blob: ac634b15fd89894f77dd0970e6f0707a6be35378 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util;
import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* XMLStreamReaderFilter Abstract class that simply delegates to the initial reader. This class is
* useful for building filters
public abstract class XMLStreamReaderFilter implements XMLStreamReader {
protected XMLStreamReader delegate;
* Construct a Filter
* @param reader XMLStreamReader that is filtered.
public XMLStreamReaderFilter(XMLStreamReader reader) {
delegate = reader;
public void close() throws XMLStreamException {
public int getAttributeCount() {
return delegate.getAttributeCount();
public String getAttributeLocalName(int arg0) {
return delegate.getAttributeLocalName(arg0);
public QName getAttributeName(int arg0) {
return delegate.getAttributeName(arg0);
public String getAttributeNamespace(int arg0) {
return delegate.getAttributeNamespace(arg0);
public String getAttributePrefix(int arg0) {
return delegate.getAttributePrefix(arg0);
public String getAttributeType(int arg0) {
return delegate.getAttributeType(arg0);
public String getAttributeValue(int arg0) {
return delegate.getAttributeValue(arg0);
public String getAttributeValue(String arg0, String arg1) {
return delegate.getAttributeValue(arg0, arg1);
public String getCharacterEncodingScheme() {
return delegate.getCharacterEncodingScheme();
public String getElementText() throws XMLStreamException {
return delegate.getElementText();
public String getEncoding() {
return delegate.getEncoding();
public int getEventType() {
return delegate.getEventType();
public String getLocalName() {
return delegate.getLocalName();
public Location getLocation() {
return delegate.getLocation();
public QName getName() {
return delegate.getName();
public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() {
return delegate.getNamespaceContext();
public int getNamespaceCount() {
return delegate.getNamespaceCount();
public String getNamespacePrefix(int arg0) {
return delegate.getNamespacePrefix(arg0);
public String getNamespaceURI() {
return delegate.getNamespaceURI();
public String getNamespaceURI(int arg0) {
return delegate.getNamespaceURI(arg0);
public String getNamespaceURI(String arg0) {
return delegate.getNamespaceURI(arg0);
public String getPIData() {
return delegate.getPIData();
public String getPITarget() {
return delegate.getPITarget();
public String getPrefix() {
return delegate.getPrefix();
public Object getProperty(String arg0) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return delegate.getProperty(arg0);
public String getText() {
return delegate.getText();
public char[] getTextCharacters() {
return delegate.getTextCharacters();
public int getTextCharacters(int arg0, char[] arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
throws XMLStreamException {
return delegate.getTextCharacters(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
public int getTextLength() {
return delegate.getTextLength();
public int getTextStart() {
return delegate.getTextStart();
public String getVersion() {
return delegate.getVersion();
public boolean hasName() {
return delegate.hasName();
public boolean hasNext() throws XMLStreamException {
return delegate.hasNext();
public boolean hasText() {
return delegate.hasText();
public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int arg0) {
return delegate.isAttributeSpecified(arg0);
public boolean isCharacters() {
return delegate.isCharacters();
public boolean isEndElement() {
return delegate.isEndElement();
public boolean isStandalone() {
return delegate.isStandalone();
public boolean isStartElement() {
return delegate.isStartElement();
public boolean isWhiteSpace() {
return delegate.isWhiteSpace();
public int next() throws XMLStreamException {
public int nextTag() throws XMLStreamException {
return delegate.nextTag();
public void require(int arg0, String arg1, String arg2) throws XMLStreamException {
delegate.require(arg0, arg1, arg2);
public boolean standaloneSet() {
return delegate.standaloneSet();