blob: 8f57b147384ca93c751bb44ee03ad2e3fe0128cc [file] [log] [blame]
Sample: Data Binding
These samples demonstrate the use of code generation using Axis2/Java WSDL2Java
( with Axis Data Binding.
You can download Axis2/Java latest release from here,
Client source ./StockQuoteService/stock_quote_client.c
Service Source ./StockQuoteService/axis2_skel_StockQuoteService.c
wsdl ./StockQuoteService/StockQuoteService.wsdl
Client source ./Calculator/CalculatorAdd.c
Service Source ./Calculator/axis2_skel_Calculator.c
wsdl ./Calculator/Calculator.wsdl
Code Generation
Use the shell script or batch file available in the ../../../tools/codegen/javatool directory to generate
code using following options.(Reade the READEME.txt at ../../../tools/codegen/javatool directory to learn how to use scripts)
Client side stub generation with Axis Data Binding:
Linux: -uri <wsdl path> -g -d adb -u -f -o <output directory>
Win32: WSDL2C.bat -uri <wsdl path> -g -d adb -u -f -o <output directory>
Server side skeleton generation with Axis Data Binding:
Linux: -uri <wsdl path> -sd -ss -d adb -u -f -o <output directory>
Win32: WSDL2C.bat -uri <wsdl path> -sd -ss -d adb -u -f -o <output directory>
Description of Options used:
-o <output Location> : output file location
-ss : Generate server side code (i.e. skeletons). Default is off
-sd : Generate service descriptor (i.e. services.xml). Default is off. Valid with -ss
-d <databinding> : valid databinding(s) are adb, xmlbeans and jaxme. Default is adb
-g : Generates all the classes. valid only with the -ss (This will generate client and server codes)
-u : unpacks the databinding classes
-f : Generate the source output folder without the src directory
Please refer to the for further details.
Deploying the Service
You need to generate the required server side code using command described above and replace
the axis2_skel_<service name>.c with given implementation. After building the lib<service name>.so,
put it inside $AXIS2C_HOME/services/<service name>/ directory.
You need to then startup the server to deploy the service.
Running the Client
You need to generate the required client side code using command described above and put them inside
where client implementations resides. And then build the client and run it.