blob: dc138d07d70fd64761e516d5f6461c5ef48bfb04 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import abc
import collections
import io
import logging
import os
import threading
import traceback
from typing import cast
import avro.errors
import avro.ipc
import avro.protocol
import avro.schema
__all__ = ["TetherTask", "TaskType", "inputProtocol", "outputProtocol", "HTTPRequestor"]
# create protocol objects for the input and output protocols
# The build process should copy InputProtocol.avpr and OutputProtocol.avpr
# into the same directory as this module
TaskType = None
pfile = os.path.split(__file__)[0] + os.sep + "InputProtocol.avpr"
with open(pfile) as hf:
prototxt =
inputProtocol = avro.protocol.parse(prototxt)
# use a named tuple to represent the tasktype enumeration
assert inputProtocol.types_dict is not None
taskschema = cast(avro.schema.EnumSchema, inputProtocol.types_dict["TaskType"])
# Mypy cannot statically type check a dynamically constructed named tuple.
# Since InputProtocol.avpr is hard-coded here, we can hard-code the symbols.
_ttype = collections.namedtuple("_ttype", ("MAP", "REDUCE"))
TaskType = _ttype(*taskschema.symbols)
pfile = os.path.split(__file__)[0] + os.sep + "OutputProtocol.avpr"
with open(pfile) as hf:
prototxt =
outputProtocol = avro.protocol.parse(prototxt)
class Collector:
Collector for map and reduce output values
def __init__(self, scheme, outputClient):
scheme - The scheme for the datums to output - can be a json string
- or an instance of Schema
outputClient - The output client used to send messages to the parent
if not isinstance(scheme, avro.schema.Schema):
scheme = avro.schema.parse(scheme)
self.scheme = scheme
self.datum_writer =
self.outputClient = outputClient
def collect(self, record, partition=None):
"""Collect a map or reduce output value
record - The record to write
partition - Indicates the partition for a pre-partitioned map output
- currently not supported
# Replace the encoder and buffer every time we collect.
with io.BytesIO() as buff:
self.encoder =
self.datum_writer.write(record, self.encoder)
value = buff.getvalue()
datum = {"datum": value}
if partition is not None:
datum["partition"] = partition
self.outputClient.request("output", datum)
def keys_are_equal(rec1, rec2, fkeys):
"""Check if the "keys" in two records are equal. The key fields
are all fields for which order isn't marked ignore.
rec1 - The first record
rec2 - The second record
fkeys - A list of the fields to compare
for f in fkeys:
if not (rec1[f] == rec2[f]):
return False
return True
class HTTPRequestor:
This is a small requestor subclass I created for the HTTP protocol.
Since the HTTP protocol isn't persistent, we need to instantiate
a new transciever and new requestor for each request.
But I wanted to use of the requestor to be identical to that for
SocketTransciever so that we can seamlessly switch between the two.
def __init__(self, server, port, protocol):
Instantiate the class.
server - The server hostname
port - Which port to use
protocol - The protocol for the communication
self.server = server
self.port = port
self.protocol = protocol
def request(self, *args, **param):
transciever = avro.ipc.HTTPTransceiver(self.server, self.port)
requestor = avro.ipc.Requestor(self.protocol, transciever)
return requestor.request(*args, **param)
class TetherTask(abc.ABC):
Base class for python tether mapreduce programs.
ToDo: Currently the subclass has to implement both reduce and reduceFlush.
This is not very pythonic. A pythonic way to implement the reducer
would be to pass the reducer a generator (as dumbo does) so that the user
could iterate over the records for the given key.
How would we do this. I think we would need to have two threads, one thread would run
the user's reduce function. This loop would be suspended when no reducer records were available.
The other thread would read in the records for the reducer. This thread should
only buffer so many records at a time (i.e if the buffer is full, self.input shouldn't return right
away but wait for space to free up)
def __init__(self, inschema, midschema, outschema):
inschema - The scheme for the input to the mapper
midschema - The scheme for the output of the mapper
outschema - The scheme for the output of the reducer
An example scheme for the prototypical word count example would be
inscheme='{"type":"record", "name":"Pair","namespace":"org.apache.avro.mapred","fields":[
Important: The records are split into (key,value) pairs as required by map reduce
by using all fields with "order"=ignore for the key and the remaining fields for the value.
The subclass provides these schemas in order to tell this class which schemas it expects.
The configure request will also provide the schemas that the parent process is using.
This allows us to check whether the schemas match and if not whether we can resolve
the differences (see
# make sure we can parse the schemas
# Should we call fail if we can't parse the schemas?
self.inschema = avro.schema.parse(inschema)
self.midschema = avro.schema.parse(midschema)
self.outschema = avro.schema.parse(outschema)
# declare various variables
self.clienTransciever = None
# output client is used to communicate with the parent process
# in particular to transmit the outputs of the mapper and reducer
self.outputClient = None
# collectors for the output of the mapper and reducer
self.midCollector = None
self.outCollector = None
self._partitions = None
# cache a list of the fields used by the reducer as the keys
# we need the fields to decide when we have finished processing all values for
# a given key. We cache the fields to be more efficient
self._red_fkeys = None
# We need to keep track of the previous record fed to the reducer
# b\c we need to be able to determine when we start processing a new group
# in the reducer
self.midRecord = None
# create an event object to signal when
# http server is ready to be shutdown
self.ready_for_shutdown = threading.Event()
self.log = logging.getLogger("TetherTask")
def open(self, inputport, clientPort=None):
"""Open the output client - i.e the connection to the parent process
inputport - This is the port that the subprocess is listening on. i.e the
subprocess starts a server listening on this port to accept requests from
the parent process
clientPort - The port on which the server in the parent process is listening
- If this is None we look for the environment variable AVRO_TETHER_OUTPUT_PORT
- This is mainly provided for debugging purposes. In practice
we want to use the environment variable
# Open the connection to the parent process
# The port the parent process is listening on is set in the environment
# open output client, connecting to parent
clientPort = int(clientPort or os.getenv("AVRO_TETHER_OUTPUT_PORT", 0))
if clientPort == 0:
raise avro.errors.UsageError("AVRO_TETHER_OUTPUT_PORT env var is not set")" Opening connection to parent server on port=%d", clientPort)
# self.outputClient = avro.ipc.Requestor(outputProtocol, self.clientTransceiver)
# since HTTP is stateless, a new transciever
# is created and closed for each request. We therefore set clientTransciever to None
# We still declare clientTransciever because for other (state) protocols we will need
# it and we want to check when we get the message fail whether the transciever
# needs to be closed.
# self.clientTranciever=None
self.outputClient = HTTPRequestor("", clientPort, outputProtocol)
self.outputClient.request("configure", {"port": inputport})
except Exception:
estr = traceback.format_exc()
def configure(self, taskType, inSchemaText, outSchemaText):
taskType - What type of task (e.g map, reduce)
- This is an enumeration which is specified in the input protocol
inSchemaText - string containing the input schema
- This is the actual schema with which the data was encoded
i.e it is the writer_schema (see
This is the schema the parent process is using which might be different
from the one provided by the subclass of tether_task
outSchemaText - string containing the output scheme
- This is the schema expected by the parent process for the output
self.taskType = taskType
inSchema = avro.schema.parse(inSchemaText)
outSchema = avro.schema.parse(outSchemaText)
if taskType == TaskType.MAP:
self.inReader =, readers_schema=self.inschema)
self.midCollector = Collector(outSchemaText, self.outputClient)
elif taskType == TaskType.REDUCE:
self.midReader =, readers_schema=self.midschema)
# this.outCollector = new Collector<OUT>(outSchema);
self.outCollector = Collector(outSchemaText, self.outputClient)
# determine which fields in the input record are they keys for the reducer
self._red_fkeys = [ for f in self.midschema.fields if not (f.order == "ignore")]
except Exception as e:
estr = traceback.format_exc()
def partitions(self):
"""Return the number of map output partitions of this job."""
return self._partitions
def partitions(self, npartitions):
self._partitions = npartitions
def input(self, data, count):
"""Recieve input from the server
data - Should contain the bytes encoding the serialized data
- I think this gets represented as a string
count - how many input records are provided in the binary stream
# to
bdata = io.BytesIO(data)
decoder =
for i in range(count):
if self.taskType == TaskType.MAP:
inRecord =
# Do we need to pass midCollector if its declared as an instance variable, self.midCollector)
elif self.taskType == TaskType.REDUCE:
# store the previous record
prev = self.midRecord
# read the new record
self.midRecord =
if prev is not None and not (keys_are_equal(self.midRecord, prev, self._red_fkeys)):
# since the key has changed we need to finalize the processing
# for this group of key,value pairs
self.reduceFlush(prev, self.outCollector)
self.reduce(self.midRecord, self.outCollector)
except Exception as e:
estr = traceback.format_exc()
self.log.warning("failing: %s", estr)
def complete(self):
Process the complete request
if (self.taskType == TaskType.REDUCE) and not (self.midRecord is None):
self.reduceFlush(self.midRecord, self.outCollector)
except Exception as e:
estr = traceback.format_exc()
self.log.warning("failing: %s", estr)
self.outputClient.request("complete", dict())
def map(self, record, collector):
"""Called with input values to generate intermediat values (i.e mapper output).
record - The input record
collector - The collector to collect the output
This is an abstract function which should be overloaded by the application specific
def reduce(self, record, collector):
"""Called with input values to generate reducer output. Inputs are sorted by the mapper
The reduce function is invoked once for each value belonging to a given key outputted
by the mapper.
record - The mapper output
collector - The collector to collect the output
This is an abstract function which should be overloaded by the application specific
def reduceFlush(self, record, collector):
Called with the last intermediate value in each equivalence run.
In other words, reduceFlush is invoked once for each key produced in the reduce
phase. It is called after reduce has been invoked on each value for the given key.
record - the last record on which reduce was invoked.
def status(self, message):
Called to update task status
self.outputClient.request("status", {"message": message})
def count(self, group, name, amount):
Called to increment a counter
self.outputClient.request("count", {"group": group, "name": name, "amount": amount})
def fail(self, message):
Call to fail the task.
self.log.error(" failure occured message follows:\n%s", message)
message = message.decode()
except AttributeError:
self.outputClient.request("fail", {"message": message})
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception(" an exception occured while trying to send the fail message to the output server.")
def close(self):"TetherTask.close: closing")
if not (self.clienTransciever is None):
except Exception as e:
# ignore exceptions
# http server is ready to be shutdown