blob: 62057db5ce18264d6eedb0e11b4b6bd0643271b2 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "FileFunctions.hpp"
#include "MissingCFunctions.hpp"
#include "AxisConfigurationLibraries.hpp"
bool ReadFilenamesInaDirectory( char * pszDirName, LIST * psFileNameList)
bool bSuccess = false;
#if WIN32 // Start WINDOWS code
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300 // Start MSVC verison number > 7.0
intptr_t lFindFile;
#else // Else !(MSVC verison number > 7.0)
long lFindFile;
#endif // End MSVC verison number
struct _finddata_t sFindData;
if( (lFindFile = _findfirst( pszDirName, &sFindData)) != -1)
if([0] == '.' && sFindData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)
bSuccess = true;
if( !(sFindData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR))
AddFilenameToList( psFileNameList,;
} while( _findnext( lFindFile, &sFindData) == 0);
_findclose( lFindFile);
#else // Else !(WINDOWS code)
DIR * psDIR;
struct dirent* pDirEnt;
if( (psDIR = opendir( pszDirName)) == NULL)
return bSuccess;
while( (pDirEnt = readdir( psDIR)) != NULL)
AddFilenameToList( psFileNameList, pDirEnt->d_name);
if( closedir( psDIR) == -1)
return bSuccess;
bSuccess = true;
#endif // End WINDOWS code
return bSuccess;
bool CheckAxisBinDirectoryExists( char * pszAxisCpp_Deploy, char * pszAxis_Bin, char * pszAxis_Bin_Default, LIST * psDLLNames, LIST * psFileNameList)
bool bFound = false;
if( strlen( pszAxis_Bin) < 2)
strcpy( pszAxis_Bin, pszAxis_Bin_Default);
char szFilename[512];
char szFileDirAndName[512];
#if WIN32
sprintf( szFilename, "%s\\%s\\*.*", pszAxisCpp_Deploy, pszAxis_Bin);
sprintf( szFilename, "%s/%s/.", pszAxisCpp_Deploy, pszAxis_Bin);
if( (bFound = ReadFilenamesInaDirectory( szFilename, psFileNameList)) == true)
int iIndex = 0;
char * pExtn = (char *) psFileNameList->ppArray[iIndex];
if( (pExtn = strchr( pExtn, '.')) != NULL)
#if WIN32
if( StringCompare( pExtn, "DLL"))
if( StringCompare( pExtn, "SO"))
DLLNAMEINFO * psDLLNameInfo = (DLLNAMEINFO *) GetNextListElement( psDLLNames, sizeof( DLLNAMEINFO));
psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLName = (char *) malloc( strlen( (char *) psFileNameList->ppArray[iIndex]) + 1);
strcpy( psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLName, (char *) psFileNameList->ppArray[iIndex]);
StringToUpper( psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLName);
#if WIN32
sprintf( szFileDirAndName, "%s\\%s\\%s", pszAxisCpp_Deploy, pszAxis_Bin, (char *) psFileNameList->ppArray[iIndex]);
sprintf( szFileDirAndName, "%s/%s/%s", pszAxisCpp_Deploy, pszAxis_Bin, (char *) psFileNameList->ppArray[iIndex]);
psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLFilename = (char *) malloc( strlen( szFileDirAndName) + 1);
strcpy( psDLLNameInfo->pszDLLFilename, szFileDirAndName);
} while( pExtn != NULL);
} while( iIndex < psFileNameList->iCount);
if( !bFound)
cout << endl << "The directory " << pszAxis_Bin << " was not found." << endl << endl;
return bFound;
void WriteAxisConfigFile( LIST * psDLLNames, int * piConfigInfoArray, CHOICELIST * psChoiceList, bool bMerge, char * pszAxisCpp_Deploy, char cSlash, bool bBackup)
char szFilename[256];
sprintf( szFilename, "%s%caxiscpp.conf", pszAxisCpp_Deploy, cSlash);
cout << endl << "Configuration complete." << endl << endl;
if( bBackup)
BackUpExistingConfigFile( pszAxisCpp_Deploy, szFilename, cSlash);
if( bMerge)
char * pszData = NULL;
long lFileLength = 0;
if( (lFileLength = ReadFileContents( szFilename, &pszData)) > -1)
FILE * pFile = fopen( szFilename, "w");
if( lFileLength < 5)
char szConfigData[512];
sprintf( szConfigData, "# This header file was created by AxisConfiguration on %s", TimeNow());
WriteLineToFile( pFile, szConfigData);
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "# The comment character is '#'\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "# Available directives are as follows\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#(Some of these directives may not be implemented yet)\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#\n");
for( int ieConfigType = eHTTPTransport; ieConfigType < eConfigMax; ieConfigType++)
int iChoiceIndex = GetChoiceIndexForConfigType( psChoiceList, (ECONFIGTYPE) ieConfigType);
if( iChoiceIndex != -1)
char * psTag = strstr( pszData, psChoiceList[iChoiceIndex].pszConfigName);
if( psTag)
char * psTagLineStart = strchr( psTag, ':');
char * psTagLineEnd = psTag;
if( psTagLineStart != NULL)
while( *psTagLineEnd != '\n' &&
*psTagLineEnd != '\r' &&
*psTagLineEnd != '\0' &&
psTagLineEnd - pszData < lFileLength)
int iTagValueLength = (int) (psTagLineEnd - psTagLineStart);
char * pszTagValue = GetTagValue( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, (ECONFIGTYPE) ieConfigType);
if( pszTagValue != NULL)
if( (int) strlen( pszTagValue) == iTagValueLength)
if( StringCompare( psTagLineStart, pszTagValue))
// No change
memcpy( psTagLineStart, pszTagValue, iTagValueLength);
else if( (int) strlen( pszTagValue) > iTagValueLength)
// New tag value is longer than current tag.
int iTagValueLengthDiff = (int) strlen( pszTagValue) - iTagValueLength;
int iTagValueOffset = (int) (psTagLineStart - pszData);
pszData = (char *) realloc( pszData, strlen( pszData) + iTagValueLengthDiff + 1);
memmove( pszData + iTagValueOffset + iTagValueLength + iTagValueLengthDiff,
pszData + iTagValueOffset + iTagValueLength,
strlen( pszData + iTagValueOffset + iTagValueLength) + 1);
memcpy( pszData + iTagValueOffset,
strlen( pszTagValue));
// New tag value is shorter than current tag.
int iTagValueLengthDiff = iTagValueLength - (int) strlen( pszTagValue);
int iTagValueOffset = (int) (psTagLineStart - pszData);
memmove( pszData + iTagValueOffset + iTagValueLength - iTagValueLengthDiff,
pszData + iTagValueOffset + iTagValueLength,
strlen( pszData + iTagValueOffset + iTagValueLength) + 1);
memcpy( pszData + iTagValueOffset,
strlen( pszTagValue));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, (ECONFIGTYPE) ieConfigType));
// No choice information
WriteLineToFile( pFile, pszData);
free( pszData);
fclose( pFile);
cout << "Error - The existing configuration file (" << szFilename << ")" << endl
<< " could not be read/found. The new configuration data has" << endl
<< " not been written." << endl;
FILE * pFile = fopen( szFilename, "w");
char szConfigData[512];
sprintf( szConfigData, "# This header file was created by AxisConfiguration on %s", TimeNow());
WriteLineToFile( pFile, szConfigData);
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "# The comment character is '#'\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "# Available directives are as follows\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#(Some of these directives may not be implemented yet)\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eServerLog));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eServerWSDD));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eClientLog));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eClientWSDD));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#Node name.\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#NodeName: <not set>\n\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#Listening port.\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, "#ListenPort: <not set>\n\n");
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eHTTPTransport));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eSMTPTransport));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eXMLParser));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eHTTPChannel));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eHTTPSSLChannel));
WriteLineToFile( pFile, CreateConfigElement( psDLLNames, piConfigInfoArray, psChoiceList, eSSLOptions));
fclose( pFile);
bool BackUpExistingConfigFile( char * pszAxisCpp_Deploy, char * pszFilename, char cSlash)
bool bSuccess = false;
if( FileExists( pszFilename))
int iBackCount = -1;
char szBackFilename[256];
sprintf( szBackFilename, "%s%caxiscpp.conf.backup_%04d", pszAxisCpp_Deploy, cSlash, iBackCount);
} while( FileExists( szBackFilename));
FILE * pFileFrom = fopen( pszFilename, "r");
FILE * pFileTo = fopen( szBackFilename, "w");
if( pFileFrom != NULL && pFileTo != NULL)
long lFileLength = GetFileLength( pFileFrom);
char szBackupHeader[256];
sprintf( szBackupHeader, "# This header file was automatically backed up by AxisConfiguration on %s", TimeNow());
char * pFileContent = (char *) malloc( lFileLength + strlen( szBackupHeader) + 2);
pFileContent[lFileLength + strlen( szBackupHeader) + 1] = '\0';
strcpy( pFileContent, szBackupHeader);
fread( pFileContent + strlen( szBackupHeader), sizeof( char), lFileLength, pFileFrom);
fwrite( pFileContent, sizeof( char), lFileLength + strlen(szBackupHeader) + 1, pFileTo);
fclose( pFileFrom);
fclose( pFileTo);
pFileTo = NULL;
pFileFrom = NULL;
free( pFileContent);
bSuccess = true;
if( pFileTo != NULL)
fclose( pFileTo);
if( pFileFrom != NULL)
fclose( pFileFrom);
return bSuccess;
void WriteLineToFile( FILE * pFile, char * pszData)
fwrite( pszData, sizeof( char), strlen( pszData), pFile);
long GetFileLength( FILE * pFile)
fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
long lFileLength = ftell( pFile);
rewind( pFile);
return lFileLength;
long ReadFileContents( char * pszFilename, char ** ppszData)
long lFileLength = -1;
if( FileExists( pszFilename))
FILE * pFile = fopen( pszFilename, "r");
if( pFile != NULL)
lFileLength = GetFileLength( pFile);
*ppszData = (char *) malloc( lFileLength + 1);
memset( *ppszData, 0, lFileLength + 1);
fread( *ppszData, sizeof( char), lFileLength, pFile);
fclose( pFile);
return lFileLength;