| # Translation instructions. |
| # 1. Each message line is of the form key=value. Translate the value, DO NOT translate the key. |
| # 2. The messages may contain arguments that will be filled in by the runtime. These are of the form: {0}, {1}, etc. These must appear as is in the message, though the order may be changed to support proper language syntax. |
| # 3. If a single quote character is to appear in the resulting message, it must appear in this file as two consecutive single quote characters. |
| # 4. Lines beginning with "#" (like this one) are comment lines and may contain translation instructions. They need not be translated unless your translated file, rather than this file, will serve as a base for other translators. |
| |
| actAs00=\u52d5\u4f5c\u306e\u8a2d\u5b9a... |
| active00=\u30a2\u30af\u30c6\u30a3\u30d6 |
| add00=\u8ffd\u52a0 |
| admin00=\u7ba1\u7406 |
| close00=\u9589\u3058\u308b |
| done00=\u5b8c\u4e86 |
| resp00=Resp |
| req00=Req |
| error00=\u30a8\u30e9\u30fc |
| host00=\u30db\u30b9\u30c8: |
| hostname00=\u30db\u30b9\u30c8\u540d |
| listener00=\u5f85\u3061\u53d7\u3051 |
| listenPort00=\u5f85\u3061\u53d7\u3051\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8 # |
| listenPort01=\u5f85\u3061\u53d7\u3051\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8: |
| mostRecent00=\u6700\u3082\u6700\u8fd1\u306e\u7d50\u679c |
| newTCP00=\u65b0\u3057\u3044TCP/IP\u30e2\u30cb\u30bf\u3092\u751f\u6210... |
| options00=\u30aa\u30d7\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3 |
| port00=\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8 # |
| port01=\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8 |
| port02=\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8: |
| proxy00=\u30d7\u30ed\u30ad\u30b7 |
| proxySupport00=HTTP\u30d7\u30ed\u30ad\u30b7\u30b5\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8 |
| removeAll00=\u5168\u3066\u524a\u9664 |
| removeSelected00=\u9078\u629e\u3057\u305f\u7d50\u679c\u3092\u524a\u9664 |
| request00=\u30ea\u30af\u30a8\u30b9\u30c8... |
| request01=\u30ea\u30af\u30a8\u30b9\u30c8 |
| requestHost00=\u30ea\u30af\u30a8\u30b9\u30c8\u30db\u30b9\u30c8 |
| resend00=\u518d\u9001 |
| response00=\u30ec\u30b9\u30dd\u30f3\u30b9 |
| save00=\u4fdd\u5b58 |
| start00=\u958b\u59cb |
| state00=\u72b6\u614b |
| stop00=\u505c\u6b62 |
| switch00=\u30ec\u30a4\u30a2\u30a6\u30c8\u5909\u66f4 |
| targetHost=\u30bf\u30fc\u30b2\u30c3\u30c8\u30db\u30b9\u30c8 |
| targetHost01=\u30bf\u30fc\u30b2\u30c3\u30c8\u30db\u30b9\u30c8: |
| targetHostname00=\u30bf\u30fc\u30b2\u30c3\u30c8\u30db\u30b9\u30c8\u540d |
| targetPort00=\u30bf\u30fc\u30b2\u30c3\u30c8\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8 # |
| targetPort01=\u30bf\u30fc\u30b2\u30c3\u30c8\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8: |
| tcpmon00=TCP\u30e2\u30cb\u30bf |
| time00=\u51e6\u7406\u6642\u9593 |
| usage00=\u4f7f\u7528\u65b9\u6cd5: |
| wait00=\u63a5\u7d9a\u3092\u5f85\u3061\u53d7\u3051\u4e2d... |
| wait01=\u63a5\u7d9a\u3092\u5f85\u3061\u53d7\u3051\u4e2d |
| |
| # NOTE: in xmlFormat00, do not translate "XML" |
| xmlFormat00=XML\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30de\u30c3\u30c8 |
| numericEnc00=\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e1\u30ea\u30c3\u30af\u8868\u793a |
| |
| #NOTE: this is a SimpleDateFormat format string to declare the layout of date |
| #and time in the message log. It does need i18n, but not 'translation', per se. |
| dateformat00=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
| delay00=\u9045\u3044\u63a5\u7d9a\u3092\u30b7\u30df\u30e5\u30ec\u30fc\u30c8 |
| delay01=\u6307\u5b9a\u3057\u305f\u30d0\u30a4\u30c8\u6bce\u306b\u30dd\u30fc\u30ba |
| delay02=\uff11\u30df\u30ea\u79d2\u6bce\u306e\u9045\u5ef6 |