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<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "./dtd/document-v12.dtd">
<title>WebServices - Axis</title>
<title>WebServices - Axis - FAQ - Table of Content</title>
<p>These questions seem to be frequently asked:
<a href="#faq1">What is Axis? What is its relationship to Apache SOAP?</a></li>
<a href="#faq2">Why call it "Axis"?</a></li>
<a href="#faq3">Is Axis close to a release of some kind?</a></li>
<a href="#faq4">What is Axis's status overall?</a></li>
<a href="#faq5">Why do some classes fail to load under Tomcat?</a></li>
<a href="#faq6">What if I can't find the answer to my question here?</a></li>
<a href="#faq7">How do I report bugs?</a></li>
<a href="#faq8">How does Axis create my backend service objects?&nbsp;
Can I control this?</a></li>
<a href="#faq9">So does Axis support sessions?</a></li>
<a href="#faq10">Cool, SOAP header-based sessions?&nbsp; How do I make
that work?</a></li>
<a href="#faq11">What else can I do with sessions?</a></li>
<a href="#faq12">How do I get access to the MessageContext in my service
<a href="#faq13">Where do I put my &lt;typeMapping>/&lt;beanMapping> information?</a></li>
<a href="#faq14">What is the relationship between JAXM and Axis?</a></li>
<a href="#faq15">How does Axis figure out which deployed service to call?</a></li>
<a href="#faq16">How do I associate a namespace mapping with my service?</a></li>
<a href="#faq17">How do I set a timeout when using WSDL2Java stubs?</a></li>
<a href="#faq18">How do I set a header when using WSDL2Java stubs?</a></li>
<title>WebServices - Axis - FAQ - Answers</title>
<a name="faq1"></a><i>What is Axis? What is its relationship to Apache
<blockquote>Axis is essentially Apache SOAP 3.0. It is a from-scratch rewrite,
designed around a streaming model (using SAX internally rather than DOM).
The intention is to create a more modular, more flexible, and higher-performing
SOAP implementation (relative to Apache SOAP 2.0).</blockquote>
<a name="faq2"></a><i>Why call it "Axis"?</i>
<blockquote>The name "Axis" was chosen because, when the project started,
the XML Protocol working group had not chosen a name for its protocol.
The intent was for Axis to support SOAP 1+, XML-RPC, and XMLP (whatever
it wound up being called), so calling it "Apache SOAP 3.0" would have missed
the mark. Recently, the XML Protocol working group decided to retain the
SOAP name, so perhaps it would have been better to keep Axis as part of
the Apache SOAP project. C'est la vie.
<p>(According to the README, Axis stands for "Apache eXtensible Interaction
System", which could mean almost anything.)</p></blockquote>
<a name="faq3"></a><i>Is Axis close to a release of some kind?</i>
<blockquote>The first beta was released on March 15, 2002, the second
on April 29, 2002, and the third on July 9, 2002.
We are hoping for a 1.0 release in the Summer of 2002.</blockquote>
<a name="faq4"></a><i>What is Axis's status overall?</i>
<blockquote>To keep track of Axis's progress:
<link href="">Sam Ruby's
Axis/SOAP interop page</link></li>
<a name="faq5"></a><i>Why do some classes fail to load under Tomcat?</i>
<blockquote>Tomcat will not load classes with package names starting "java."
or "javax." from the WEB-INF directory. jars containing such classes need
to be installed in $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib rather than in WEB-INF/lib.
Currently (April 25, 2002) jaxrpc.jar is such a jar.</blockquote>
<a name="faq6"></a><i>What if I can't find the answer to my question here?</i>
<blockquote>Try the <link href="mail.html">mailing lists</link>.</blockquote>
<a name="faq7"></a><i>How do I report bugs?</i>
<blockquote>See <link href="bugs.html">bugs</link>.</blockquote>
<a name="faq8"></a><i>How does Axis create my backend service objects?&nbsp;
Can I control this?</i>
<blockquote>Axis supports a "scope" parameter on services, which can be
set to "request" (make a new object to service each request - this is the
default), "session" (associate a new object with each session), and "application"
(all users share a singleton object).&nbsp; WARNING: If you set the scope
to "session" or "application", it is possible that multiple threads of
control may attempt to access your object's methods at the same time. It
is your responsibility to ensure that your objects are thread-safe in these
<a name="faq9"></a><i>So does Axis support sessions?</i>
<blockquote>Yes.&nbsp; We have a session abstraction which allows an extensible
set of underlying implementations - take a look at the class org.apache.axis.session.Session
for details.&nbsp; In particular, we currently support sessions based on
HTTP cookies and also transport-independent sessions based on SOAP headers.&nbsp;
It is up to some handler on the request chain to set up an appropriate
Session implementation and attach it to the MessageContext with MessageContext.setSession()
so that anyone who wants to use session semantics can get at it.</blockquote>
<a name="faq10"></a><i>Cool, SOAP header-based sessions?&nbsp; How do I
make that work?</i>
<blockquote>There is a Handler class called "org.apache.axis.handlers.&nbsp;
SimpleSessionHandler" which implements this functionality. You need to
include this handler in the request and response flows of both your client
and your server.&nbsp; Take a look at our session test (test.session.TestSimpleSession)
for an example.</blockquote>
<a name="faq11"></a><i>What else can I do with sessions?</i>
<blockquote>Any time after the session context has been established, calling
getSession() on the current messageContext will obtain you a reference
to a Session object.&nbsp; You may use this object like a Hashtable to
store arbitrary data associated with this Session.&nbsp; For instance,
on one request you might extract the caller's name and address from a database
(an expensive operation), and then cache them in the Session object for
fast access on subsequent invocations from the same caller.&nbsp; This
functionality can be used either by custom Handlers or by your backend
service object itself.</blockquote>
<a name="faq12"></a><i>How do I get access to the MessageContext in my
service object?</i>
<blockquote>Use the static MessageContext.getCurrentContext() method at
any time during a method call on your object.</blockquote>
<a name="faq13"></a><i>Where do I put my &lt;typeMapping>/&lt;beanMapping>
<blockquote>There are two places in the WSDD where type mappings are appropriate.&nbsp;
At the top level, just under &lt;deployment>, they become <b>global</b>
type mappings, and all services deployed in the Axis engine will be able
to use them.&nbsp; Alternately, you can place them inside your &lt;service>
tag, and then the mappings will only be accessible by that particular service.</blockquote>
<a name="faq14"></a><i>What is the relationship between JAXM and Axis?</i>
<blockquote>JAXM is a specification (NB. not an implementation) of two
sets of interfaces: javax.xml.soap and javax.xml.messaging.
Recently, the former set has been moved to its own specification,
"SOAP with Attachments API for Java" (SAAJ), by Sun.
Axis implements the SAAJ (javax.xml.soap) interfaces.
<a name="faq15"></a><i>How does Axis figure out which deployed service
to call?</i>
<blockquote><p>Axis has a very flexible dispatch mechanism, with three built-in
options, and the ability to customize your own.&nbsp; Dispatch to a service
in Axis really means setting the service field in the MessageContext as
it flows through the various Handlers in your configuration.&nbsp; Once
the service is set, the engine will be able to call it at the appropriate
time.&nbsp; So who does the setting?&nbsp; Any Handler who wants to.</p>
<p>The default dispatch mechanism for Axis is by URL, so that if you access
http://myhost/axis/services/WeatherReport, you will get the "WeatherReport"
service.&nbsp; This mechanism works because the HTTP transport in Axis
has the URLMapper (org.apache.axis.handlers.http.URLMapper) Handler deployed
on the request chain.&nbsp; The URLMapper takes the incoming URL, extracts
the last part of it as the service name, and attempts to look up a service
by that name in the current EngineConfiguration.</p>
<p>Similarly you could deploy the HTTPActionHandler to dispatch via the
SOAPAction HTTP header.&nbsp; You can also feel free to set the service
in your own custom way - for instance, if you have a transport which funnels
all messages through a single service, you can just set the service in
the MessageContext before your transport calls the AxisEngine.&nbsp; Or
if you dispatch based on the contents of a SOAP header, or the time of
day, you could write a Handler which did that.</p>
<p>If no Handler has set the service by the time someone needs to deserialize
the SOAP message, we will attempt to look it up using the namespace of
the first body element.&nbsp; So for instance:</p>
<br/>&nbsp; &lt;ns:MyMethod xmlns:ns=""/>
<p>This message would look up "" in the
namespace mapping list to see if there was an associated service.</p></blockquote>
<a name="faq16"></a><i>How do I associate a namespace mapping with my service?</i>
<blockquote>The WSDD for your service should look something like this:
<p>&lt;service name="MyService" provider="java:RPC">
<br/>&nbsp; &lt;namespace>;/namespace>
<br/>&nbsp; ...
<a name="faq17"></a><i>How do I set a timeout when using WSDL2Java stubs?</i>
<p>There is a <em>setTimeout</em> method on the <tt>org.apache.axis.client.Stub</tt> class, which
is the class all emitted stubs extend.</p>
<p>Here is how to set the timeout given a service named Foo:
FooServiceLocator loc = new FooServiceLocator();
FooService binding = loc.getFooService();
org.apache.axis.client.Stub s = (Stub) binding;
s.setTimeout(1000); // 1 second, in miliseconds
<p>The default timeout in Axis 1.1 and later is 60 seconds. Axis 1.0
did not have a default timeout (i.e. it defaulted to 0).
This timeout value is set on the HTTP socket and is not a connection timeout,
which requires implementation we do not have as of Axis 1.1.
<a name="faq18"></a><i>How do I set a header when using WSDL2Java stubs?</i>
<p>There are two styles of headers, explicit and implicit. Explicit headers are
defined in the WSDL of the service. The WSDL2Java generation tool will recognize
these headers in most cases and emit stub class methods that include the headers
as arguments to the methods.</p>
<p>In other cases, you may want to set headers that are not explicitly called
out in the WSDL. For instance, you want to do some custom processing in a handler
or add security.
In this case you can add headers to request before you invoke the stub method.</p>
<p>There are are two <em>setHeader</em> APIs on the <tt>org.apache.axis.client.Stub</tt> class.
The first takes the namespace, name and value of the header.
<pre>setHeader(String namespace, String partName, Object headerValue)</pre>
The second takes a SoapHeaderElement:
<pre>setHeader(SOAPHeaderElement header)</pre></p>
<p>Here is an example of using the first API</p>
FooServiceLocator loc = new FooServiceLocator();
FooService binding = loc.getFooService();
org.apache.axis.client.Stub s = (Stub) binding;
s.setHeader("", "mysecurityheader", "This guy is OK");
result = binding.myOperation(...);