blob: 698ebfe1b1cb9c1677858d5d0bdcebbd237751c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file axutil_allocator.h
* @brief Axis2 memory allocator interface
#include <axutil_utils_defines.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* @defgroup axutil_allocator allocator
* @ingroup axis2_util
* @{
* \brief Axis2 memory allocator
* Encapsulator for memory allocating routines
typedef struct axutil_allocator
* Function pointer representing the function that allocates memory.
* @param allocator pointer to allocator struct. In the default
* implementation this is not used, however this parameter is useful
* when the allocator implementation is dealing with a memory pool.
* @param size size of the memory block to be allocated
* @return pointer to the allocated memory block
void *(
* malloc_fn)(
struct axutil_allocator * allocator,
size_t size);
* Function pointer representing the function that re-allocates memory.
* @param allocator pointer to allocator struct. In the default
* implementation this is not used, however this parameter is useful
* when the allocator implementation is dealing with a memory pool.
* @param ptr memory block who's size to be changed
* @param size size of the memory block to be allocated
* @return pointer to the allocated memory block
void *(
* realloc)(
struct axutil_allocator * allocator,
void *ptr,
size_t size);
* Function pointer representing the function that frees memory.
* @param allocator pointer to allocator struct. In the default
* implementation this is not used, however this parameter is useful
* when the allocator implementation is dealing with a memory pool.
* @param ptr pointer to be freed
* @return void
* free_fn)(
struct axutil_allocator * allocator,
void *ptr);
* Local memory pool. Local pool is used to allocate per request
* local values.
void *local_pool;
* Global memory pool. Global pool is used to allocate values that
* live beyond a request
void *global_pool;
* Memory pool currently in use. The functions
* axutil_allocator_switch_to_global_pool and
* axutil_allocator_switch_to_local_pool should be used to
* set the current pool to global pool or to local pool respectively.
void *current_pool;
* This variable has meaning only when allocator is initialized when Axis2/C is used in
* Apache2 module. When switching to global poo this ref counter is increased by one. When
* switching to local pool it is descreased by one. When creating allocator this variable
* is initialized to 0 which means it points to the local pool. If user has switched to the
* global pool several times without switching back to the local pool this ref counter has
* a positive value. If at this stage switching to lcoal pool called then this ref counter
* is reduced and checked if its value is zero. If only it's value is zero then pool is
* switched to local pool. This functionality avoid unintended switching to localpool by
* some code fragment. Still user has to make sure that each global switch has a
* corresponding local switch.
int global_pool_ref;
* Initializes (creates) a memory allocator.
* @param allocator user defined allocator. If NULL, a default allocator
* will be returned.
* @return initialized allocator. NULL on error.
AXIS2_EXTERN axutil_allocator_t *AXIS2_CALL
axutil_allocator_t * allocator);
* Creates a clone of given allocator
* @param allocator user defined allocator. Cannot be NULL
* @return initialized allocator. NULL on error.
AXIS2_EXTERN axutil_allocator_t *AXIS2_CALL
axutil_allocator_t * allocator);
* This function should be used to deallocate memory if the default
* allocator was provided by the axutil_allocator_init() call.
* @param allocator allocator struct to be freed
* @return void
axutil_allocator_t * allocator);
* Swaps the local_pool and global_pool and makes the global pool the
* current pool.
* In case of using pools, local_pool is supposed to hold the pool out of which
* local values are allocated. In case of values that live beyond a request
* global pool should be used, hence this method has to be called to switch to
* global pool for allocation.
* @param allocator allocator whose memory pools are to be switched
* @return void
axutil_allocator_t * allocator);
* Swaps the local_pool and global_pool and makes the local pool the
* current pool.
* In case of using pools, local_pool is supposed to hold the pool out of which
* local values are allocated. In case of values that live beyond a request
* global pool should be used. This method can be used to inverse the switching
* done by axutil_allocator_switch_to_global_pool, to start using the local pool again.
* @param allocator allocator whose memory pools are to be switched
* @return void
axutil_allocator_t * allocator);
#define AXIS2_MALLOC(allocator, size) \
((allocator)->malloc_fn(allocator, size))
#define AXIS2_REALLOC(allocator, ptr, size) \
((allocator)->realloc(allocator, ptr, size))
#define AXIS2_FREE(allocator, ptr) \
((allocator)->free_fn(allocator, ptr))
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* AXIS2_ALLOCATOR_H */