blob: 07b24c0bddf0918e66eb724432fd896f602cf21f [file] [log] [blame]
echo off
rem if your client repository is different, change the value.
set CLIENT_REPO=%AXIS2C_HOME%\client_repo
echo Start creating a client repository at %CLIENT_REPO%
if exist "%CLIENT_REPO%" (
echo %CLIENT_REPO% exists.
) else (
echo Creating a new directory for client repo
mkdir "%CLIENT_REPO%"
@echo Copying axis2.xml to client_repo
copy /Y ".\data\client.axis2.xml" "%CLIENT_REPO%\axis2.xml"
@echo Copying libraries to client_repo
xcopy /S/I/Q/Y "%AXIS2C_HOME%\lib" "%CLIENT_REPO%\lib"
@echo Copying latest modules to client_repo
xcopy /S/I/Q/Y "%AXIS2C_HOME%\modules" "%CLIENT_REPO%\modules"
echo on