blob: dfd2106c07ef8d8aa22bebfe15461e2f078438a4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE project [
<!ENTITY properties SYSTEM "file:properties.xml">
<!ENTITY paths SYSTEM "file:path_refs.xml">
<!ENTITY taskdefs SYSTEM "file:taskdefs.xml">
<!ENTITY taskdefs_post_compile SYSTEM "xmls/taskdefs_post_compile.xml">
<project name="deploy" default="default" basedir=".">
This build file deploys axis to a local version of JBoss.
It does not attempt to integrate with JBoss.NET, whose versions
of Axis will clash witha new build.
before continuing.
<property name="axis.home" location=".." />
<!-- init the deploy by probing for catalina -->
<target name="init">
<fail unless="env.JBOSS_HOME">
JBoss not found; please set JBOSS_HOME to point to it
<property name="deploy.dir"
<!-- deployment target -->
<target name="deploy" depends="init"
description="deploy to jboss">
<available file="${axis.war}" property="webapp.found"/>
<fail unless="webapp.found">Could not find ${build.webapp.war}; please run "ant war" to build it</fail>
<!-- webapp goes over as the WAR; jboss will pick it up and expand it
Overwriting is used to force install this over anything newer. Why so? So that even if this script and WAR
were on a CD that ops wanted to use to restore a system, the copy has to go through -->
<copy todir="${deploy.dir}" file="${axis.war}" overwrite="true"/>
<!-- be helpful -->
<echo message="Axis deployed"/>
<target name="default" depends="deploy" />
Question: what does JBoss do when a war is deleted?
<target name="clean" depends="init"
description="clean deployment">
<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${axis.war.filename}"/>