Minor, revert "fix" for the need to obtain reference type for arrays...needs more investigation
diff --git a/src/wsdl/org/apache/axis/wsdl/wsdl2ws/info/WSDLInfo.java b/src/wsdl/org/apache/axis/wsdl/wsdl2ws/info/WSDLInfo.java
index 51fa3c2..705dc9e 100644
--- a/src/wsdl/org/apache/axis/wsdl/wsdl2ws/info/WSDLInfo.java
+++ b/src/wsdl/org/apache/axis/wsdl/wsdl2ws/info/WSDLInfo.java
@@ -628,12 +628,16 @@
             // An array...


             // Get referenced type

-            TypeEntry typeEntryOfRefType = getActualRefType(type);

-            if (null == typeEntryOfRefType || typeEntryOfRefType.getQName() == null)

+            if (null == type.getRefType() || null == type.getRefType().getQName())

                 throw new WrapperFault("Array type found without a Ref type: " + type.getQName());



+            // TODO not sure what we should do if array references an element following commented code is not correct 

+	        //  if (type.getRefType().getRefType() != null) 	 

+	        //     qn = type.getRefType().getRefType().getQName();

+            QName qn = type.getRefType().getQName();


             // If referenced type is primitive, we are done...

-            QName qn = typeEntryOfRefType.getQName();

             if (CUtils.isPrimitiveType(qn))

                 return null;