blob: dc0bf0c80098ac9dff58ee44b0849af110569312 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Susantha Kumara (
/* WSClass.cpp: implementation of the WSClass class. */
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
#include "WSClass.h"
m_Name = "";
m_pDestructor = NULL;
for(list<Variable*>::iterator it = m_Variables.begin();
it != m_Variables.end(); it++)
delete *it;
list<Method*>::iterator it1;
for( it1 = m_Constructors.begin(); it1 != m_Constructors.end(); it1++)
delete *it1;
for (it1 = m_Methods.begin(); it1 != m_Methods.end(); it1++)
delete *it1;
if (m_pDestructor) delete m_pDestructor;
void WSClass::SetClassName(string &sName)
m_AWSName = sName;
m_Name = sName + "Wrapper";
void WSClass::AddVariable(Variable *pVar)
void WSClass::AddConstructor(Method *pMethod)
void WSClass::AddMethod(Method *pMethod)
void WSClass::SetDestructor(Method *pMethod)
m_pDestructor = pMethod;
const string& WSClass::GetName()
return m_Name;
int WSClass::GenerateClassDef(File &file)
try {
/* add wrapper class */
file << "class " << m_Name << " : public WrapperClassHandler" << endl
<< "{" << endl;
file << "public:" << endl;
/* default constructor */
file << "\t" << m_Name << "();" << endl;
/* destructor */
file << "\tvirtual ~" << m_Name << "();" << endl;
file << "public:" << "//implementation of WrapperClassHandler \
interface" << endl;
file << "\tint Invoke(IMessageData* mc);" << endl;
file << "\tvoid OnFault(IMessageData* pMsg);" << endl;
file << "\tint Init();" << endl;
file << "\tint Fini();" << endl;
file << "private:" << "//Methods corresponding to the web service \
methods" << endl;
file << "\tint SetResponseMethod(IMessageData* mc, \
const AxisChar* name);" << endl;
/* wrapper methods for each webservice method */
for (list<Method*>::iterator it = m_Methods.begin();
it != m_Methods.end(); it++)
file << "private:" << "// Actual web service object" << endl;
file << "\t" << m_AWSName << " *pWs;" << endl;
file << "};" << endl;
catch(...) /* any exception */
return 1;
return 0; /* success */
int WSClass::GenerateClassImpl(File &file)
try {
/* default constructor */
file << m_Name << "::" << m_Name << "()" << endl;
file << "{" << endl;
file << "\tpWs = new " << m_AWSName << "();" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
file << endl;
/* destructor */
file << m_Name << "::~" << m_Name << "()" << endl;
file << "{" << endl;
file << "\tdelete pWs;" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
file << endl;
/* implementation of WrapperClassHandler interface */
file << "// Implementation of WrapperClassHandler interfaces." << endl;
file << "int " << m_Name << "::Invoke(IMessageData* mc)" << endl;
file << "{" << endl;
file << "\tIWrapperSoapDeSerializer* pIWSDZ = NULL;" << endl;
file << "\tmc->getSoapDeSerializer(&pIWSDZ);" << endl;
file << "\tif (!pIWSDZ) return AXIS_FAIL;" << endl;
file << "\tconst AxisChar* method = pIWSDZ->GetMethodName();" << endl;
bool tab = true;
list<Method*>::iterator it;
for (it = m_Methods.begin(); it != m_Methods.end(); it++)
if (tab)
file << "\t";
tab = false;
file << "if (0 == strcmp(method, \"" << (*it)->GetName() << "\"))"
<< endl;
file << "\t\treturn " << (*it)->GetName() << "(mc);" << endl;
file << "\telse ";
file << "return AXIS_FAIL;" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
file << endl;
file << "void " << m_Name << "::OnFault(IMessageData* pMsg)" << endl;
file << "{" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
file << endl;
file << "int " << m_Name << "::Init()" << endl;
file << "{" << endl;
file << "\treturn 0;" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
file << endl;
file << "int " << m_Name << "::Fini()" << endl;
file << "{" << endl;
file << "\treturn 0;" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
file << endl;
file << "int " << m_Name << "::SetResponseMethod(IMessageData* mc, \
const AxisChar* name)" << endl;
file << "{" << endl;
file << "\tAxisString method = name;" << endl;
file << "\tIWrapperSoapSerializer* pIWSSZ = NULL;" << endl;
file << "\tmc->getSoapSerializer(&pIWSSZ);" << endl;
file << "\tif (!pIWSSZ) return AXIS_FAIL;" << endl;
file << "\tISoapMethod* pMethod = pIWSSZ->createSoapMethod();" << endl;
file << "\tpMethod->setLocalName(name);" << endl;
file << "\tpMethod->setPrefix(pIWSSZ->getNewNamespacePrefix());"<<endl;
file << "\tpMethod->setURI(\"" << g_ClassNamespaces[m_AWSName]
<< "\");"<< endl;
/* will come from wsdd */
file << "\treturn AXIS_SUCCESS;" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
file << endl;
/* wrapper methods for each webservice method */
for (it = m_Methods.begin(); it != m_Methods.end(); it++)
(*it)->GenerateMethodImpl(m_Name, file);
catch(...) /* any exception */
return 1;
return 0; /* success */
int WSClass::GenerateWSDLMessages(File &file)
for (list<Method*>::iterator it = m_Methods.begin();
it != m_Methods.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->GenerateWSDLMessages(file)) return 1; /* error occured; */
return 0; /* success; */
int WSClass::GenerateWSDLPortTypes(File &file, string& sServiceName)
file << "<portType name=\"" << sServiceName << "PortType\">" << endl;
for (list<Method*>::iterator it = m_Methods.begin();
it != m_Methods.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->GenerateWSDLOperationInPortType(file)) return 1;
/* error occured; */
file << "</portType>" << endl;
return 0; /* success; */
int WSClass::GenerateOperationsInBinding(File &file, string &sServiceName,
int nBinding, int nStyle,
string &sURI)
for (list<Method*>::iterator it = m_Methods.begin(); it != m_Methods.end();
if ((*it)->GenerateOperationInBinding(file, sServiceName, nBinding,
nStyle, sURI)) return 1; /* error occured; */
return 0; /* success */