Apache Axis2 1.8.0 Release Note

  • The minimum required Java version for Axis2 has been changed to Java 8.

  • The Apache Commons HttpClient 3.x based HTTP transport has been removed.

  • The HTTPClient 4.x based transport has been upgraded to use the APIs supported by the latest HTTPClient version.

  • Because of the HTTPClient 4.x changes and also JAX-WS changes in the 1.7.x series, users are strongly encouraged to update their axis2.xml.

  • JSON support now includes Moshi as an alternative to GSON. The JSON documentation now includes a JSON and Spring Boot userguide with a WAR application demonstrating Spring Security with tokens. Many bug fixes in general. Any future growth of Axis2 depends on how well the community responds to the increasing focus on JSON.

  • Source control is now via Git and GitHub: https://github.com/apache/axis-axis2-java-core

  • Logging is now via Apache Log4j 2 instead of 1.x. A large focus this release has been on modernizing dependencies. Github Dependabot is handling this now automatically.

  • As explained in the Spring userguide, Spring inside the AAR is no longer supported. The rest of the Spring support is unchanged.

  • To improve dependency management, the data binding JARs have been split to separate the code required at build time from the code required at runtime:

    • axis2-jibx has been split into axis2-jibx and axis2-jibx-codegen.
    • axis2-xmlbeans has been split into axis2-xmlbeans and axis2-xmlbeans-codegen.
    • axis2-jaxbri has been renamed to axis2-jaxbri (The JAXB-RI data binding doesn't require any additional classes at runtime).
    • There are no changes for ADB because the code was already split in previous Axis2 versions.