blob: 3954ec8466afd6c13a2079f98f623857c3830c21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
// (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Samisa Abeysinghe (
#include "../SOAPTransport.h"
#include "Channel.h"
#include "SecureChannel.hpp"
#include "ChannelFactory.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
AXIS_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE using namespace std;
int axtoi (char *hexStg);
class Axis2Transport:public SOAPTransport
Axis2Transport ();
virtual ~ Axis2Transport ();
* Sets the endpoint URI.
* Keeps track of the changes made to the URI. (Because if the URI changes,
* we cannot reuse the opned socket)
* @param pcEndPointURI End point URI of the service to connect to.
* e.g. http://localhost:8080/axis/services/echo
void setEndpointUri (const char *) throw (AxisTransportException);
int openConnection ();
void closeConnection ();
AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS sendBytes (const char *, const void *);
AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS getBytes (char *, int *) throw (AxisException,
const char *) throw (AxisTransportException);
const char *getTransportProperty (AXIS_TRANSPORT_INFORMATION_TYPE)
throw (AxisTransportException);
int setTransportProperty (const char *,
const char *) throw (AxisTransportException);
const char *getTransportProperty (const char *pcKey, bool response=true)
throw (AxisTransportException);
void setAttachment (const char *pcAttachmentId, const char *pcAttachment) {};
ISoapAttachment* getAttachment (const char *pcAttachmentId) { return NULL;};
void setSessionId (const char *pcSessionId);
const char *getSessionId ();
const char *getServiceName ();
AXIS_PROTOCOL_TYPE getProtocol ();
int setProtocol(AXIS_PROTOCOL_TYPE eProtocol);
int getSubProtocol ();
AXIS_TRANSPORT_STATUS flushOutput () throw (AxisTransportException);
* Set proxy server and port for transport.
* @param pcProxyHost Host name of proxy server
* @param uiProxyPort Port of proxy server
void setProxy (const char *pcProxyHost, unsigned int uiProxyPort);
* Set transport timeout.
* @param lSeconds Timeout in seconds
void setTimeout (const long lSeconds);
* @return HTTP protocol in use - HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0
const char *getHTTPProtocol ();
* @return HTTP Method in use - POST, GET etc.
const char *getHTTPMethod ();
* Set HTTP Method to use
* @param cpMethod - Possible values POST, GET, etc.
* Only POST is handled correctly at the moment
void setHTTPMethod (const char *);
const char *getHTTPHeaders ();
// This is used by SimpleAxisServer
void setSocket (unsigned int);
* Iterator initiatior for transport property keys
* This method must be called first to initiate access to the list of
* transport property keys.
* @return First transport property key. If there are no transport
* properties set, returns NULL.
const char* getFirstTransportPropertyKey();
* Iterator for transport property keys
* getFirstTransportPropertyKey() method must have been called at least once
* before this method is called. If not behaviour is undefined.
* This method advances the iterator by one position.
* Repeated calls always retuen the next value.
* @return Next transport property key. If there are no transport
* properties set or if iterator is at the end of the list, returns NULL.
const char* getNextTransportPropertyKey();
* Accessor for transport property keys.
* This method gives access to the key corresponding to the transport key
* currently being pointed by transport property key iterator.
* getFirstTransportPropertyKey() method must have been called at least once
* before this method is called. If not behaviour is undefined.
* This method does not advance the iterator.
* Repeated calls always retuen the same key unless
* getNextTransportPropertyKey() is called in between.
* @return Current transport property key. If there are no transport
* properties set or if iterator is at the end of the list, returns NULL.
const char* getCurrentTransportPropertyKey();
* Accessor for transport property values.
* This method gives access to the value corresponding to the transport key
* currently being pointed by transport property key iterator.
* As keys and values are treated as paires, access to the value field is
* based on the access to the key field.
* getFirstTransportPropertyKey() method must have been called at least once
* before this method is called. If not behaviour is undefined.
* This method does not advance the iterator.
* Repeated calls always retuen the same value unless
* getNextTransportPropertyKey() is called in between.
* @return Current transport property value. If there are no transport
* properties set or if iterator is at the end of the list, returns NULL.
const char* getCurrentTransportPropertyValue();
* Deletes the transport property key:value pair currently pointed to by
* the iterator.
void deleteCurrentTransportProperty();
* Deletes the given occerance of the transport property key:value pair
* corresponding to the given key.
* This method does not advance the iterator in line with the deletes done.
* In case you want to access the transport properties after using this
* method, it is advisable to reinitialize the iterator using
* getFirstTransportPropertyKey();
* However you can use this method despite where the iterator is
* pointing currently.
* @param pcKey Key of the transport property key:value pair to be deleted
* If the given key is not set currently, nothing will happen.
* @param uiOccurance Which occerance of the key to be deleted, because
* there can be multiple values for the same key.
* Default is to delete the first occurance.
* Count starts from 1.
void deleteTransportProperty(char* pcKey, unsigned int uiOccurance = 1);
* Set whether to Maitain session with service ot not.
* @param bSession - true is session should be maintained. False otherwise.
virtual void setMaintainSession(bool bSession);
char* getIncomingSOAPMimeHeaders() {return NULL;}
void processResponseHTTPHeaders ();
void processRootMimeBody ();
void processMimeHeader ();
void processMimeBody();
void getAttachment(char* pStrAttachment, int* pIntSize, int intAttachmentId);
int FindTransportPropertyIndex (std::string);
* Keeps track of if we need to reopen connection.
* Set true by setEndpointUri.
* Set false when a socket connection is established with the enpoint and
* when there is no need renew (that is close and open again) an existing connection.
bool m_bReopenConnection;
* Message string to be sent.
std::string m_strBytesToSend;
* Message header to be sent.
std::string m_strHeaderToSend;
* Vector to hold HTTP header key/value pairs
std::vector < std::pair < std::string, std::string > >m_vHTTPHeaders;
* Transport header iterator
vector <std::pair < std::string, std::string > >::iterator m_viCurrentHeader;
* HTTP protocol (1.1 or 1.0). Default is HTTP/1.1
std::string m_strHTTPProtocol;
* HTTP method (POST, GET etc.) - Only support POST at the moment
std::string m_strHTTPMethod;
* Bytes left in the payload buffer to be read
int m_iBytesLeft;
* Payload lenght
unsigned int m_iContentLength;
* Is the message chunked
int m_bChunked;
* String holding what we received over the channel
std::string m_strReceived;
* Have we read past HTTP headers?
bool m_bReadPastHTTPHeaders;
* Payload buffer
const char *m_pcReceived;
* Proxy server name.
std::string m_strProxyHost;
* Proxy server port.
unsigned int m_uiProxyPort;
* Use Proxy or not?
bool m_bUseProxy;
* HTTP headers in response
std::string m_strResponseHTTPHeaders;
* HTTP protocol (1.1 or 1.0). Default is HTTP/1.1
std::string m_strResponseHTTPProtocol;
* HTTP status code
int m_iResponseHTTPStatusCode;
* HTTP status code
std::string m_strResponseHTTPStatusMessage;
* Vector to hold response HTTP header key/value pairs
std::vector < std::pair < std::string,
std::string > >m_vResponseHTTPHeaders;
* Channel used for communication
Channel *m_pChannel;
bool m_bChannelSecure;
* Message header string to be sent.
std::string m_strHeaderBytesToSend;
* Should the Stub maintain session with service?
bool m_bMaintainSession;
* Session key sent by service
std::string m_strSessionKey;
* Content-Type holder
std::string m_strContentType;
* Mime Boundary value
std::string m_strMimeBoundary;
* Mime type value
std::string m_strMimeType;
* Mime start value
std::string m_strMimeStart;
* Received payload is a mime struct
bool m_bMimeTrue;
bool m_bReadPastRootMimeHeader;
std::string m_strMimeContentType;
std::string m_strMimeContentTransferEncoding;
std::string m_strMimeContentID;
std::string m_strMimeContentLocation;
std::string m_strMimeReceived;
ChannelFactory* m_pFactory;