| ## |
| ## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| ## or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| ## distributed with this work for additional information |
| ## regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| ## to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| ## "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| ## with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| ## |
| ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| ## |
| ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| ## software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| ## KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| ## specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| ## under the License. |
| ## |
| |
| Releases |
| -------- |
| |
| The current release is ${release_version} and was published on ${release_date}. The release note for this |
| release can be found [here](release-notes/${release_version}.html). |
| |
| The following distributions are available for download: |
| |
| | Link | Checksums and signatures |
| -----------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|------------------------- |
| Binary distribution | [axis2-${release_version}-bin.zip][1] | [SHA512][3] [PGP][4] |
| Source distribution | [axis2-${release_version}-src.zip][5] | [SHA512][7] [PGP][8] |
| WAR distribution | [axis2-${release_version}-war.zip][9] | [SHA512][11] [PGP][12] |
| Service Archive plugin for Eclipse | [axis2-eclipse-service-plugin-${release_version}.zip][13] | [SHA512][15] [PGP][16] |
| Code Generator plugin for Eclipse | [axis2-eclipse-codegen-plugin-${release_version}.zip][17] | [SHA512][19] [PGP][20] |
| Axis2 plugin for IntelliJ IDEA | [axis2-idea-plugin-${release_version}.zip][21] | [SHA512][23] [PGP][24] |
| |
| The binary distribution contains all the Axis2 libraries and modules, except for [Apache Rampart](../rampart/) |
| (WS-Security implementation) which must be downloaded separately. It also contains command line tools, |
| samples and scripts to start a standalone Axis2 server. |
| |
| The WAR (Web Archive) distribution is designed for deployment on a servlet container. |
| |
| The signatures of the distributions can be [verified][25] against the public keys in the [KEYS][26] file. |
| |
| Maintenance releases from branches other than the main branch can be found [here][27]. |
| Distributions for older releases can be found in the [archive][28]. |
| |
| All releases are also available as Maven artifacts in the [central repository][29]. |
| |
| [1]: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-bin.zip |
| [3]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-bin.zip.sha512 |
| [4]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-bin.zip.asc |
| [5]: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-src.zip |
| [7]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-src.zip.sha512 |
| [8]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-src.zip.asc |
| [9]: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-war.zip |
| [11]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-war.zip.sha512 |
| [12]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-${release_version}-war.zip.asc |
| [13]: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-eclipse-service-plugin-${release_version}.zip |
| [15]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-eclipse-service-plugin-${release_version}.zip.sha512 |
| [16]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-eclipse-service-plugin-${release_version}.zip.asc |
| [17]: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-eclipse-codegen-plugin-${release_version}.zip |
| [19]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-eclipse-codegen-plugin-${release_version}.zip.sha512 |
| [20]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-eclipse-codegen-plugin-${release_version}.zip.asc |
| [21]: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-idea-plugin-${release_version}.zip |
| [23]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-idea-plugin-${release_version}.zip.sha512 |
| [24]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/${release_version}/axis2-idea-plugin-${release_version}.zip.asc |
| [25]: http://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing#verifying-signature |
| [26]: https://downloads.apache.org/axis/axis2/java/core/KEYS |
| [27]: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/axis/axis2/java/core/ |
| [28]: http://archive.apache.org/dist/axis/axis2/java/core/ |
| [29]: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.apache.axis2%22 |