thread that will try to update the collection while it is locked.
* Thread (2) should block if the method to be tested is one that would update the table,
* otherwise it should not block.
* @param testMonitor Common object used to communicate between the test method and the two
* test threads
* @param testMap Instance of HashTableUpdateLockable to test
* @param methodToTest The method on HashTableUpdateLockable to be tested.
private void startupTestThreads(MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor,
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap,
MethodToCheck methodToTest) {
LockingRunnable lockingRunnable = new LockingRunnable();
lockingRunnable.testMonitor = testMonitor;
lockingRunnable.testMap = testMap;
lockingRunnable.methodToTest = methodToTest;
UpdateRunnable updateRunnable = new UpdateRunnable();
updateRunnable.testMonitor = testMonitor;
updateRunnable.testMap = testMap;
updateRunnable.methodToTest = methodToTest;
Thread lockingThread = new Thread(lockingRunnable, "Locking");
Thread updateThread = new Thread(updateRunnable, "Updating");
// To eliminate a timing window where the locking thread starts and runs to completion
// before the update thread gets started, start the update thread first. It will block
// waiting on the locking thread to complete.
// Join the threads to wait for their completion, specifying a timeout to prevent
// a testcase hang if something goes wrong with the threads.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
fail("Unable to join to testing threads");
* Object used to communicate information between the testcase and the two test threads.
class MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor {
long lockThreadReleaseTime = 0;
boolean lockSetupComplete = false;
RuntimeException lockThreadException = null;
long updateThreadReleaseTime = 0;
RuntimeException updateThreadException = null;
Object methodToTestReturnValue = null;
* Abstract superclass of the two test threads.
abstract class UpdateLockableTestRunnable implements Runnable {
MultithreadUpdateLockMonitor testMonitor = null;
MethodToCheck methodToTest = null;
HashMapUpdateLockable testMap = null;
* Test thread that will lock the collection, sleep, then unlock the collection.
class LockingRunnable extends UpdateLockableTestRunnable {
public void run() {
try {
// Lock the table, then relese the "lockSetupComplete" waiters, which will
// release the update thread.
// NOTE that the lock is done inside a try block and the unlock is done in
// a finaly block so that it will always be executed.
synchronized (testMonitor) {
testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime = 0;
testMonitor.lockSetupComplete = true;
// Sleep for a while to verify that the update thread is being blocked while
// the table is locked by this thread. Then unlock the table.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
testMonitor.lockThreadException = new RuntimeException(e);
throw testMonitor.lockThreadException;
} finally {
// Get the current time before releasing the lock. On some systems, as soon as the
// notify is done, the waiting thread will immediately get control.
testMonitor.lockThreadReleaseTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Thread that will run the methods to be tested on the collection while it is locked for
* update by another thread.
class UpdateRunnable extends UpdateLockableTestRunnable {
public void run() {
// Setup whatever we'll need to test laser on
Map putAllMap = new HashMap();
putAllMap.put("k1", "v1");
putAllMap.put("k2", "v2");
putAllMap.put("k3", "v3");
// Wait till the locking thread is setup
synchronized(testMonitor) {
testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime = 0;
while(!testMonitor.lockSetupComplete) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
testMonitor.updateThreadException = new RuntimeException(e);
throw testMonitor.updateThreadException;
// Test the update method specified
switch(methodToTest) {
case checkLock_wait:
boolean retValWait = testMap.checkUpdateLock(true);
testMonitor.methodToTestReturnValue = new Boolean(retValWait);
case checkLock_nowait:
boolean retValNoWait = testMap.checkUpdateLock(false);
testMonitor.methodToTestReturnValue = new Boolean(retValNoWait);
case put:
testMap.put("newKey", "newValue");
case putAll:
case remove:
case get:
testMonitor.updateThreadException =
new UnsupportedOperationException("method to test not recognized: " + methodToTest);
throw testMonitor.updateThreadException;
testMonitor.updateThreadReleaseTime = System.currentTimeMillis();