Sample: SOAP with Attachments | |
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Introduction | |
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This sample demonstrates the capabilities and power of SOAP with Attachment support and the | |
Attachment API of AXIS2. More information about Axis2 attachment implementation can be found at | | | |
This sample includes a service and a client which can be used to upload a file to the server using | |
SOAP message containing a SOAP with Attachment type binary attachment. The service is written and | |
deployed using the RCPMessageReceiver and a POJO(Plain Old Java Object). The POJO service class uses | |
the Attachment API of the MessageContext to retrieve the received attachment.The client program is | |
written using the OperationClient API of Axis2 together with the Attachment API of MessageContext. | |
Objectives | |
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* Writing a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) based service to access attachments. | |
* Implement a Axis2 OperationClient based Web Service client to invoke the service with SOAP | |
with Attachment type attachments. | |
* Invoke the deployed service. | |
Prerequisites | |
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Install Apache Ant 1.6.2 or later | |
Running the Sample: | |
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The files belonging to this sample are contained in the samples/soapwithattachments folder of the | |
extracted Axis2 binary distribution, which will be called here after as SWA_SAMPLE_DIR. The | |
location of the extracted binary distribution will be refered as AXIS2_DIST. There is a | |
"build.xml" Ant script in the SWA_SAMPLE_DIR that contains build targets for building the service | |
archive and running the client application - all described in steps below. | |
1. Generate the service | |
Use "ant generate.service" command in the SWA_SAMPLE_DIR to build the service. Generated service | |
will automatically gets copied in to the AXIS2_DIST/repository/services directory. Source file | |
ralating to this service can be found at | |
SWA_SAMPLE_DIR/src/sample/soapwithattachments/service/ The services.xml used | |
when building this service can be found at SWA_SAMPLE_DIR/resources directory. | |
2. Deploy the service | |
Run the AXIS2_DIST/bin/axis2server.{sh.bat} script to start the standalone axis2 server. This server | |
will deploy all the srvices available at AXIS2_DIST/repository/services directory. Alternatively you | |
can drop the sample-swa.aar service archive to the services directory of a running Axis2 servlet) | |
3. Running the client | |
Use "ant run.client -Dfile <file to be send> -Ddest <destination file name>" command in the | |
SWA_SAMPLE_DIR to build and run the client. Source file ralating to the client can be found at | |
SWA_SAMPLE_DIR/src/sample/soapwithattachments/client/ | |
Help | |
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Please contact axis-user list ( if you have any trouble running the sample. | |