Sample: Exception Handling using WSDL Faults | |
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Introduction | |
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This sample demonstrates how exceptions can be handled using WSDL faults, in other words, how to specify a WSDL fault in order to allow your service to communicate exception pathways to your clients. | |
Running of this sample assumes that you are running this within the extracted release folder. | |
Pre-Requisites | |
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Apache Ant 1.6.2 or later | |
Building The Service | |
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* Type ant generate.service or just ant from Axis2_HOME/samples/faulthandling. | |
* Then go to Axis2_HOME/bin directory and run either axis2server.bat or depending on your platform. | |
If you go to http://localhost:8080/axis2/ you should see BankService is deployed. | |
Running The Client | |
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Invoke the client/src/example/ class. You may use the command scripts to do so. You need to supply 3 parameters to the command- url, account and amount. | |
* ant run.client -Durl=http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/BankService -Daccount=13 -Damt=400 | |
Throws AccountNotExistFaultMessageException. You will see "Account#13 does not exist" | |
* ant run.client -Durl=http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/BankService -Daccount=88 -Damt=1200 | |
Throws InsufficientFundsFaultMessageException. You will see "Account#88 has balance of 1000. It cannot support withdrawal of 1200" | |
* ant run.client -Durl=http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/BankService -Daccount=88 -Damt=400 | |
Succeeds with a balance of 600. You will see "Balance = 600" | |
When you call ant run.client with parameters, before running client/src/example/ class, it does the following as well: | |
* Generate the stubs (for the client) from the WSDL | |
* Compile the client classes | |
* Create a Jar of the client classes and copy it to build/client/BankService-test-client.jar | |
Advanced Guide | |
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For more details kindly see doc/FaultHandlingSampleGuide.html | |
Help | |
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Please contact axis-user list ( if you have any trouble running the sample. |