blob: a11f5de51b6d2f4d0b0dd14f3bc072ee53adc9c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file XMLParser.h
* This file contains the API that any XML parser library for Axis should
* implement.
* @author Susantha Kumara (,
#include "AnyElement.h"
#include "../transport/SOAPTransport.h"
#include <axis/GDefine.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
* @class XMLParser
* @brief Interface that any parser wrapper should implement in order to be
* use in Axis as a XML PULL parser. This interface basically describes
* XML pull parsing behavior. Any SAX or DOM parser can be wrapped to
* expose XML pull behavior by implementing this interface. But the
* efficiency of the overall component depends on the particular
* implementaion.
* Its the responsibility of the implementation class to free any
* memory allocated inside the class. The class should not deallocate
* the given input stream.
* @author Susantha Kumara (,
class XMLParser
* Constructor
m_pInputStream = NULL;
m_bCanParseMore = false;
m_iStatus = AXIS_SUCCESS;
m_sErrorString = "";
* Destructor - no-op
virtual ~XMLParser(){}
* Sets the input stream. Here the parser should be prepared to start
* parsing a new stream and hence should be initialized to its initial
* state. Axis will call this function first for each input stream to
* be parsed.
* @brief Sets the input stream.
* @pre The stream passed MUST be an already opened stream (established
* connection.
* @param pInputStream Input stream from which the data to be parsed are
* read by calling its getBytes function. Function should not
* deallocate either pInputStream
* @return AXIS_SUCCESS if successfull. AXIS_FAIL otherwise.
virtual int setInputStream(AxisIOStream* pInputStream)=0;
* Gets the corresponding namespace string for a given prefix. The
* Parser should store the prefix/namespace pairs that it finds and
* valid at the current cursor position of the stream. This method
* provides a way to get the corresponding namespace for any valid
* prefix at the current cursor position of the pull parser.
* @brief Gets the corresponding namespace string for a given prefix.
* @param pcPrefix Prefix for which the namespace string is requested
* @return The namespace if a match is found. NULL otherwise.
virtual const XML_Ch* getNS4Prefix(const XML_Ch* pcPrefix)=0;
* @brief Used to get the parser status.
* @return Returns AXIS_SUCCESS if nothing has gone wrong. AXIS_FAIL
* otherwise.
virtual int getStatus() { return m_iStatus; }
* @brief Used to get the error string if status is AXIS_FAIL.
* @return Returns error string if AXIS_FAIL, NULL otherwise.
virtual const char *getErrorString()
return (m_iStatus == AXIS_SUCCESS) ? NULL : m_sErrorString.c_str();
* @brief Used to get the parser exception code corresponding to error if
* status is AXIS_FAIL. See AxisException.hpp for parser error codes.
* @return Returns exception code if AXIS_FAIL, -1 otherwise.
virtual int getErrorCode() { return (m_iStatus == AXIS_SUCCESS) ? -1 : m_iErrorCode; }
* Used to get the next XML data event. The valid events are start element,
* end element and character data. If we think of SAX events the processing
* instruction events, namespace prefix mapping events are not returned by
* this method. If the implementation of this interface is wrapping up a
* SAX parser it should follow the above rules.
* As the function signature suggests the returned AnyElement is const and
* the caller should not deallocate any member of it. Its the sole
* responsibility of the Parser wrapper implementation to manage any memory
* allocated by it.
* @brief Used to get the next XML event.
* @param bIsCharData Indicates whether Axis is expecting a character data
* event or not. If Axis is NOT expecting a character data event
* (bIsCharData is false) the parser should NOT return a character
* data event. Instead it should skip all character data events
* until it finds a non-character data event and return it. This
* behaviour is needed to ignore unexpected white space of the
* stream.
* @return Returns a filled AnyElement structure that contains all the data
* of the current XML element. See AnyElement.h for the
* structure of AnyElement.
virtual const AnyElement* next(bool bIsCharData=false)=0;
* Used to get the any next XML event. The valid events are start element,
* end element, character data and prefix mappings. If we think of SAX
* events only processing instruction events are not returned by this
* method. If the implementation of this interface is wrapping up a SAX
* parser it should follow the above rules.
* As the function signature suggests the returned AnyElement is const and
* the caller should not deallocate any member of it. Its the sole
* responsibility of the Parser wrapper implementation to manage any memory
* allocated by it.
* @brief Used to get the next XML event.
* @return Returns a filled AnyElement structure that contains all the data
* of the current XML element. See AnyElement.h for the structure
* of AnyElement.
virtual const AnyElement* anyNext()=0;
* @brief Peek a head and get the next elemnt. Should return NULL string
* if last element processed was a start/end element.
* @return Return the name of the next element.
virtual const char* peek()=0;
* Gets the corresponding prefix string for a given namespace. The
* Parser should store the prefix/namespace pairs that it finds and
* valid at the current cursor position of the stream. This method
* provides a way to get the corresponding prefix for any valid
* namespace at the current cursor position of the pull parser.
* @brief Gets the corresponding namespace string for a given prefix.
* @param pcNS Namespace for which the prefix string is requested
* @return The prefix if a match is found. NULL otherwise.
virtual const XML_Ch* getPrefix4NS(const XML_Ch* pcNS)=0;
* @brief Whether there is more data to parse.
* @return true if more data to parse; false otherwise.
virtual bool canParseMore() { return m_bCanParseMore; }
* Enable trace.
* @param logFilePath path to log file.
* @param filters log filters. See common/AxisTrace.h.
virtual void enableTrace(const char* logFilePath, const char *filters) { }
AxisIOStream* m_pInputStream;
bool m_bCanParseMore;
int m_iStatus;
int m_iErrorCode;
std::string m_sErrorString;