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Sample: JAX-WS top-down development
This sample demonstrates top-down development (i.e. development starting with a WSDL document) of a service and client using the JAX-WS API. The sample is based on an interop scenario for base data types which may be found at .
Building the service from scratch
The service may be constructed from scratch by executing the wsimport tool (found in the Sun JAX-WS RI) on the BaseDataTypesDocLibB.wsdl file: 'wsimport -keep -verbose BaseDataTypesDocLibB.wsdl' (The -keep option tells the tool to keep the generated files and the -verbose option causes the tool to list what is generated.) After the files have been generated you will need to provide an implementation of the service (i.e. a class equivalent to
Deploying the service
The classes can be packaged into a jar and the jar can be dropped into the servicejars directory of a deployed axis2 server.
Building the client from scratch
The dynamic proxy client may be constructed from scratch by executing the wsimport tool (found in the Sun JAX-WS RI) on the BaseDataTypesDocLibB.wsdl file: 'wsimport -keep -verbose BaseDataTypesDocLibB.wsdl' (The -keep option tells the tool to keep the generated files and the -verbose option causes the tool to list what is generated.) After the files have been generated you will need to provide an implementation of the client (i.e. a class equivalent to
Running the Client
The client can be run via the or axis2.bat scripts (e.g. ' org.apache.axis2.jaxws.interop.InteropSampleClient'.) The endpoint URL is extracted at runtime from the WSDL, so you can either modify the soap:address to refer to Microsoft's endpoint at or to a local endpoint such as http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/TopDownSampleServiceService.IBaseDataTypesDocLitBPort