blob: b93a59c78da7c06c19c4b3a516a620702484580a [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- C++ -*- */
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Lilantha Darshana (
#include "libAxiscpp.h"
#include "Packet.h"
#include "Axis.hpp"
#include <new>
#include <exception>
#if defined (_DEBUG)
#include <iostream>
#define Trace(x) std::cout << x << std::endl;
#define Trace(x)
#define MIN(X,Y) (((X)<(Y))?(X):(Y))
/* Inaccessible static: DEBUG */
* Class: AxisCppContentHandler
* Method: processContent
* Signature: (Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_AxisCppContentHandler_processContent
(JNIEnv* p_Env, jclass, jobject p_jBodyReader, jobject p_jvHeaders,
jobject p_jBodyWriter, jint p_jnContentLength)
// TODO: populate soapstream with the headers & the body;
// invoke to process the contents
axstream *paxstream = new axstream;
JNIInputStream inputBody (p_Env, p_jBodyReader);
JNIOutputStream outputBody (p_Env, p_jBodyWriter);
paxstream->m_pInputContent = new std::istream (&inputBody);
paxstream->m_pOutputContent = new std::ostream (&outputBody);
paxstream->m_nContentLen = p_jnContentLength;
JNIVector jvHeader (p_Env, p_jvHeaders);
// set method name as a http header.
int nHeaderCount = jvHeader.size () / 2;
paxstream->m_pHeaders = new axstream::PROT_HEADER[nHeaderCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nHeaderCount; i++)
paxstream->m_pHeaders[i].pchName = jvHeader[i * 2];
paxstream->m_pHeaders[i].pchValue = jvHeader[i * 2 + 1];
Trace (paxstream->m_pHeaders[i].pchName);
Trace (paxstream->m_pHeaders[i].pchValue);
paxstream->m_nHeaderCount = nHeaderCount;
paxstream->m_enProtocolType = axstream::HTTP;
paxstream->m_pExtendedInfo = new axstream::EXTENDED_INFO;
paxstream->m_pExtendedInfo->infHttp.enMethod = axstream::HTTP_INFO::POST;
// just add some sessionid
char *s = "tmp session id";
paxstream->m_pchSessionId = new char[strlen(s)+1];
AxisContentHandler::Init ();
if (0 != AxisContentHandler::HandleContent (*paxstream))
throw "SOAP Engine failed to response";
jvHeader.clear ();
nHeaderCount = paxstream->m_nHeaderCount;
for (int j = 0; j < nHeaderCount; j++)
jvHeader.push_back (paxstream->m_pHeaders[j].pchName);
jvHeader.push_back (paxstream->m_pHeaders[j].pchValue);
Trace (paxstream->m_pHeaders[j].pchName);
Trace (paxstream->m_pHeaders[j].pchValue);
*paxstream->m_pOutputContent << std::flush;
delete paxstream;
JNIVector::JNIVector (JNIEnv* p_Env, jobject p_jVector):m_pEnv (p_Env),
m_jVector (p_jVector)
jclass clazz = p_Env->FindClass ("java/util/Vector");
JNI_ASSERT (clazz != NULL, "java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError",
JNI_ASSERT (p_Env->IsInstanceOf (p_jVector, clazz),
"p_jVector not a java.util.Vector object!");
m_jmGet = p_Env->GetMethodID (clazz, "get", "(I)Ljava/lang/Object;");
JNI_ASSERT (m_jmGet != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'public Object get(int index)' not found!");
m_jmAdd = p_Env->GetMethodID (clazz, "addElement", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V");
JNI_ASSERT (m_jmGet != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'public void addElement(Object obj)' not found!");
m_jmClear = p_Env->GetMethodID (clazz, "clear", "()V");
JNI_ASSERT (m_jmGet != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'public void clear()' not found!");
m_jmSize = p_Env->GetMethodID (clazz, "size", "()I");
JNI_ASSERT (m_jmGet != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'public void size()' not found!");
JNIVector::~JNIVector ()
char* JNIVector::operator [] (int i)
jboolean isCopy;
jobject obj = m_pEnv-> CallObjectMethod (m_jVector, m_jmGet, i);
jstring str = (jstring) obj;
const char* pch = m_pEnv->GetStringUTFChars (str, &isCopy);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
throw std::bad_alloc ();
return (char*)
void JNIVector::push_back (const char* str)
m_pEnv->CallVoidMethod (m_jVector, m_jmAdd, m_pEnv->NewStringUTF (str));
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
throw std::bad_exception ("can't push_back");
// need to set up a exception
void JNIVector::clear ()
m_pEnv->CallVoidMethod (m_jVector, m_jmClear);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
throw std::bad_exception ("Can't clear the vector");
// need to set up a exception
int JNIVector::size ()
int size = m_pEnv->CallIntMethod (m_jVector, m_jmSize);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
throw std::bad_exception ("Don't know the vector size");
// need to set up a exception
return size;
JNIOutputStream::JNIOutputStream (JNIEnv* p_pEnv, jobject stream,
unsigned bufsize):std::strstreambuf (bufsize), m_pEnv (p_pEnv),
_output (stream), _write (NULL), _flush (NULL), _bufsize (bufsize),
_jbuf (NULL)
jclass clazz = m_pEnv->FindClass ("java/io/OutputStream");
JNI_ASSERT (clazz != NULL, "java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError",
JNI_ASSERT (m_pEnv->IsInstanceOf (stream, clazz),
"stream not a object!");
_write = m_pEnv->GetMethodID (clazz, "write", "([BII)V");
// void write(byte[], int, int)
JNI_ASSERT (_write != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'void[], int, int)' not found!");
_flush = m_pEnv->GetMethodID (clazz, "flush", "()V"); // void flush()
JNI_ASSERT (_flush != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'void' not found!");
_jbuf = m_pEnv->NewByteArray (_bufsize);
JNI_ASSERT (_jbuf != NULL, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError", "");
JNIOutputStream::~JNIOutputStream ()
m_pEnv->DeleteLocalRef (_jbuf);
int JNIOutputStream::overflow (int c)
/* WIN32 has a bug in nested scope resolution - it can't
* handle std::strstreambuf::overflow - so we pull in the
* std namespace here.
using namespace std;
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
unsigned count = pcount ();
for (unsigned start = 0, n; count > 0; count -= n, start += n)
n = MIN (count, _bufsize);
m_pEnv->SetByteArrayRegion (_jbuf, 0, n, (jbyte*) pbase () + start);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
m_pEnv->CallVoidMethod (_output, _write, _jbuf, 0, n);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
setp (pbase (), epptr ()); // (put) buffer is empty
return strstreambuf::overflow (c);
int JNIOutputStream::sync ()
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
overflow (EOF); // empty buffer...
if (_output)
m_pEnv->CallVoidMethod (_output, _flush);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
return 0;
JNIInputStream::JNIInputStream (JNIEnv* env, jobject stream,
unsigned bufsize):std::strstreambuf (_buf = new char[bufsize], bufsize),
m_pEnv (env), _input (stream), _read (NULL), _close (NULL),
_bufsize (bufsize), _jbuf (NULL)
jclass clazz = m_pEnv->FindClass ("java/io/InputStream");
JNI_ASSERT (clazz != NULL, "java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError",
JNI_ASSERT (m_pEnv->IsInstanceOf (stream, clazz),
"stream not a object!");
_read = m_pEnv->GetMethodID (clazz, "read", "([BII)I");
// int read(byte[], int, int)
JNI_ASSERT (_read != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'int[], int, int)' not found!");
_close = m_pEnv->GetMethodID (clazz, "close", "()V"); // void close()
JNI_ASSERT (_read != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'int[], int, int)' not found!");
_available = m_pEnv->GetMethodID (clazz, "available", "()I");
// int available()
JNI_ASSERT (_available != NULL, "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError",
"method 'int' not found!");
_jbuf = m_pEnv->NewByteArray (_bufsize);
JNI_ASSERT (_jbuf != NULL, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError", "");
setg (eback (), egptr (), egptr ()); // (get) buffer is empty
JNIInputStream::~JNIInputStream ()
m_pEnv->DeleteLocalRef (_jbuf);
m_pEnv->CallVoidMethod (_input, _close);
int JNIInputStream::available ()
int n = m_pEnv->CallIntMethod (_input, _available);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
return n;
int JNIInputStream::underflow ()
/* WIN32 has a bug in nested scope resolution - it can't
* handle std::strstreambuf::overflow - so we pull in the
* std namespace here.
using namespace std;
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
int n = m_pEnv->CallIntMethod (_input, _read, _jbuf, 0, _bufsize);
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred () || n == -1)
return EOF;
setg (eback (), egptr () - n, egptr ()); // (get) buffer has n chars
m_pEnv->GetByteArrayRegion (_jbuf, 0, n, (jbyte*) gptr ());
if (m_pEnv->ExceptionOccurred ())
return EOF;
return strstreambuf::underflow ();
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad (JavaVM* jvm, void* reserved)
return JNI_VERSION_1_2;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnload (JavaVM* jvm, void* reserved)