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Axis2 User's Guide Sample
This sample contains the source code relevant to xdocs/1_1/adv-userguide.html,
more specifically to xdocs/1_1/dii.html and xmlbased-server.html which are sections
of the Axis2 Advanced User's Guide found in the Documents Distribution.
The sample explains how to write a Web service and Web service client with
Apache Axis2 using XML based client APIs (Axis2's Primary APIs).
For new applications, json-springboot-userguide.html brings Axis2 into
modern API's and contemporary servers.
The following sample clients are located at
AXIS2_HOME/samples/userguide/samples/userguide/src/userguide/clients directory. -- Demonstrates the request-response, blocking client which
is written using Axis2's primary APIs. -- Demonstrates the request-response, blocking client which
uses two transport connections and written using Axis2's primary APIs. -- Demonstrates the request-response, non-blocking invocation
which is written using Axis2's primary APIs. -- Demonstrates the request-response, non-blocking invocation
using two transport connections and is written using Axis2's primary APIs. -- Represents a client for invoking -- Represents a simple one-way client which is written using Axis2's primary APIs. -- Represents a client for invoking a REST Web service -- Demonstrates a client for invoking a Web service using TCP
example1, example2 and example3 directories inside Axis2_home/samples/userguide/src/userguide
contain the Web services which are invoked by the above clients.
Apache Ant 1.8.0 or later
Building the Service
* Type "ant generate.module" from Axis2_HOME/samples/userguide to generate the logging module.
* Add the logging phase to the ../../conf/axis2.xml. For more details please refer to the
* Type "ant generate.service" or just "ant" from Axis2_HOME/samples/userguide
* Then go to AXIS2_HOME/bin directory and run either axis2server.bat or depending on your platform.
Alternatively you can copy the the generated service archives in to a servlet container.
If you go to http://localhost:8080/axis2/, you should see MyService, MyServiceWithModule are deployed.
Running the Clients
Type the following ant commands from Axis2_HOME/samples/userguide to run the clients one by one.
* "ant run.client.blocking"
This invokes MyService through a request-response, blocking client.
* "ant run.client.blockingdual"
This invokes MyService through a request-response, blocking client via dual transport channels.
* "ant run.client.nonblocking"
This invokes MyService through a request-response, non-blocking client.
* "ant run.client.nonblockingdual"
This invokes MyService through a request-response, non-blocking client via dual transport channels.
* "ant"
This invokes MyService through a one-way client
You can find more information on the above clients in Axis2 users guide, RESTFul Web services support,
TCP Transport documents found in the Documents Distribution's xdocs directory. Also, you may find it
useful to try out the above services and clients while going through these documents.
Sometimes, if you're having trouble running the client successfully,
It may be necessary to clean the services repository before you generate the service, deploy it
and run the client. (i.e. delete services created from previous samples.)
Please contact axis-user list ( if you have any trouble running the sample.