blob: ff71e58f62888424ac20b93a8da286b5feff18b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegate;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
* Directly test the Description classes built via annotations without a WSDL file.
* These tests focus on combinations of the following:
* - A generic service (no annotations)
* - A generated service (annotations)
* - An SEI
public class AnnotationDescriptionTests extends TestCase {
* ========================================================================
* ServiceDescription Tests
* ========================================================================
public void testCreateService() {
String namespaceURI= "";
String localPart = "EchoServiceAnnotated";
Service service = Service.create(null, new QName(namespaceURI, localPart));
ServiceDelegate serviceDelegate = DescriptionTestUtils2.getServiceDelegate(service);
ServiceDescription serviceDescription = serviceDelegate.getServiceDescription();
String portLocalPart = "EchoServiceAnnotatedPort";
QName portQName = new QName(namespaceURI, portLocalPart);
DocumentLiteralWrappedProxy dlwp = service.getPort(portQName, DocumentLiteralWrappedProxy.class);
// Validate that the Endpoint and EndpointInterface Descriptions were created correctly
EndpointDescription endpointDescription = serviceDescription.getEndpointDescription(portQName);
assertNotNull("Endpoint not created ", endpointDescription);
EndpointInterfaceDescription endpointInterfaceDescription = endpointDescription.getEndpointInterfaceDescription();
assertNotNull("EndpointInterface not created", endpointInterfaceDescription);
// Verify we can get the same endpoint description based on the SEI class
EndpointDescription[] fromSEIClass = serviceDescription.getEndpointDescription(DocumentLiteralWrappedProxy.class);
assertEquals(endpointDescription, fromSEIClass[0]);
// Test getOperation methods parameter validation
OperationDescription[] operationResultArray = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperation((QName) null);
operationResultArray = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperation(new QName("",""));
OperationDescription operationResult = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperation((Method) null);
// Test getOperations(): Number of methods on SEI should match number of operationDescriptions
Method[] seiMethods = DocumentLiteralWrappedProxy.class.getMethods();
operationResultArray = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperations();
assertEquals("Number of SEI methods and operations did not match", seiMethods.length, operationResultArray.length);
// Test getOperation(QName)
// Verify is used if present. See the SEI class annotations for more information
// The SEI has @WebMethod annotations that override the name of "invokeAsync", so none should be found.
QName javaMethodQName = new QName("", "invokeAsync");
operationResultArray = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperation(javaMethodQName);
// The SEI has @WebMethod annotations that name three operations "invoke"
javaMethodQName = new QName("", "invoke");
operationResultArray = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperation(javaMethodQName);
assertEquals(3, operationResultArray.length);
// Test getOperation(Method)
// Verify an SEI method lookup works
operationResult = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperation(seiMethods[0]);
// Verify a non-SEI method returns a null
operationResult = endpointInterfaceDescription.getOperation(this.getClass().getMethods()[0]);
* - Invalid namespace. TNS in annotation doesn't match one from getPort
* - Multiple service.getPort() calls with same SEI and different QName, and that serviceDesc.getEndpointDesc(Class) returns multielement array
* - Test service.getPort(..) with same QName; should return same descrpption
public void testValidServiceGetEndpoint() {
QName validPortQname = new QName("", "EchoPort");
EndpointDescription endpointDescription = serviceDescription.getEndpointDescription(validPortQname);
assertNotNull("EndpointDescription should be found", endpointDescription);
public void testInvalidLocalpartServiceGetEndpoint() {
QName validPortQname = new QName("", "InvalidEchoPort");
EndpointDescription endpointDescription = serviceDescription.getEndpointDescription(validPortQname);
assertNull("EndpointDescription should not be found", endpointDescription);
public void testInvalidNamespaceServiceGetEndpoint() {
QName validPortQname = new QName("", "EchoPort");
EndpointDescription endpointDescription = serviceDescription.getEndpointDescription(validPortQname);
assertNull("EndpointDescription should not be found", endpointDescription);