blob: 737f8dce7b9e309800b727f40f7668e6669179a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef AXIS2_THREAD_H
#define AXIS2_THREAD_H
* @file axis2_thread.h
* @brief axis2 thread api
#include <axis2_allocator.h>
#include <axis2_utils_defines.h>
#include <axis2_error.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* @defgroup axis2_thread thread
* @ingroup axis2_util
* @{
* Thread callbacks from axis2 functions must be declared with AXIS2_THREAD_FUNC
* so that they follow the platform's calling convention.
/*#define AXIS2_THREAD_FUNC*/
/** Thread structure. */
typedef struct axis2_thread_t axis2_thread_t;
/** Thread attributes structure. */
typedef struct axis2_threadattr_t axis2_threadattr_t;
/** Control variable for one-time atomic variables. */
typedef struct axis2_thread_once_t axis2_thread_once_t;
* The prototype for any AXIS2 thread worker functions.
typedef void *(AXIS2_THREAD_FUNC *axis2_thread_start_t)(axis2_thread_t*, void*);
/** Thread private address space. */
typedef struct axis2_threadkey_t axis2_threadkey_t;
/* Thread Function definitions */
* Create and initialize a new threadattr variable
* @param cont The pool to use
* @return Newly created thread attribute
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_threadattr_t* AXIS2_CALL
axis2_threadattr_create(axis2_allocator_t *allocator);
* Set if newly created threads should be created in detached state.
* @param attr The threadattr to affect
* @param on Non-zero if detached threads should be created.
* @return The status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_threadattr_detach_set(axis2_threadattr_t *attr, axis2_bool_t detached);
* Get the detach state for this threadattr.
* @param attr The threadattr to reference
* @return AXIS2_TRUE if threads are to be detached, or AXIS2_FALSE
* if threads are to be joinable.
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_bool_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_threadattr_is_detach(axis2_threadattr_t *attr, axis2_allocator_t *allocator);
* Create a new thread of execution
* @param attr The threadattr to use to determine how to create the thread
* @param func The function to start the new thread in
* @param data Any data to be passed to the starting function
* @param cont The pool to use
* @return The newly created thread handle.
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_thread_t* AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_create(axis2_allocator_t *allocator, axis2_threadattr_t *attr,
axis2_thread_start_t func, void *data);
* Stop the current thread
* @param thd The thread to stop
* @return The status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_exit(axis2_thread_t *thd, axis2_allocator_t *allocator);
* Block until the desired thread stops executing.
* @param thd The thread to join
* @return The status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_join(axis2_thread_t *thd);
* force the current thread to yield the processor
* Initialize the control variable for axis2_thread_once.
* @param control The control variable to initialize
* @return The status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_thread_once_t* AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_once_init(axis2_allocator_t *allocator);
* Run the specified function one time, regardless of how many threads
* call it.
* @param control The control variable. The same variable should
* be passed in each time the function is tried to be
* called. This is how the underlying functions determine
* if the function has ever been called before.
* @param func The function to call.
* @return The status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_once(axis2_thread_once_t *control, void (*func)(void));
* detach a thread
* @param thd The thread to detach
* @return The status of the operation
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_detach(axis2_thread_t *thd);
/*************************Thread locking functions*****************************/
/** Opaque thread-local mutex structure */
typedef struct axis2_thread_mutex_t axis2_thread_mutex_t;
#define AXIS2_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT 0x0 /**< platform-optimal lock behavior */
#define AXIS2_THREAD_MUTEX_NESTED 0x1 /**< enable nested (recursive) locks */
#define AXIS2_THREAD_MUTEX_UNNESTED 0x2 /**< disable nested locks */
* Create and initialize a mutex that can be used to synchronize threads.
* @param allocator Memory allocator to allocate memory for the mutex
* @warning Be cautious in using AXIS2_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT. While this is the
* most optimial mutex based on a given platform's performance charateristics,
* it will behave as either a nested or an unnested lock.
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_thread_mutex_t * AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_mutex_create(axis2_allocator_t *allocator, unsigned int flags);
* Acquire the lock for the given mutex. If the mutex is already locked,
* the current thread will be put to sleep until the lock becomes available.
* @param mutex the mutex on which to acquire the lock.
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_mutex_lock(axis2_thread_mutex_t *mutex);
* Attempt to acquire the lock for the given mutex. If the mutex has already
* been acquired, the call returns immediately
* @param mutex the mutex on which to attempt the lock acquiring.
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_mutex_trylock(axis2_thread_mutex_t *mutex);
* Release the lock for the given mutex.
* @param mutex the mutex from which to release the lock.
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_mutex_unlock(axis2_thread_mutex_t *mutex);
* Destroy the mutex and free the memory associated with the lock.
* @param mutex the mutex to destroy.
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
axis2_thread_mutex_destroy(axis2_thread_mutex_t *mutex);
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* AXIS2_THREAD_H */