Axis2 User's Guide Sample | |
========================= | |
This sample contains the source code relevant to xdocs/1_1/adv-userguide.html, | |
more specifically to xdocs/1_1/dii.html and xmlbased-server.html which are sections | |
of the Axis2 Advanced User's Guide found in the Documents Distribution. | |
The sample explains how to write a Web service and Web service client with | |
Apache Axis2 using XML based client APIs (Axis2's Primary APIs). | |
For new applications, json-springboot-userguide.html brings Axis2 into | |
modern API's and contemporary servers. | |
Introduction | |
============ | |
The following sample clients are located at | |
AXIS2_HOME/samples/userguide/samples/userguide/src/userguide/clients directory. | | -- Demonstrates the request-response, blocking client which | |
is written using Axis2's primary APIs. | | -- Demonstrates the request-response, blocking client which | |
uses two transport connections and written using Axis2's primary APIs. | | -- Demonstrates the request-response, non-blocking invocation | |
which is written using Axis2's primary APIs. | | -- Demonstrates the request-response, non-blocking invocation | |
using two transport connections and is written using Axis2's primary APIs. | | -- Represents a client for invoking | | -- Represents a simple one-way client which is written using Axis2's primary APIs. | | -- Represents a client for invoking a REST Web service | | -- Demonstrates a client for invoking a Web service using TCP | |
example1, example2 and example3 directories inside Axis2_home/samples/userguide/src/userguide | |
contain the Web services which are invoked by the above clients. | |
Pre-Requisites | |
============== | |
Apache Ant 1.8.0 or later | |
Building the Service | |
==================== | |
* Type "ant generate.module" from Axis2_HOME/samples/userguide to generate the logging module. | |
* Add the logging phase to the ../../conf/axis2.xml. For more details please refer to the | | | |
* Type "ant generate.service" or just "ant" from Axis2_HOME/samples/userguide | |
* Then go to AXIS2_HOME/bin directory and run either axis2server.bat or depending on your platform. | |
Alternatively you can copy the the generated service archives in to a servlet container. | |
If you go to http://localhost:8080/axis2/, you should see MyService, MyServiceWithModule are deployed. | |
Running the Clients | |
=================== | |
Type the following ant commands from Axis2_HOME/samples/userguide to run the clients one by one. | |
* "ant run.client.blocking" | |
This invokes MyService through a request-response, blocking client. | |
* "ant run.client.blockingdual" | |
This invokes MyService through a request-response, blocking client via dual transport channels. | |
* "ant run.client.nonblocking" | |
This invokes MyService through a request-response, non-blocking client. | |
* "ant run.client.nonblockingdual" | |
This invokes MyService through a request-response, non-blocking client via dual transport channels. | |
* "ant" | |
This invokes MyService through a one-way client | |
You can find more information on the above clients in Axis2 users guide, RESTFul Web services support, | |
TCP Transport documents found in the Documents Distribution's xdocs directory. Also, you may find it | |
useful to try out the above services and clients while going through these documents. | |
Note | |
============== | |
Sometimes, if you're having trouble running the client successfully, | |
It may be necessary to clean the services repository before you generate the service, deploy it | |
and run the client. (i.e. delete services created from previous samples.) | |
Help | |
==== | |
Please contact axis-user list ( if you have any trouble running the sample. |