blob: d94d565ca11419318daaab256fc150484cda6caa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <axutil_utils_defines.h>
#include <axis2_defines.h>
#include <axutil_date_time.h>
#include <axutil_env.h>
#include <axis2_msg_ctx.h>
#include <rampart_authn_provider.h>
#include <rampart_credentials.h>
#include <rampart_callback.h>
#include <rampart_replay_detector.h>
#include <rampart_sct_provider.h>
* @file rampart_util.h
* @brief Utilities of rampart
* @defgroup rampart_util Utils
* @ingroup rampart_utils
* @{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Load the credentials module
* User MUST free memory
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @param cred_module_name name of the credentails module to be loaded
* @return the loaded credentails module
AXIS2_EXTERN rampart_credentials_t* AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *cred_module_name);
* Call credentials module
* User MUST free memory of username and password
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @param cred_module the credentails module
* @param ctx the message context
* @param username reference to the returned username
* @param password reference to the returned password
* @return the status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN rampart_credentials_status_t AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
rampart_credentials_t *cred_module,
axis2_msg_ctx_t *ctx,
axis2_char_t **username,
axis2_char_t **password);
* Load authentication module
* User MUST free memory
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @param auth_module_name name of the authentication module
* @return created athenticaiton module
AXIS2_EXTERN rampart_authn_provider_t* AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *auth_module_name);
* Load replay detection module
* User MUST free memory
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @param replay_detector_name name of the replay detection module
* @return created replay detection module
AXIS2_EXTERN rampart_replay_detector_t* AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *replay_detector_name);
* Load security context token provider
* User MUST free memory
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @param sct_provider_name name of the security context token provider
* @return created security context token provider module
AXIS2_EXTERN rampart_sct_provider_t* AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *sct_provider_name);
* Load the password callback module
* User MUST free memory
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @callback_module_name the name of the callback module
* @return the loaded callback module
AXIS2_EXTERN rampart_callback_t* AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *callback_module_name);
* Call auth module
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @param authp the authentication module
* @param username the username in the UsernameToken
* @param password the password in the UsernameToken
* @param nonce the nonce in the UsernameToken. Can be NULL if plain text password is used.
* @param created created time in UsernameToken. Can be NULL if plain text password is used.
* @param password_type the type of the password. either plain text of digest
* @param msg_ctx the message context
* @return status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN rampart_authn_provider_status_t AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
rampart_authn_provider_t *authp,
const axis2_char_t *username,
const axis2_char_t *password,
const axis2_char_t *nonce,
const axis2_char_t *created,
const axis2_char_t *password_type,
axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx);
* Gets the password of given user.
* @env the environment
* @callback_module callback module structure
* @username the name of the user to get the password
* @return the password for the user or NULL if failed
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_char_t* AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
rampart_callback_t *callback_module,
const axis2_char_t *username);
* Get the password for pkcs12 key store.
* @env pointer to environment struct
* @callback pointer to rampart callback module
* @username name of the pkcs12 owner
* @return the password for the user or NULL if username is incorrect
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_char_t * AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
rampart_callback_t *callback_module,
const axis2_char_t *username);
* Generates time.
* User MUST free memory
* @param ttl Time to live. The time difference between created and expired in mili seconds.
* @param with_millisecond shows whether millisecond precision is needed or not
* @return generated time
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_char_t* AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
int ttl,
axis2_bool_t with_millisecond);
* Check if @dt1 < @dt2. if not returns a false
* @param env pointer to environment struct
* @param dt1 date time 1.
* @param dt2 date time 2.
* @return AXIS2_SUCCESS if dt1 < dt2. AXIS2_FALSE otherwise
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
const axutil_env_t *env,
axis2_char_t *dt1,
axis2_char_t *dt2);
/* @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* RAMPART_UTIL_H */