blob: a68182695e4677f374f0394161dd76e90dd5db4d [file] [log] [blame]
/* jshint node: true */
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var utils = require('./utils'),
buffer = require('buffer'), // For `SlowBuffer`.
util = require('util');
// Convenience imports.
var Tap = utils.Tap;
var f = util.format;
// All Avro types.
var TYPES = {
'array': ArrayType,
'boolean': BooleanType,
'bytes': BytesType,
'double': DoubleType,
'enum': EnumType,
'error': RecordType,
'fixed': FixedType,
'float': FloatType,
'int': IntType,
'long': LongType,
'map': MapType,
'null': NullType,
'record': RecordType,
'request': RecordType,
'string': StringType,
'union': UnionType
// Valid (field, type, and symbol) name regex.
var NAME_PATTERN = /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/;
// Random generator.
var RANDOM = new utils.Lcg();
// Encoding tap (shared for performance).
var TAP = new Tap(new buffer.SlowBuffer(1024));
// Path prefix for validity checks (shared for performance).
var PATH = [];
// Currently active logical type, used for name redirection.
var LOGICAL_TYPE = null;
* Schema parsing entry point.
* It isn't exposed directly but called from `parse` inside `index.js` (node)
* or `avro.js` (browserify) which each add convenience functionality.
function createType(attrs, opts) {
if (attrs instanceof Type) {
return attrs;
opts = getOpts(attrs, opts);
var type;
if (typeof attrs == 'string') { // Type reference.
if (opts.namespace && !~attrs.indexOf('.') && !isPrimitive(attrs)) {
attrs = opts.namespace + '.' + attrs;
type = opts.registry[attrs];
if (type) {
// Type was already defined, return it.
return type;
if (isPrimitive(attrs)) {
// Reference to a primitive type. These are also defined names by default
// so we create the appropriate type and it to the registry for future
// reference.
return opts.registry[attrs] = createType({type: attrs}, opts);
throw new Error(f('undefined type name: %s', attrs));
if (opts.typeHook && (type = opts.typeHook(attrs, opts))) {
if (!(type instanceof Type)) {
throw new Error(f('invalid typehook return value: %j', type));
return type;
if (attrs.logicalType && !LOGICAL_TYPE) {
var DerivedType = opts.logicalTypes[attrs.logicalType];
if (DerivedType) {
var registry = {};
Object.keys(opts.registry).forEach(function (key) {
registry[key] = opts.registry[key];
try {
return new DerivedType(attrs, opts);
} catch (err) {
if (opts.assertLogicalTypes) {
throw err;
opts.registry = registry; // In case any names were registered.
if (attrs instanceof Array) { // Union.
type = new UnionType(attrs, opts);
} else { // New type definition.
type = (function (typeName) {
var Type = TYPES[typeName];
if (Type === undefined) {
throw new Error(f('unknown type: %j', typeName));
return new Type(attrs, opts);
return type;
* "Abstract" base Avro type class.
* This class' constructor will register any named types to support
* recursive schemas.
* All type values are represented in memory similarly to their JSON
* representation, except for `bytes` and `fixed` which are represented as
* `Buffer`s. See individual subclasses for details.
function Type(registry) {
var name = this._name;
var type = LOGICAL_TYPE || this;
if (registry === undefined || name === undefined) {
var prev = registry[name];
if (prev !== undefined) {
throw new Error(f('duplicate type name: %s', name));
registry[name] = type;
Type.__reset = function (size) { TAP.buf = new buffer.SlowBuffer(size); };
Type.prototype.createResolver = function (type, opts) {
if (!(type instanceof Type)) {
// More explicit error message than the "incompatible type" thrown
// otherwise (especially because of the overridden `toJSON` method).
throw new Error(f('not a type: %j', type));
if (type instanceof LogicalType && !(this instanceof LogicalType)) {
// Trying to read a logical type as a built-in: unwrap the logical type.
return this.createResolver(type._underlyingType, opts);
opts = opts || {};
opts.registry = opts.registry || {};
var resolver, key;
if (this instanceof RecordType && type instanceof RecordType) {
key = this._name + ':' + type._name; // ':' is illegal in Avro type names.
resolver = opts.registry[key];
if (resolver) {
return resolver;
resolver = new Resolver(this);
if (key) { // Register resolver early for recursive schemas.
opts.registry[key] = resolver;
if (type instanceof UnionType) {
var resolvers = (t) {
return this.createResolver(t, opts);
}, this);
resolver._read = function (tap) {
var index = tap.readLong();
var resolver = resolvers[index];
if (resolver === undefined) {
throw new Error(f('invalid union index: %s', index));
return resolvers[index]._read(tap);
} else {
this._updateResolver(resolver, type, opts);
if (!resolver._read) {
throw new Error(f('cannot read %s as %s', type, this));
return resolver;
Type.prototype.decode = function (buf, pos, resolver) {
var tap = new Tap(buf);
tap.pos = pos | 0;
var val = readValue(this, tap, resolver);
if (!tap.isValid()) {
return {value: undefined, offset: -1};
return {value: val, offset: tap.pos};
Type.prototype.encode = function (val, buf, pos) {
var tap = new Tap(buf);
tap.pos = pos | 0;
this._write(tap, val);
if (!tap.isValid()) {
// Don't throw as there is no way to predict this. We also return the
// number of missing bytes to ease resizing.
return buf.length - tap.pos;
return tap.pos;
Type.prototype.fromBuffer = function (buf, resolver, noCheck) {
var tap = new Tap(buf);
var val = readValue(this, tap, resolver, noCheck);
if (!tap.isValid()) {
throw new Error('truncated buffer');
if (!noCheck && tap.pos < buf.length) {
throw new Error('trailing data');
return val;
Type.prototype.toBuffer = function (val) {
TAP.pos = 0;
this._write(TAP, val);
if (!TAP.isValid()) {
Type.__reset(2 * TAP.pos);
TAP.pos = 0;
this._write(TAP, val);
var buf = new Buffer(TAP.pos);
TAP.buf.copy(buf, 0, 0, TAP.pos);
return buf;
Type.prototype.fromString = function (str) {
return this._copy(JSON.parse(str), {coerce: 2});
Type.prototype.toString = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) {
// Consistent behavior with standard `toString` expectations.
return this.getSchema(true);
return JSON.stringify(this._copy(val, {coerce: 3}));
Type.prototype.clone = function (val, opts) {
if (opts) {
opts = {
coerce: !!opts.coerceBuffers | 0, // Coerce JSON to Buffer.
fieldHook: opts.fieldHook,
wrap: !!opts.wrapUnions | 0 // Wrap first match into union.
return this._copy(val, opts);
Type.prototype.isValid = function (val, opts) {
while (PATH.length) {
// In case the previous `isValid` call didn't complete successfully (e.g.
// if an exception was thrown, but then caught in client code), `PATH`
// might be non-empty, we must manually clear it.
return this._check(val, opts && opts.errorHook);
Type.prototype.compareBuffers = function (buf1, buf2) {
return this._match(new Tap(buf1), new Tap(buf2));
Type.prototype.getName = function (noRef) {
return noRef ? getTypeName(this) : this._name;
Type.prototype.getSchema = function (noDeref) {
return stringify(this, noDeref);
Type.prototype.getFingerprint = function (algorithm) {
return utils.getHash(this.getSchema(), algorithm);
Type.prototype.inspect = function () {
if (this instanceof PrimitiveType) {
return f('<%s>',;
} else {
var obj = JSON.parse(this.getSchema(true)); // Slow, only for debugging.
if (typeof obj == 'object') {
obj.type = undefined; // Would be redundant with constructor name.
return f('<%s %j>',, obj);
Type.prototype._check = utils.abstractFunction;
Type.prototype._copy = utils.abstractFunction;
Type.prototype._match = utils.abstractFunction;
Type.prototype._read = utils.abstractFunction;
Type.prototype._skip = utils.abstractFunction;
Type.prototype._updateResolver = utils.abstractFunction;
Type.prototype._write = utils.abstractFunction; = utils.abstractFunction;
Type.prototype.random = utils.abstractFunction;
// Implementations.
* Base primitive Avro type.
* Most of the primitive types share the same cloning and resolution
* mechanisms, provided by this class. This class also lets us conveniently
* check whether a type is a primitive using `instanceof`.
function PrimitiveType() {; }
util.inherits(PrimitiveType, Type);
PrimitiveType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type) {
if (type.constructor === this.constructor) {
resolver._read = this._read;
PrimitiveType.prototype._copy = function (val) {
this._check(val, throwInvalidError);
return val;
}; =;
* Nulls.
function NullType() {; }
util.inherits(NullType, PrimitiveType);
NullType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = val === null;
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
NullType.prototype._read = function () { return null; };
NullType.prototype._skip = function () {};
NullType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (val !== null) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
NullType.prototype._match = function () { return 0; }; = NullType.prototype._match;
NullType.prototype.random = NullType.prototype._read;
NullType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'null'; };
* Booleans.
function BooleanType() {; }
util.inherits(BooleanType, PrimitiveType);
BooleanType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = typeof val == 'boolean';
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
BooleanType.prototype._read = function (tap) { return tap.readBoolean(); };
BooleanType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipBoolean(); };
BooleanType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (typeof val != 'boolean') {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
BooleanType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchBoolean(tap2);
BooleanType.prototype.random = function () { return RANDOM.nextBoolean(); };
BooleanType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'boolean'; };
* Integers.
function IntType() {; }
util.inherits(IntType, PrimitiveType);
IntType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = val === (val | 0);
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
IntType.prototype._read = function (tap) { return tap.readInt(); };
IntType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipInt(); };
IntType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (val !== (val | 0)) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
IntType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchInt(tap2);
IntType.prototype.random = function () { return RANDOM.nextInt(1000) | 0; };
IntType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'int'; };
* Longs.
* We can't capture all the range unfortunately since JavaScript represents all
* numbers internally as `double`s, so the default implementation plays safe
* and throws rather than potentially silently change the data. See `using` or
* `AbstractLongType` below for a way to implement a custom long type.
function LongType() {; }
util.inherits(LongType, PrimitiveType);
LongType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = typeof val == 'number' && val % 1 === 0 && isSafeLong(val);
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
LongType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
var n = tap.readLong();
if (!isSafeLong(n)) {
throw new Error('potential precision loss');
return n;
LongType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipLong(); };
LongType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (typeof val != 'number' || val % 1 || !isSafeLong(val)) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
LongType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchLong(tap2);
LongType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type) {
if (type instanceof LongType || type instanceof IntType) {
resolver._read = type._read;
LongType.prototype.random = function () { return RANDOM.nextInt(); };
LongType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'long'; };
LongType.using = function (methods, noUnpack) {
methods = methods || {}; // Will give a more helpful error message.
// We map some of the methods to a different name to be able to intercept
// their input and output (otherwise we wouldn't be able to perform any
// unpacking logic, and the type wouldn't work when nested).
var mapping = {
toBuffer: '_toBuffer',
fromBuffer: '_fromBuffer',
fromJSON: '_fromJSON',
toJSON: '_toJSON',
isValid: '_isValid',
compare: 'compare'
var type = new AbstractLongType(noUnpack);
Object.keys(mapping).forEach(function (name) {
if (methods[name] === undefined) {
throw new Error(f('missing method implementation: %s', name));
type[mapping[name]] = methods[name];
return type;
* Floats.
function FloatType() {; }
util.inherits(FloatType, PrimitiveType);
FloatType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = typeof val == 'number';
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
FloatType.prototype._read = function (tap) { return tap.readFloat(); };
FloatType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipFloat(); };
FloatType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (typeof val != 'number') {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
FloatType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchFloat(tap2);
FloatType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type) {
if (
type instanceof FloatType ||
type instanceof LongType ||
type instanceof IntType
) {
resolver._read = type._read;
FloatType.prototype.random = function () { return RANDOM.nextFloat(1e3); };
FloatType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'float'; };
* Doubles.
function DoubleType() {; }
util.inherits(DoubleType, PrimitiveType);
DoubleType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = typeof val == 'number';
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
DoubleType.prototype._read = function (tap) { return tap.readDouble(); };
DoubleType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipDouble(); };
DoubleType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (typeof val != 'number') {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
DoubleType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchDouble(tap2);
DoubleType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type) {
if (
type instanceof DoubleType ||
type instanceof FloatType ||
type instanceof LongType ||
type instanceof IntType
) {
resolver._read = type._read;
DoubleType.prototype.random = function () { return RANDOM.nextFloat(); };
DoubleType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'double'; };
* Strings.
function StringType() {; }
util.inherits(StringType, PrimitiveType);
StringType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = typeof val == 'string';
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
StringType.prototype._read = function (tap) { return tap.readString(); };
StringType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipString(); };
StringType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (typeof val != 'string') {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
StringType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchString(tap2);
StringType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type) {
if (type instanceof StringType || type instanceof BytesType) {
resolver._read = this._read;
StringType.prototype.random = function () {
return RANDOM.nextString(RANDOM.nextInt(32));
StringType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'string'; };
* Bytes.
* These are represented in memory as `Buffer`s rather than binary-encoded
* strings. This is more efficient (when decoding/encoding from bytes, the
* common use-case), idiomatic, and convenient.
* Note the coercion in `_copy`.
function BytesType() {; }
util.inherits(BytesType, PrimitiveType);
BytesType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = Buffer.isBuffer(val);
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
BytesType.prototype._read = function (tap) { return tap.readBytes(); };
BytesType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipBytes(); };
BytesType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(val)) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
BytesType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchBytes(tap2);
BytesType.prototype._updateResolver = StringType.prototype._updateResolver;
BytesType.prototype._copy = function (obj, opts) {
var buf;
switch ((opts && opts.coerce) | 0) {
case 3: // Coerce buffers to strings.
this._check(obj, throwInvalidError);
return obj.toString('binary');
case 2: // Coerce strings to buffers.
if (typeof obj != 'string') {
throw new Error(f('cannot coerce to buffer: %j', obj));
buf = new Buffer(obj, 'binary');
this._check(buf, throwInvalidError);
return buf;
case 1: // Coerce buffer JSON representation to buffers.
if (!obj || obj.type !== 'Buffer' || !( instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error(f('cannot coerce to buffer: %j', obj));
buf = new Buffer(;
this._check(buf, throwInvalidError);
return buf;
default: // Copy buffer.
this._check(obj, throwInvalidError);
return new Buffer(obj);
}; =;
BytesType.prototype.random = function () {
return RANDOM.nextBuffer(RANDOM.nextInt(32));
BytesType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return 'bytes'; };
* Avro unions.
* Unions are represented in memory similarly to their JSON representation
* (i.e. inside an object with single key the name of the contained type).
* This is not ideal, but is the most efficient way to unambiguously support
* all unions. Here are a few reasons why the wrapping object is necessary:
* + Unions with multiple number types would have undefined behavior, unless
* numbers are wrapped (either everywhere, leading to large performance and
* convenience costs; or only when necessary inside unions, making it hard to
* understand when numbers are wrapped or not).
* + Fixed types would have to be wrapped to be distinguished from bytes.
* + Using record's constructor names would work (after a slight change to use
* the fully qualified name), but would mean that generic objects could no
* longer be valid records (making it inconvenient to do simple things like
* creating new records).
* Lore: In the past (until d304cab), there used to be an "unwrapped union
* type" which directly exposed its values, without the wrapping object
* (similarly to Avro's python implementation). It was removed to keep all
* representations consistent and make this library simpler to understand
* (conversions, e.g. for schema evolution, between representations were
* particularly confusing). Encoding was also much slower (worst case
* complexity linear in the number of types in the union).
function UnionType(attrs, opts) {
if (!(attrs instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error(f('non-array union schema: %j', attrs));
if (!attrs.length) {
throw new Error('empty union');
opts = getOpts(attrs, opts);;
this._types = (obj) { return createType(obj, opts); });
this._indices = {};
this._types.forEach(function (type, i) {
if (type instanceof UnionType) {
throw new Error('unions cannot be directly nested');
var name = type._name || getTypeName(type);
if (this._indices[name] !== undefined) {
throw new Error(f('duplicate union name: %j', name));
this._indices[name] = i;
}, this);
this._constructors = (type) {
// jshint -W054
var name = type._name || getTypeName(type);
if (name === 'null') {
return null;
var body;
if (~name.indexOf('.')) { // Qualified name.
body = 'this[\'' + name + '\'] = val;';
} else {
body = 'this.' + name + ' = val;';
return new Function('val', body);
util.inherits(UnionType, Type);
UnionType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = false;
if (val === null) {
// Shortcut type lookup in this case.
b = this._indices['null'] !== undefined;
} else if (typeof val == 'object') {
var keys = Object.keys(val);
if (keys.length === 1) {
// We require a single key here to ensure that writes are correct and
// efficient as soon as a record passes this check.
var name = keys[0];
var index = this._indices[name];
if (index !== undefined) {
b = this._types[index]._check(val[name], cb);
return b;
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
UnionType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
var index = tap.readLong();
var Class = this._constructors[index];
if (Class) {
return new Class(this._types[index]._read(tap));
} else if (Class === null) {
return null;
} else {
throw new Error(f('invalid union index: %s', index));
UnionType.prototype._skip = function (tap) {
UnionType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
var index, keys, name;
if (val === null) {
index = this._indices['null'];
if (index === undefined) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
} else {
keys = Object.keys(val);
if (keys.length === 1) {
name = keys[0];
index = this._indices[name];
if (index === undefined) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
this._types[index]._write(tap, val[name]);
UnionType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
var n1 = tap1.readLong();
var n2 = tap2.readLong();
if (n1 === n2) {
return this._types[n1]._match(tap1, tap2);
} else {
return n1 < n2 ? -1 : 1;
UnionType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type, opts) {
// jshint -W083
// (The loop exits after the first function is created.)
var i, l, typeResolver, Class;
for (i = 0, l = this._types.length; i < l; i++) {
try {
typeResolver = this._types[i].createResolver(type, opts);
} catch (err) {
Class = this._constructors[i];
if (Class) {
resolver._read = function (tap) {
return new Class(typeResolver._read(tap));
} else {
resolver._read = function () { return null; };
UnionType.prototype._copy = function (val, opts) {
var wrap = opts && opts.wrap | 0;
if (wrap === 2) {
// Promote into first type (used for schema defaults).
if (val === null && this._constructors[0] === null) {
return null;
return new this._constructors[0](this._types[0]._copy(val, opts));
if (val === null && this._indices['null'] !== undefined) {
return null;
var i, l, obj;
if (typeof val == 'object') {
var keys = Object.keys(val);
if (keys.length === 1) {
var name = keys[0];
i = this._indices[name];
if (i === undefined) {
// We are a bit more flexible than in `_check` here since we have
// to deal with other serializers being less strict, so we fall
// back to looking up unqualified names.
var j, type;
for (j = 0, l = this._types.length; j < l; j++) {
type = this._types[j];
if (type._name && name === unqualify(type._name)) {
i = j;
if (i !== undefined) {
obj = this._types[i]._copy(val[name], opts);
if (wrap === 1 && obj === undefined) {
// Try promoting into first match (convenience, slow).
i = 0;
l = this._types.length;
while (i < l && obj === undefined) {
try {
obj = this._types[i]._copy(val, opts);
} catch (err) {
if (obj !== undefined) {
return new this._constructors[i](obj);
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
}; = function (val1, val2) {
var name1 = val1 === null ? 'null' : Object.keys(val1)[0];
var name2 = val2 === null ? 'null' : Object.keys(val2)[0];
var index = this._indices[name1];
if (name1 === name2) {
return name1 === 'null' ?
0 :
this._types[index].compare(val1[name1], val2[name1]);
} else {
return, this._indices[name2]);
UnionType.prototype.getTypes = function () { return this._types.slice(); };
UnionType.prototype.random = function () {
var index = RANDOM.nextInt(this._types.length);
var Class = this._constructors[index];
if (!Class) {
return null;
return new Class(this._types[index].random());
UnionType.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this._types; };
* Avro enum type.
* Represented as strings (with allowed values from the set of symbols). Using
* integers would be a reasonable option, but the performance boost is arguably
* offset by the legibility cost and the extra deviation from the JSON encoding
* convention.
* An integer representation can still be used (e.g. for compatibility with
* TypeScript `enum`s) by overriding the `EnumType` with a `LongType` (e.g. via
* `parse`'s registry).
function EnumType(attrs, opts) {
if (!(attrs.symbols instanceof Array) || !attrs.symbols.length) {
throw new Error(f('invalid %j enum symbols: %j',, attrs));
opts = getOpts(attrs, opts);
var resolutions = resolveNames(attrs, opts.namespace);
this._name =;
this._symbols = attrs.symbols;
this._aliases = resolutions.aliases;, opts.registry);
this._indices = {};
this._symbols.forEach(function (symbol, i) {
if (!NAME_PATTERN.test(symbol)) {
throw new Error(f('invalid %s symbol: %j', this, symbol));
if (this._indices[symbol] !== undefined) {
throw new Error(f('duplicate %s symbol: %j', this, symbol));
this._indices[symbol] = i;
}, this);
util.inherits(EnumType, Type);
EnumType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = this._indices[val] !== undefined;
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
EnumType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
var index = tap.readLong();
var symbol = this._symbols[index];
if (symbol === undefined) {
throw new Error(f('invalid %s enum index: %s', this._name, index));
return symbol;
EnumType.prototype._skip = function (tap) { tap.skipLong(); };
EnumType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
var index = this._indices[val];
if (index === undefined) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
EnumType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchLong(tap2);
}; = function (val1, val2) {
return[val1], this._indices[val2]);
EnumType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type) {
var symbols = this._symbols;
if (
type instanceof EnumType &&
~getAliases(this).indexOf(type._name) &&
type._symbols.every(function (s) { return ~symbols.indexOf(s); })
) {
resolver._symbols = type._symbols;
resolver._read = type._read;
EnumType.prototype._copy = function (val) {
this._check(val, throwInvalidError);
return val;
EnumType.prototype.getAliases = function () { return this._aliases; };
EnumType.prototype.getSymbols = function () { return this._symbols.slice(); };
EnumType.prototype.random = function () {
return RANDOM.choice(this._symbols);
EnumType.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {name: this._name, type: 'enum', symbols: this._symbols};
* Avro fixed type.
* Represented simply as a `Buffer`.
function FixedType(attrs, opts) {
if (attrs.size !== (attrs.size | 0) || attrs.size < 1) {
throw new Error(f('invalid %j fixed size: %j',, attrs.size));
opts = getOpts(attrs, opts);
var resolutions = resolveNames(attrs, opts.namespace);
this._name =;
this._size = attrs.size | 0;
this._aliases = resolutions.aliases;, opts.registry);
util.inherits(FixedType, Type);
FixedType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = Buffer.isBuffer(val) && val.length === this._size;
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
FixedType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
return tap.readFixed(this._size);
FixedType.prototype._skip = function (tap) {
FixedType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(val) || val.length !== this._size) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
tap.writeFixed(val, this._size);
FixedType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
return tap1.matchFixed(tap2, this._size);
}; =;
FixedType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type) {
if (
type instanceof FixedType &&
this._size === type._size &&
) {
resolver._size = this._size;
resolver._read = this._read;
FixedType.prototype._copy = BytesType.prototype._copy;
FixedType.prototype.getAliases = function () { return this._aliases; };
FixedType.prototype.getSize = function () { return this._size; };
FixedType.prototype.random = function () {
return RANDOM.nextBuffer(this._size);
FixedType.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {name: this._name, type: 'fixed', size: this._size};
* Avro map.
* Represented as vanilla objects.
function MapType(attrs, opts) {
if (!attrs.values) {
throw new Error(f('missing map values: %j', attrs));
opts = getOpts(attrs, opts);;
this._values = createType(attrs.values, opts);
util.inherits(MapType, Type);
MapType.prototype.getValuesType = function () { return this._values; };
MapType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
if (!val || typeof val != 'object' || val instanceof Array) {
if (cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return false;
var keys = Object.keys(val);
var b = true;
var i, l, j, key;
if (cb) {
// Slow path.
j = PATH.length;
for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
key = PATH[j] = keys[i];
if (!this._values._check(val[key], cb)) {
b = false;
} else {
for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
if (!this._values._check(val[keys[i]], cb)) {
return false;
return b;
MapType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
var values = this._values;
var val = {};
var n;
while ((n = readArraySize(tap))) {
while (n--) {
var key = tap.readString();
val[key] = values._read(tap);
return val;
MapType.prototype._skip = function (tap) {
var values = this._values;
var len, n;
while ((n = tap.readLong())) {
if (n < 0) {
len = tap.readLong();
tap.pos += len;
} else {
while (n--) {
MapType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (!val || typeof val != 'object' || val instanceof Array) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
var values = this._values;
var keys = Object.keys(val);
var n = keys.length;
var i, key;
if (n) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
key = keys[i];
values._write(tap, val[key]);
MapType.prototype._match = function () {
throw new Error('maps cannot be compared');
MapType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type, opts) {
if (type instanceof MapType) {
resolver._values = this._values.createResolver(type._values, opts);
resolver._read = this._read;
MapType.prototype._copy = function (val, opts) {
if (val && typeof val == 'object' && !(val instanceof Array)) {
var values = this._values;
var keys = Object.keys(val);
var i, l, key;
var copy = {};
for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
key = keys[i];
copy[key] = values._copy(val[key], opts);
return copy;
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
}; = MapType.prototype._match;
MapType.prototype.random = function () {
var val = {};
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = RANDOM.nextInt(10); i < l; i++) {
val[RANDOM.nextString(RANDOM.nextInt(20))] = this._values.random();
return val;
MapType.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {type: 'map', values: this._values};
* Avro array.
* Represented as vanilla arrays.
function ArrayType(attrs, opts) {
if (!attrs.items) {
throw new Error(f('missing array items: %j', attrs));
opts = getOpts(attrs, opts);
this._items = createType(attrs.items, opts);;
util.inherits(ArrayType, Type);
ArrayType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
if (!(val instanceof Array)) {
if (cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return false;
var b = true;
var i, l, j;
if (cb) {
// Slow path.
j = PATH.length;
for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
PATH[j] = '' + i;
if (!this._items._check(val[i], cb)) {
b = false;
} else {
for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
if (!this._items._check(val[i], cb)) {
return false;
return b;
ArrayType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
var items = this._items;
var val = [];
var n;
while ((n = tap.readLong())) {
if (n < 0) {
n = -n;
tap.skipLong(); // Skip size.
while (n--) {
return val;
ArrayType.prototype._skip = function (tap) {
var len, n;
while ((n = tap.readLong())) {
if (n < 0) {
len = tap.readLong();
tap.pos += len;
} else {
while (n--) {
ArrayType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (!(val instanceof Array)) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
var n = val.length;
var i;
if (n) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this._items._write(tap, val[i]);
ArrayType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
var n1 = tap1.readLong();
var n2 = tap2.readLong();
var f;
while (n1 && n2) {
f = this._items._match(tap1, tap2);
if (f) {
return f;
if (!--n1) {
n1 = readArraySize(tap1);
if (!--n2) {
n2 = readArraySize(tap2);
return, n2);
ArrayType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type, opts) {
if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
resolver._items = this._items.createResolver(type._items, opts);
resolver._read = this._read;
ArrayType.prototype._copy = function (val, opts) {
if (!(val instanceof Array)) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
var items = [];
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
items.push(this._items._copy(val[i], opts));
return items;
}; = function (val1, val2) {
var n1 = val1.length;
var n2 = val2.length;
var i, l, f;
for (i = 0, l = Math.min(n1, n2); i < l; i++) {
if ((f =[i], val2[i]))) {
return f;
return, n2);
ArrayType.prototype.getItemsType = function () { return this._items; };
ArrayType.prototype.random = function () {
var arr = [];
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = RANDOM.nextInt(10); i < l; i++) {
return arr;
ArrayType.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {type: 'array', items: this._items};
* Avro record.
* Values are represented as instances of a programmatically generated
* constructor (similar to a "specific record"), available via the
* `getRecordConstructor` method. This "specific record class" gives
* significant speedups over using generics objects.
* Note that vanilla objects are still accepted as valid as long as their
* fields match (this makes it much more convenient to do simple things like
* update nested records).
function RecordType(attrs, opts) {
opts = getOpts(attrs, opts);
var resolutions = resolveNames(attrs, opts.namespace);
this._name =;
this._aliases = resolutions.aliases;
this._type = attrs.type;
// Requests shouldn't be registered since their name is only a placeholder., this._type === 'request' ? undefined : opts.registry);
if (!(attrs.fields instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error(f('non-array %s fields', this._name));
this._fields = (f) {
return new Field(f, opts);
if (utils.hasDuplicates(attrs.fields, function (f) { return; })) {
throw new Error(f('duplicate %s field name', this._name));
var isError = attrs.type === 'error';
this._constructor = this._createConstructor(isError);
this._read = this._createReader();
this._skip = this._createSkipper();
this._write = this._createWriter();
this._check = this._createChecker();
util.inherits(RecordType, Type);
RecordType.prototype._createConstructor = function (isError) {
// jshint -W054
var outerArgs = [];
var innerArgs = [];
var ds = []; // Defaults.
var innerBody = isError ? ';\n' : '';
// Not calling `Error.captureStackTrace` because this wouldn't be compatible
// with browsers other than Chrome.
var i, l, field, name, getDefault;
for (i = 0, l = this._fields.length; i < l; i++) {
field = this._fields[i];
getDefault = field.getDefault;
name = field._name;
innerArgs.push('v' + i);
innerBody += ' ';
if (getDefault() === undefined) {
innerBody += 'this.' + name + ' = v' + i + ';\n';
} else {
innerBody += 'if (v' + i + ' === undefined) { ';
innerBody += 'this.' + name + ' = d' + ds.length + '(); ';
innerBody += '} else { this.' + name + ' = v' + i + '; }\n';
outerArgs.push('d' + ds.length);
var outerBody = 'return function ' + unqualify(this._name) + '(';
outerBody += innerArgs.join() + ') {\n' + innerBody + '};';
var Record = new Function(outerArgs.join(), outerBody).apply(undefined, ds);
var self = this;
Record.getType = function () { return self; };
Record.prototype = {
constructor: Record,
$clone: function (opts) { return self.clone(this, opts); },
$compare: function (val) { return, val); },
$getType: Record.getType,
$isValid: function (opts) { return self.isValid(this, opts); },
$toBuffer: function () { return self.toBuffer(this); },
$toString: function (noCheck) { return self.toString(this, noCheck); }
// The names of these properties added to the prototype are prefixed with `$`
// because it is an invalid property name in Avro but not in JavaScript.
// (This way we are guaranteed not to be stepped over!)
if (isError) {
util.inherits(Record, Error);
// Not setting the name on the prototype to be consistent with how object
// fields are mapped to (only if defined in the schema as a field).
return Record;
RecordType.prototype._createChecker = function () {
// jshint -W054
var names = ['t', 'P'];
var values = [this, PATH];
var body = 'return function check' + unqualify(this._name) + '(val, cb) {\n';
body += ' if (val === null || typeof val != \'object\') {\n';
body += ' if (cb) { cb(P.slice(), val, t); }\n';
body += ' return false;\n';
body += ' }\n';
if (!this._fields.length) {
// Special case, empty record. We handle this directly.
body += ' return true;\n';
} else {
for (i = 0, l = this._fields.length; i < l; i++) {
field = this._fields[i];
names.push('t' + i);
if (field.getDefault() !== undefined) {
body += ' var v' + i + ' = val.' + field._name + ';\n';
body += ' if (cb) {\n';
body += ' var b = 1;\n';
body += ' var j = P.length;\n';
body += ' P.push(\'\');\n';
var i, l, field;
for (i = 0, l = this._fields.length; i < l; i++) {
field = this._fields[i];
body += ' P[j] = \'' + field._name + '\';\n';
if (field.getDefault() === undefined) {
body += ' b &= t' + i + '._check(val.' + field._name + ', cb);\n';
} else {
body += ' b &= v' + i + ' === undefined || ';
body += 't' + i + '._check(v' + i + ', cb);\n';
body += ' P.pop();\n';
body += ' return !!b;\n';
body += ' } else {\n return (\n ';
body += (field, i) {
if (field.getDefault() === undefined) {
return 't' + i + '._check(val.' + field._name + ')';
} else {
return '(v' + i + ' === undefined || t' + i + '._check(v' + i + '))';
}).join(' &&\n ');
body += '\n );\n }\n';
body += '};';
return new Function(names.join(), body).apply(undefined, values);
RecordType.prototype._createReader = function () {
// jshint -W054
var uname = unqualify(this._name);
var names = [];
var values = [this._constructor];
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = this._fields.length; i < l; i++) {
names.push('t' + i);
var body = 'return function read' + uname + '(tap) {\n';
body += ' return new ' + uname + '(';
body += (t) { return t + '._read(tap)'; }).join();
body += ');\n};';
// We can do this since the JS spec guarantees that function arguments are
// evaluated from left to right.
return new Function(names.join(), body).apply(undefined, values);
RecordType.prototype._createSkipper = function () {
// jshint -W054
var args = [];
var body = 'return function skip' + unqualify(this._name) + '(tap) {\n';
var values = [];
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = this._fields.length; i < l; i++) {
args.push('t' + i);
body += ' t' + i + '._skip(tap);\n';
body += '}';
return new Function(args.join(), body).apply(undefined, values);
RecordType.prototype._createWriter = function () {
// jshint -W054
// We still do default handling here, in case a normal JS object is passed.
var args = [];
var body = 'return function write' + unqualify(this._name) + '(tap, val) {\n';
var values = [];
var i, l, field, value;
for (i = 0, l = this._fields.length; i < l; i++) {
field = this._fields[i];
args.push('t' + i);
body += ' ';
if (field.getDefault() === undefined) {
body += 't' + i + '._write(tap, val.' + field._name + ');\n';
} else {
value = field._type.toBuffer(field.getDefault()).toString('binary');
// Convert the default value to a binary string ahead of time. We aren't
// converting it to a buffer to avoid retaining too much memory. If we
// had our own buffer pool, this could be an idea in the future.
args.push('d' + i);
body += 'var v' + i + ' = val.' + field._name + '; ';
body += 'if (v' + i + ' === undefined) { ';
body += 'tap.writeBinary(d' + i + ', ' + value.length + ');';
body += ' } else { t' + i + '._write(tap, v' + i + '); }\n';
body += '}';
return new Function(args.join(), body).apply(undefined, values);
RecordType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type, opts) {
// jshint -W054
if (!~getAliases(this).indexOf(type._name)) {
throw new Error(f('no alias for %s in %s', type._name, this._name));
var rFields = this._fields;
var wFields = type._fields;
var wFieldsMap = utils.toMap(wFields, function (f) { return f._name; });
var innerArgs = []; // Arguments for reader constructor.
var resolvers = {}; // Resolvers keyed by writer field name.
var i, j, field, name, names, matches;
for (i = 0; i < rFields.length; i++) {
field = rFields[i];
names = getAliases(field);
matches = [];
for (j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
name = names[j];
if (wFieldsMap[name]) {
if (matches.length > 1) {
throw new Error(f('multiple matches for %s',;
if (!matches.length) {
if (field.getDefault() === undefined) {
throw new Error(f('no match for default-less %s',;
} else {
name = matches[0];
resolvers[name] = {
resolver: field._type.createResolver(wFieldsMap[name]._type, opts),
name: field._name // Reader field name.
// See if we can add a bypass for unused fields at the end of the record.
var lazyIndex = -1;
i = wFields.length;
while (i && resolvers[wFields[--i]._name] === undefined) {
lazyIndex = i;
var uname = unqualify(this._name);
var args = [uname];
var values = [this._constructor];
var body = ' return function read' + uname + '(tap,lazy) {\n';
for (i = 0; i < wFields.length; i++) {
if (i === lazyIndex) {
body += ' if (!lazy) {\n';
field = type._fields[i];
name = field._name;
body += (~lazyIndex && i >= lazyIndex) ? ' ' : ' ';
if (resolvers[name] === undefined) {
args.push('t' + i);
body += 't' + i + '._skip(tap);\n';
} else {
args.push('t' + i);
body += 'var ' + resolvers[name].name + ' = ';
body += 't' + i + '._read(tap);\n';
if (~lazyIndex) {
body += ' }\n';
body += ' return new ' + uname + '(' + innerArgs.join() + ');\n};';
resolver._read = new Function(args.join(), body).apply(undefined, values);
RecordType.prototype._match = function (tap1, tap2) {
var fields = this._fields;
var i, l, field, order, type;
for (i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i++) {
field = fields[i];
order = field._order;
type = field._type;
if (order) {
order *= type._match(tap1, tap2);
if (order) {
return order;
} else {
return 0;
RecordType.prototype._copy = function (val, opts) {
// jshint -W058
var hook = opts && opts.fieldHook;
var values = [undefined];
var i, l, field, value;
for (i = 0, l = this._fields.length; i < l; i++) {
field = this._fields[i];
value = field._type._copy(val[field._name], opts);
if (hook) {
value = hook(field, value, this);
return new (this._constructor.bind.apply(this._constructor, values));
}; = function (val1, val2) {
var fields = this._fields;
var i, l, field, name, order, type;
for (i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i++) {
field = fields[i];
name = field._name;
order = field._order;
type = field._type;
if (order) {
order *=[name], val2[name]);
if (order) {
return order;
return 0;
RecordType.prototype.random = function () {
// jshint -W058
var fields = (f) { return f._type.random(); });
return new (this._constructor.bind.apply(this._constructor, fields));
RecordType.prototype.getAliases = function () { return this._aliases; };
RecordType.prototype.getFields = function () { return this._fields.slice(); };
RecordType.prototype.getRecordConstructor = function () {
return this._constructor;
RecordType.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {name: this._name, type: 'record', fields: this._fields};
* Derived type abstract class.
function LogicalType(attrs, opts, Types) {;
this._underlyingType = createType(attrs, opts);
// Convenience type check.
if (Types && !~Types.indexOf(this._underlyingType.constructor)) {
var lType = attrs.logicalType;
var uType = this._underlyingType;
throw new Error(f('invalid underlying type for %s: %s', lType, uType));
util.inherits(LogicalType, Type);
LogicalType.prototype.getUnderlyingType = function () {
return this._underlyingType;
LogicalType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
return this._fromValue(this._underlyingType._read(tap));
LogicalType.prototype._write = function (tap, any) {
this._underlyingType._write(tap, this._toValue(any));
LogicalType.prototype._check = function (any, cb) {
try {
var val = this._toValue(any);
} catch (err) {
if (cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), any, this);
return false;
return this._underlyingType._check(val, cb);
LogicalType.prototype._copy = function (any, opts) {
var type = this._underlyingType;
switch (opts && opts.coerce) {
case 3: // To string.
return type._copy(this._toValue(any), opts);
case 2: // From string.
return this._fromValue(type._copy(any, opts));
default: // Normal copy.
return this._fromValue(type._copy(this._toValue(any), opts));
LogicalType.prototype._updateResolver = function (resolver, type, opts) {
var _fromValue = this._resolve(type, opts);
if (_fromValue) {
resolver._read = function (tap) { return _fromValue(type._read(tap)); };
LogicalType.prototype.random = function () {
return this._fromValue(this._underlyingType.random());
}; = function (obj1, obj2) {
var val1 = this._toValue(obj1);
var val2 = this._toValue(obj2);
return, val2);
LogicalType.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return this._underlyingType.toJSON();
// Methods to be implemented.
LogicalType.prototype._fromValue = utils.abstractFunction;
LogicalType.prototype._toValue = utils.abstractFunction;
LogicalType.prototype._resolve = utils.abstractFunction;
// General helpers.
* Customizable long.
* This allows support of arbitrarily large long (e.g. larger than
* `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`). See `LongType.using` method above.
function AbstractLongType(noUnpack) {;
this._noUnpack = !!noUnpack;
util.inherits(AbstractLongType, LongType);
AbstractLongType.prototype._check = function (val, cb) {
var b = this._isValid(val);
if (!b && cb) {
cb(PATH.slice(), val, this);
return b;
AbstractLongType.prototype._read = function (tap) {
var buf, pos;
if (this._noUnpack) {
pos = tap.pos;
buf = tap.buf.slice(pos, tap.pos);
} else {
buf = tap.unpackLongBytes(tap);
if (tap.isValid()) {
return this._fromBuffer(buf);
AbstractLongType.prototype._write = function (tap, val) {
if (!this._isValid(val)) {
throwInvalidError(null, val, this);
var buf = this._toBuffer(val);
if (this._noUnpack) {
} else {
AbstractLongType.prototype._copy = function (val, opts) {
switch (opts && opts.coerce) {
case 3: // To string.
return this._toJSON(val);
case 2: // From string.
return this._fromJSON(val);
default: // Normal copy.
// Slow but guarantees most consistent results. Faster alternatives would
// require assumptions on the long class used (e.g. immutability).
return this._fromJSON(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._toJSON(val))));
AbstractLongType.prototype.random = function () {
return this._fromJSON(LongType.prototype.random());
// Methods to be implemented by the user.
AbstractLongType.prototype._fromBuffer = utils.abstractFunction;
AbstractLongType.prototype._toBuffer = utils.abstractFunction;
AbstractLongType.prototype._fromJSON = utils.abstractFunction;
AbstractLongType.prototype._toJSON = utils.abstractFunction;
AbstractLongType.prototype._isValid = utils.abstractFunction; = utils.abstractFunction;
* Field.
* @param attrs {Object} The field's schema.
* @para opts {Object} Schema parsing options (the same as `Type`s').
function Field(attrs, opts) {
var name =;
if (typeof name != 'string' || !NAME_PATTERN.test(name)) {
throw new Error(f('invalid field name: %s', name));
this._name = name;
this._type = createType(attrs.type, opts);
this._aliases = attrs.aliases || [];
this._order = (function (order) {
switch (order) {
case 'ascending':
return 1;
case 'descending':
return -1;
case 'ignore':
return 0;
throw new Error(f('invalid order: %j', order));
})(attrs.order === undefined ? 'ascending' : attrs.order);
var value = attrs['default'];
if (value !== undefined) {
// We need to convert defaults back to a valid format (unions are
// disallowed in default definitions, only the first type of each union is
// allowed instead).
var type = this._type;
var val = type._copy(value, {coerce: 2, wrap: 2});
// The clone call above will throw an error if the default is invalid.
if (type instanceof PrimitiveType && !(type instanceof BytesType)) {
// These are immutable.
this.getDefault = function () { return val; };
} else {
this.getDefault = function () { return type._copy(val); };
Field.prototype.getAliases = function () { return this._aliases; };
Field.prototype.getDefault = function () {}; // Undefined default.
Field.prototype.getName = function () { return this._name; };
Field.prototype.getOrder = function () {
return ['descending', 'ignore', 'ascending'][this._order + 1];
Field.prototype.getType = function () { return this._type; };
Field.prototype.inspect = function () { return f('<Field %j>', this._name); };
* Resolver to read a writer's schema as a new schema.
* @param readerType {Type} The type to convert to.
function Resolver(readerType) {
// Add all fields here so that all resolvers share the same hidden class.
this._readerType = readerType;
this._items = null;
this._read = null;
this._size = 0;
this._symbols = null;
this._values = null;
Resolver.prototype.inspect = function () { return '<Resolver>'; };
* Read a value from a tap.
* @param type {Type} The type to decode.
* @param tap {Tap} The tap to read from. No checks are performed here.
* @param resolver {Resolver} Optional resolver. It must match the input type.
* @param lazy {Boolean} Skip trailing fields when using a resolver.
function readValue(type, tap, resolver, lazy) {
if (resolver) {
if (resolver._readerType !== type) {
throw new Error('invalid resolver');
return resolver._read(tap, lazy);
} else {
return type._read(tap);
* Create default parsing options.
* @param attrs {Object} Schema to populate options with.
* @param opts {Object} Base options.
function getOpts(attrs, opts) {
if (attrs === null) {
// Let's be helpful for this common error.
throw new Error('invalid type: null (did you mean "null"?)');
opts = opts || {};
opts.registry = opts.registry || {};
opts.namespace = attrs.namespace || opts.namespace;
opts.logicalTypes = opts.logicalTypes || {};
return opts;
* Resolve a schema's name and aliases.
* @param attrs {Object} True schema (can't be a string).
* @param namespace {String} Optional parent namespace.
* @param key {String} Key where the name should be looked up (defaults to
* `name`).
function resolveNames(attrs, namespace, key) {
namespace = attrs.namespace || namespace;
key = key || 'name';
var name = attrs[key];
if (!name) {
throw new Error(f('missing %s property in schema: %j', key, attrs));
return {
name: qualify(name),
aliases: attrs.aliases ? : []
function qualify(name) {
if (!~name.indexOf('.') && namespace) {
name = namespace + '.' + name;
var tail = unqualify(name);
if (isPrimitive(tail)) {
// Primitive types cannot be defined in any namespace.
throw new Error(f('cannot rename primitive type: %j', tail));
name.split('.').forEach(function (part) {
if (!NAME_PATTERN.test(part)) {
throw new Error(f('invalid name: %j', name));
return name;
* Remove namespace from a name.
* @param name {String} Full or short name.
function unqualify(name) {
var parts = name.split('.');
return parts[parts.length - 1];
* Get all aliases for a type (including its name).
* @param obj {Type|Object} Typically a type or a field. Its aliases property
* must exist and be an array.
function getAliases(obj) {
var names = [obj._name];
var aliases = obj._aliases;
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = aliases.length; i < l; i++) {
return names;
* Get a type's "type" (as a string, e.g. `'record'`, `'string'`).
* @param type {Type} Any type.
function getTypeName(type) {
var obj = type.toJSON();
return typeof obj == 'string' ? obj : obj.type;
* Check whether a type's name is a primitive.
* @param name {String} Type name (e.g. `'string'`, `'array'`).
function isPrimitive(name) {
var type = TYPES[name];
return type !== undefined && type.prototype instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Get the number of elements in an array block.
* @param tap {Tap} A tap positioned at the beginning of an array block.
function readArraySize(tap) {
var n = tap.readLong();
if (n < 0) {
n = -n;
tap.skipLong(); // Skip size.
return n;
* Correctly stringify an object which contains types.
* @param obj {Object} The object to stringify. Typically, a type itself or an
* object containing types. Any types inside will be expanded only once then
* referenced by name.
* @param noDeref {Boolean} Always reference types by name when possible,
* rather than expand it the first time it is encountered.
function stringify(obj, noDeref) {
// Since JS objects are unordered, this implementation (unfortunately)
// relies on engines returning properties in the same order that they are
// inserted in. This is not in the JS spec, but can be "somewhat" safely
// assumed (more here:
return (function (registry) {
return JSON.stringify(obj, function (key, value) {
if (value instanceof Field) {
return {name: value._name, type: value._type};
} else if (value && {
var name =;
if (noDeref || registry[name]) {
return name;
registry[name] = true;
return value;
* Check whether a long can be represented without precision loss.
* @param n {Number} The number.
* Two things to note:
* + We are not using the `Number` constants for compatibility with older
* browsers.
* + We must remove one from each bound because of rounding errors.
function isSafeLong(n) {
return n >= -9007199254740990 && n <= 9007199254740990;
* Throw a somewhat helpful error on invalid object.
* @param path {Array} Passed from hook, but unused (because empty where this
* function is used, since we aren't keeping track of it for effiency).
* @param val {...} The object to reject.
* @param type {Type} The type to check against.
* This method is mostly used from `_write` to signal an invalid object for a
* given type. Note that this provides less information than calling `isValid`
* with a hook since the path is not propagated (for efficiency reasons).
function throwInvalidError(path, val, type) {
throw new Error(f('invalid %s: %j', type, val));
module.exports = {
createType: createType,
resolveNames: resolveNames, // Protocols use the same name resolution logic.
stringify: stringify,
types: (function () {
// Export the base types along with all concrete implementations.
var obj = {Type: Type, LogicalType: LogicalType};
var types = Object.keys(TYPES);
var i, l, Class;
for (i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
Class = TYPES[types[i]];
obj[] = Class;
return obj;