blob: 7f7d28dd15389bf9045f37aee91cd209f0098ff6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Supported types are
1 <element name="getBoolean">
2 <element name="getByte">
3 <element name="getUnsignedByte">
4 <element name="getShort">
5 <element name="getUnsignedShort">
6 <element name="getInt">
7 <element name="getUnsignedInt">
8 <element name="getLong">
9 <element name="getUnsignedLong">
10 <element name="getFloat">
11 <element name="getDouble">
12 <element name="getDate">
13 <element name="getDateTime">
14 <element name="getTime">
15 <element name="getDuration">
16 <element name="getString">
17 <element name="getInteger">
18 <element name="getDecimal">
19 <element name="getBase64Binary">
20 <element name="getHexBinary">
#include "XSDElement.hpp"
#include <axis/AxisException.hpp>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef WIN32
// Bug in MS Visual C++ 6.0. Fixed in Visual C++ .Net version.
// Cannot print an __int64 number with cout without this overloading
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, __int64 i)
char buf[20];
sprintf (buf, "%I64d", i);
os << buf;
return os;
static void usage( char * programName, char * defaultURL)
cout << "Usage:" << endl
<< programName << " [-? | service_url] " << endl
<< " -? Show this help." << endl
<< " service_url URL of the service." << endl
<< " Default service URL is assumed to be " << defaultURL << endl;
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
char endpoint[256];
char * url = "http://localhost:80/axis/element";
char dateTime[50];
sprintf( endpoint, "%s", url);
if( argc > 1)
// Watch for special case help request
// Check for - only so that it works for
//-?, -h or --help; -anything
if( !strncmp( argv[1], "-", 1))
usage( argv[0], endpoint);
return 2;
sprintf( endpoint, argv[1]);
xsd__boolean boolResult = (xsd__boolean) 1;
xsd__byte bResult = (xsd__byte) 0;
xsd__unsignedByte ubResult = (xsd__unsignedByte) 0;
xsd__short sResult = (xsd__short) 0;
xsd__unsignedShort usResult = (xsd__unsignedShort) 0;
xsd__int iResult = (xsd__int) 0;
xsd__unsignedInt uiResult = (xsd__unsignedInt) 0;
xsd__long lResult = (xsd__long) 0;
xsd__unsignedLong ulResult = (xsd__unsignedLong) 0;
xsd__float fResult = (xsd__float) 0;
xsd__double dResult = (xsd__double) 0;
xsd__date dateResult; // typedef of struct tm
xsd__dateTime dateTimeResult; // typedef of struct tm
// xsd__time timeResult; // typedef of struct tm
xsd__duration durationResult = (xsd__duration) 0;
xsd__string strResult = (xsd__string) 0;
xsd__integer intResult = (xsd__integer) 0;
xsd__decimal decResult = (xsd__decimal) 0;
xsd__base64Binary b64Result;
xsd__hexBinary hexResult;
xsd__base64Binary b64Test;
xsd__hexBinary hexTest;
xsd__unsignedByte * testUB = (xsd__unsignedByte *) "<test><xml>some dod&y string</xml></test>";
b64Test.set( testUB, (xsd__int) 41);
hexTest.set( testUB, (xsd__int) 41);
time_t timeToTest;
timeToTest = 1100246323;
xsd__date * temp = gmtime( &timeToTest);
xsd__date testDate;
memcpy( &testDate, temp, sizeof( xsd__date));
bool bSuccess = false;
int iRetryIterationCount = 3;
XSDElement * ws = new XSDElement( endpoint);
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataBoolean");
boolResult = ws->setGetDataBoolean( (xsd__boolean) 1);
cout << "bool=" << boolResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataByte");
bResult = ws->setGetDataByte( 31);
cout << "byte=" << bResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataUnsignedByte");
ubResult = ws->setGetDataUnsignedByte( 32);
cout << "unsigned byte=" << ubResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataShort");
sResult = ws->setGetDataShort( 7);
cout << "short=" << sResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataUnsignedShort");
usResult = ws->setGetDataUnsignedShort( 14);
cout << "unsigned short=" << usResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataInt");
iResult = ws->setGetDataInt( 21);
cout << "int=" << iResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataUnsignedInt");
uiResult = ws->setGetDataUnsignedInt( 28);
cout << "unsigned int=" << uiResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataLong");
lResult = ws->setGetDataLong( (xsd__long) 35);
cout << "long=" << lResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataUnsignedLong");
ulResult = ws->setGetDataUnsignedLong( (xsd__unsignedLong) 42);
cout << "unsigned long=" << ulResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataFloat");
fResult = ws->setGetDataFloat( (xsd__float) 35.3535888888);
cout << "float=" << fResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataDouble");
dResult = ws->setGetDataDouble( (xsd__double) 70.7175888888);
printf( "double = %.5f\n", dResult);
fflush (stdout);
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataDurationType");
durationResult = ws->setGetDataDurationType( (xsd__duration) 123456789);
cout << "duration=" << durationResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDateType");
dateResult = ws->setGetDateType (testDate);
strftime( dateTime, 50, "%a %b %d %Y", &dateResult);
cout << "date=" << dateTime << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDateTimeType");
dateTimeResult = ws->setGetDateTimeType( testDate);
strftime( dateTime, 50, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &dateTimeResult);
cout << "dateTime=" << dateTime << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetDataString");
strResult = ws->setGetDataString( "never odd or even");
cout << "string=" << strResult << endl;
strResult = ws->setGetDataString( "m");
cout << "small string=" << strResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetIntegerType");
intResult = ws->setGetIntegerType( 919191919);
cout << "integer=" << intResult << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty ("SOAPAction", "element#setGetDecimalType");
decResult = ws->setGetDecimalType( 929292929.5555555555555);
printf( "decimal=%.5f\n", decResult);
fflush( stdout);
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetBase64BinaryType");
b64Result = ws->setGetBase64BinaryType( b64Test);
cout << "base64Binary size=" << b64Result.getSize() << endl;
if( b64Result.getSize() > 0)
xsd__int iSize;
cout << "base64Binary data=" << b64Result.get( iSize) << endl;
ws->setTransportProperty( "SOAPAction", "element#setGetHexBinary");
hexResult = ws->setGetHexBinary( hexTest);
xsd__int iSize = hexResult.getSize();
cout << "hexBinary size=" << iSize << endl;
if( iSize > 0)
cout << "hexBinary data=" << hexResult.get( iSize) << endl;
bSuccess = true;
delete ws;
catch( AxisException & e)
bool bSilent = false;
if( iRetryIterationCount > 1)
bSilent = true;
iRetryIterationCount = 0;
if( !bSilent)
cout << "Exception : " << e.what() << endl;
catch( exception & e)
cout << "Unknown exception has occurred" << e.what() << endl;
catch( ...)
cout << "Unknown exception has occurred" << endl;
} while( iRetryIterationCount > 0 && !bSuccess);
cout << "---------------------- TEST COMPLETE -----------------------------" << endl;
cout << "successful" << endl;
return 0;