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<title>Axis Release Notes</title>
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<h2>Axis 1.4 Release Notes</h2>
<p>This is the <a href="">1.4 release</a>
of the <a href="">Axis SOAP toolkit</a>.</p>
<h3>About this release</h3>
<p>This is the Final release of Axis 1.4. Please kick the tires,
put it through it's paces, and let us know via our mailing lists or
<a href="">bug tracking system</a> if there are problems.
<h3>Change History</h3>
<p>Here is the <a href="changelog.html">change log</a> (a high-level list of changes). You can also read the <a href="docs/svnlog.txt">svn change log</a> (which lists actual diffs).</p>
<p>This release is intended to be 100% compliant with the <a href="">JAX-RPC</a>
and <a href="">SAAJ</a> specifications from Sun.
The Axis code has successfully passed the all of the JAX-RPC and SAAJ TCK (Technology
Compatibility Kit) tests.</p>
<p><font color="green">This version has passed the JAX-RPC 1.1 and SAAJ 1.2 TCKs.</font></p>
<h3>More Info</h3>
<p>Please check out the included documentation and the <a href="">FAQ</a>
for more information.</p>
<h3>How You Can Help</h3>
<p>Coding, testing, and helping to answer questions on axis-user are all greatly
appreciated. We particularly encourage you to submit improvements to the documentation,
however large or small and in any format, to <a href=""></a>. Also,
interoperability is always a concern, so please report all <i>replicable</i>
<p>Thanks for your interest in Axis!</p>
<p>-- The Axis Development Team</p>