blob: 63fb9145a1baf794434b8adda6cb5408104d2935 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "actions.h"
#ifndef YYSTYPE
typedef union
int tokenvalue;
expression* expression_ptr;
member_declarator* member_declarator_ptr;
param_declarator* param_declarator_ptr;
string* string_ptr;
member_declarator_list* member_declarator_list_ptr;
string_list* string_list_ptr;
base_specifier_list* base_specifier_list_ptr;
base_specifier* base_specifier_ptr;
void* any_ptr;
param_decl* param_decl_ptr;
param_decl_list* param_decl_list_ptr;
class_head* class_head_ptr;
} yystype;
# define YYSTYPE yystype
# define KW_asm 257
# define KW_do 258
# define KW_inline 259
# define KW_short 260
# define KW_typeid 261
# define KW_auto 262
# define KW_double 263
# define KW_int 264
# define KW_signed 265
# define KW_typename 266
# define KW_bool 267
# define KW_dynamic_cast 268
# define KW_long 269
# define KW_sizeof 270
# define KW_union 271
# define KW_break 272
# define KW_else 273
# define KW_mutable 274
# define KW_static 275
# define KW_unsigned 276
# define KW_case 277
# define KW_enum 278
# define KW_namespace 279
# define KW_static_cast 280
# define KW_using 281
# define KW_catch 282
# define KW_explicit 283
# define KW_new 284
# define KW_struct 285
# define KW_virtual 286
# define KW_char 287
# define KW_extern 288
# define KW_operator 289
# define KW_switch 290
# define KW_void 291
# define KW_class 292
# define KW_false 293
# define KW_private 294
# define KW_template 295
# define KW_volatile 296
# define KW_const 297
# define KW_float 298
# define KW_protected 299
# define KW_this 300
# define KW_wchar_t 301
# define KW_const_cast 302
# define KW_for 303
# define KW_public 304
# define KW_throw 305
# define KW_while 306
# define KW_continue 307
# define KW_friend 308
# define KW_register 309
# define KW_true 310
# define KW_default 311
# define KW_goto 312
# define KW_reinterpret_cast 313
# define KW_try 314
# define KW_delete 315
# define KW_if 316
# define KW_return 317
# define KW_typedef 318
# define KW_export 319
# define KW_string 320
# define KW_unsigned_char 321
# define KW_unsigned_short 322
# define KW_unsigned_long 323
# define KW_long_double 324
# define INTEGER_LITERAL 325
# define STRING_LITERAL 328
# define LEFTPAREN 329
# define RIGHTPAREN 330
# define LEFTBRACK 331
# define RIGHTBRACK 332
# define LEFTARRAY 333
# define RIGHTARRAY 334
# define PLUS 335
# define MINUS 336
# define STAR 337
# define DIVIDE 338
# define MOD 339
# define GREATER 340
# define LESS 341
# define EQUAL 342
# define AND 343
# define OR 344
# define NOT 345
# define XOR 346
# define COMMA 347
# define SEMI 348
# define COLON 349
# define COMPLEMENT 350
# define DOT 351
# define QUESTION 352
# define COLCOL 353
# define ELLIPSES 354
# define PLUSEQ 355
# define MINUSEQ 356
# define STAREQ 357
# define DIVEQ 358
# define MODEQ 359
# define XOREQ 360
# define ANDEQ 361
# define OREQ 362
# define LTLT 363
# define GTGT 364
# define GTGTEQ 365
# define LTLTEQ 366
# define EQEQ 367
# define NOTEQ 368
# define LEQ 369
# define GEQ 370
# define ANDAND 371
# define OROR 372
# define PLUSPLUS 373
# define MINUSMINUS 374
# define DOTSTAR 375
# define ARROWSTAR 376
# define ARROW 377
# define IDENTIFIER 378
# define ID_typedef_name 379
# define ID_enum_name 380
# define ID_class_name 381
extern YYSTYPE yylval;
#endif /* not BISON_CPPYACC_HPP */