blob: a3fe5f99f5783813aaeb79306f4a240c18090903 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Axis2 @axisVersion@ build (@TODAY@)
Documentation can be found in the 'docs' distribution of this release
and in the main site.
To deploy a new Web service in Axis2 the following three steps must
be performed:
1) Create the Web service implementation class, supporting classes
and the services.xml file,
2) Archive the class files into a jar with the services.xml file in
the META-INF directory
3) Drop the jar file to the $AXIS2_HOME/WEB-INF/services directory
where $AXIS2_HOME represents the install directory of your Axis2
runtime. (In the case of a servelet container this would be the
"axis2" directory inside "webapps".)
To verify the deployment please go to http://<yourip>:<port>/axis2/ and
follow the "Services" Link.
For more information please refer to the User's Guide.
Any problem with this release can be reported to Axis mailing list
or in the JIRA issue tracker. If you are sending an email to the mailing
list make sure to add the [Axis2] prefix to the subject.
Mailing list subscription:
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The Axis2 Team.