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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Contains the Schema classes.
A schema may be one of:
A record, mapping field names to field value data;
An error, equivalent to a record;
An enum, containing one of a small set of symbols;
An array of values, all of the same schema;
A map containing string/value pairs, each of a declared schema;
A union of other schemas;
A fixed sized binary object;
A unicode string;
A sequence of bytes;
A 32-bit signed int;
A 64-bit signed long;
A 32-bit floating-point float;
A 64-bit floating-point double;
A boolean; or
import abc
import collections
import datetime
import decimal
import json
import math
import uuid
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast
import avro.constants
import avro.errors
from avro.constants import NAMED_TYPES, PRIMITIVE_TYPES, VALID_TYPES
from import Name, Names, validate_basename
# Constants
"fields", # Record
"items", # Array
"size", # Fixed
"symbols", # Enum
"values", # Map
INT_MIN_VALUE = -(1 << 31)
INT_MAX_VALUE = (1 << 31) - 1
LONG_MIN_VALUE = -(1 << 63)
LONG_MAX_VALUE = (1 << 63) - 1
def _is_timezone_aware_datetime(dt: datetime.datetime) -> bool:
return dt.tzinfo is not None and dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(dt) is not None
# Base Classes
class PropertiesMixin:
"""A mixin that provides basic properties."""
_reserved_properties: Sequence[str] = ()
_props: Optional[MutableMapping[str, object]] = None
def props(self) -> MutableMapping[str, object]:
if self._props is None:
self._props = {}
return self._props
def get_prop(self, key: str) -> Optional[object]:
return self.props.get(key)
def set_prop(self, key: str, value: object) -> None:
self.props[key] = value
def check_props(self, other: "PropertiesMixin", props: Sequence[str]) -> bool:
"""Check that the given props are identical in two schemas.
@arg other: The other schema to check
@arg props: An iterable of properties to check
@return bool: True if all the properties match
return all(getattr(self, prop) == getattr(other, prop) for prop in props)
def other_props(self) -> Mapping[str, object]:
"""Dictionary of non-reserved properties"""
return get_other_props(self.props, self._reserved_properties)
class EqualByJsonMixin:
"""A mixin that defines equality as equal if the json deserializations are equal."""
def __eq__(self, that: object) -> bool:
that_obj = json.loads(str(that))
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
return False
return cast(bool, json.loads(str(self)) == that_obj)
class EqualByPropsMixin(PropertiesMixin):
"""A mixin that defines equality as equal if the props are equal."""
def __eq__(self, that: object) -> bool:
return hasattr(that, "props") and self.props == getattr(that, "props")
class CanonicalPropertiesMixin(PropertiesMixin):
"""A Mixin that provides canonical properties to Schema and Field types."""
def canonical_properties(self) -> Mapping[str, object]:
props = self.props
return collections.OrderedDict((key, props[key]) for key in CANONICAL_FIELD_ORDER if key in props)
class Schema(abc.ABC, CanonicalPropertiesMixin):
"""Base class for all Schema classes."""
_reserved_properties = SCHEMA_RESERVED_PROPS
def __init__(self, type_: str, other_props: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] = None, validate_names: bool = True) -> None:
if not isinstance(type_, str):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("Schema type must be a string.")
if type_ not in VALID_TYPES:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"{type_} is not a valid type.")
self.set_prop("type", type_)
self.type = type_
self.props.update(other_props or {})
self.validate_names = validate_names
def match(self, writer: "Schema") -> bool:
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the writer schema.
@arg writer: the writer schema to match against.
@return bool
def __str__(self) -> str:
return json.dumps(self.to_json())
def to_json(self, names: Optional[Names] = None) -> object:
Converts the schema object into its AVRO specification representation.
Schema types that have names (records, enums, and fixed) must
be aware of not re-defining schemas that are already listed
in the parameter names.
def validate(self, datum: object) -> Optional["Schema"]:
"""Returns the appropriate schema object if datum is valid for that schema, else None.
To be implemented in subclasses.
Validation concerns only shape and type of data in the top level of the current schema.
In most cases, the returned schema object will be self. However, for UnionSchema objects,
the returned Schema will be the first branch schema for which validation passes.
@arg datum: The data to be checked for validity according to this schema
@return Optional[Schema]
def to_canonical_json(self, names: Optional[Names] = None) -> object:
Converts the schema object into its Canonical Form
To be implemented in subclasses.
def canonical_form(self) -> str:
# The separators eliminate whitespace around commas and colons.
return json.dumps(self.to_canonical_json(), separators=(",", ":"))
def __eq__(self, that: object) -> bool:
Determines how two schema are compared.
Consider the mixins EqualByPropsMixin and EqualByJsonMixin
class NamedSchema(Schema):
"""Named Schemas specified in NAMED_TYPES."""
def __init__(
type_: str,
name: str,
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
names: Optional[Names] = None,
other_props: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] = None,
validate_names: bool = True,
) -> None:
super().__init__(type_, other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
if not name:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("Named Schemas must have a non-empty name.")
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("The name property must be a string.")
if namespace is not None and not isinstance(namespace, str):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("The namespace property must be a string.")
namespace = namespace or None # Empty string -> None
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
new_name = names.add_name(name, namespace, self)
# Store name and namespace as they were read in origin schema
# Store full name as calculated from name, namespace
self._fullname = new_name.fullname
def name_ref(self, names):
return if self.namespace == names.default_namespace else self.fullname
# read-only properties
name = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("name"))
namespace = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("namespace"))
fullname = property(lambda self: self._fullname)
# Logical type class
class LogicalSchema:
def __init__(self, logical_type):
self.logical_type = logical_type
# Decimal logical schema
class DecimalLogicalSchema(LogicalSchema):
def __init__(self, precision, scale=0, max_precision=0):
if not isinstance(precision, int) or precision <= 0:
raise avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType(f"Invalid decimal precision {precision}. Must be a positive integer.")
if precision > max_precision:
raise avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType(f"Invalid decimal precision {precision}. Max is {max_precision}.")
if not isinstance(scale, int) or scale < 0:
raise avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType(f"Invalid decimal scale {scale}. Must be a non-negative integer.")
if scale > precision:
raise avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType(f"Invalid decimal scale {scale}. Cannot be greater than precision {precision}.")
class Field(CanonicalPropertiesMixin, EqualByJsonMixin):
_reserved_properties: Sequence[str] = FIELD_RESERVED_PROPS
def __init__(self, type_, name, has_default, default=None, order=None, names=None, doc=None, other_props=None, validate_names: bool = True):
if not name:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("Fields must have a non-empty name.")
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("The name property must be a string.")
if order is not None and order not in VALID_FIELD_SORT_ORDERS:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"The order property {order} is not valid.")
self._has_default = has_default
self.props.update(other_props or {})
if isinstance(type_, str) and names is not None and names.has_name(type_, None):
type_schema = names.get_name(type_, None)
type_schema = make_avsc_object(type_, names, validate_names=validate_names)
except Exception as e:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f'Type property "{type_}" not a valid Avro schema: {e}')
self.set_prop("type", type_schema)
self.set_prop("name", name)
self.type = type_schema = name
self.validate_names = validate_names
# TODO(hammer): check to ensure default is valid
if has_default:
self.set_prop("default", default)
if order is not None:
self.set_prop("order", order)
if doc is not None:
self.set_prop("doc", doc)
# read-only properties
default = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("default"))
has_default = property(lambda self: self._has_default)
order = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("order"))
doc = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("doc"))
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.to_json())
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = self.props.copy()
to_dump["type"] = self.type.to_json(names)
return to_dump
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = self.canonical_properties
to_dump["type"] = self.type.to_canonical_json(names)
return to_dump
# Primitive Types
class PrimitiveSchema(EqualByPropsMixin, Schema):
"""Valid primitive types are in PRIMITIVE_TYPES."""
_validators = {
"null": lambda x: x is None,
"boolean": lambda x: isinstance(x, bool),
"string": lambda x: isinstance(x, str),
"bytes": lambda x: isinstance(x, bytes),
"int": lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and INT_MIN_VALUE <= x <= INT_MAX_VALUE,
"long": lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and LONG_MIN_VALUE <= x <= LONG_MAX_VALUE,
"float": lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, float)),
"double": lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, float)),
def __init__(self, type, other_props=None):
# Ensure valid ctor args
if type not in PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
raise avro.errors.AvroException(f"{type} is not a valid primitive type.")
# Call parent ctor
Schema.__init__(self, type, other_props=other_props)
self.fullname = type
def match(self, writer):
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the writer schema.
@arg writer: the schema to match against
@return bool
return self.type == writer.type or {
"float": self.type == "double",
"int": self.type in {"double", "float", "long"},
"long": self.type
in {
}.get(writer.type, False)
def to_json(self, names=None):
if len(self.props) == 1:
return self.fullname
return self.props
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
return self.fullname if len(self.props) == 1 else self.canonical_properties
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid representation of this type of primitive schema, else None
@arg datum: The data to be checked for validity according to this schema
@return Schema object or None
validator = self._validators.get(self.type, lambda x: False)
return self if validator(datum) else None
# Decimal Bytes Type
class BytesDecimalSchema(PrimitiveSchema, DecimalLogicalSchema):
def __init__(self, precision, scale=0, other_props=None):
DecimalLogicalSchema.__init__(self, precision, scale, max_precision=((1 << 31) - 1))
PrimitiveSchema.__init__(self, "bytes", other_props)
self.set_prop("precision", precision)
self.set_prop("scale", scale)
# read-only properties
precision = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("precision"))
scale = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("scale"))
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a Decimal object, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, decimal.Decimal) else None
# Complex Types (non-recursive)
class FixedSchema(EqualByPropsMixin, NamedSchema):
def __init__(self, name, namespace, size, names=None, other_props=None, validate_names: bool = True):
# Ensure valid ctor args
if not isinstance(size, int) or size < 0:
fail_msg = "Fixed Schema requires a valid positive integer for size property."
raise avro.errors.AvroException(fail_msg)
# Call parent ctor
NamedSchema.__init__(self, "fixed", name, namespace, names, other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
# Add class members
self.set_prop("size", size)
# read-only properties
size = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("size"))
def match(self, writer):
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the writer schema.
@arg writer: the schema to match against
@return bool
return self.type == writer.type and self.check_props(writer, ["fullname", "size"])
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
if self.fullname in names.names:
return self.name_ref(names)
names.names[self.fullname] = self
return names.prune_namespace(self.props)
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
to_dump = self.canonical_properties
to_dump["name"] = self.fullname
return to_dump
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid representation of this schema, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, bytes) and len(datum) == self.size else None
# Decimal Fixed Type
class FixedDecimalSchema(FixedSchema, DecimalLogicalSchema):
def __init__(
validate_names: bool = True,
max_precision = int(math.floor(math.log10(2) * (8 * size - 1)))
DecimalLogicalSchema.__init__(self, precision, scale, max_precision)
FixedSchema.__init__(self, name, namespace, size, names, other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
self.set_prop("precision", precision)
self.set_prop("scale", scale)
# read-only properties
precision = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("precision"))
scale = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("scale"))
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a Decimal object, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, decimal.Decimal) else None
class EnumSchema(EqualByPropsMixin, NamedSchema):
def __init__(
name: str,
namespace: str,
symbols: Sequence[str],
names: Optional[] = None,
doc: Optional[str] = None,
other_props: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] = None,
validate_enum_symbols: bool = True,
validate_names: bool = True,
) -> None:
@arg validate_enum_symbols: If False, will allow enum symbols that are not valid Avro names.
if validate_enum_symbols:
for symbol in symbols:
except avro.errors.InvalidName:
raise avro.errors.InvalidName("An enum symbol must be a valid schema name.")
if len(set(symbols)) < len(symbols):
raise avro.errors.AvroException(f"Duplicate symbol: {symbols}")
# Call parent ctor
NamedSchema.__init__(self, "enum", name, namespace, names, other_props, validate_names)
# Add class members
self.set_prop("symbols", symbols)
if doc is not None:
self.set_prop("doc", doc)
if other_props and "default" in other_props:
default = other_props["default"]
if default not in symbols:
raise avro.errors.InvalidDefault(f"Enum default '{default}' is not a valid member of symbols '{symbols}'")
def symbols(self) -> Sequence[str]:
symbols = self.get_prop("symbols")
if isinstance(symbols, Sequence):
return symbols
raise Exception
doc = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("doc"))
def match(self, writer):
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the writer schema.
@arg writer: the schema to match against
@return bool
return self.type == writer.type and self.check_props(writer, ["fullname"])
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
if self.fullname in names.names:
return self.name_ref(names)
names.names[self.fullname] = self
return names.prune_namespace(self.props)
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
names_as_json = self.to_json(names)
if isinstance(names_as_json, str):
to_dump = self.fullname
to_dump = self.canonical_properties
to_dump["name"] = self.fullname
return to_dump
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid member of this Enum, else None."""
return self if datum in self.symbols else None
# Complex Types (recursive)
class ArraySchema(EqualByJsonMixin, Schema):
def __init__(self, items, names=None, other_props=None, validate_names: bool = True):
# Call parent ctor
Schema.__init__(self, "array", other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
# Add class members
if isinstance(items, str) and names.has_name(items, None):
items_schema = names.get_name(items, None)
items_schema = make_avsc_object(items, names, validate_names=self.validate_names)
except avro.errors.SchemaParseException as e:
fail_msg = f"Items schema ({items}) not a valid Avro schema: {e} (known names: {names.names.keys()})"
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(fail_msg)
self.set_prop("items", items_schema)
# read-only properties
items = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("items"))
def match(self, writer):
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the writer schema.
@arg writer: the schema to match against
@return bool
return self.type == writer.type and self.items.check_props(writer.items, ["type"])
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = self.props.copy()
item_schema = self.get_prop("items")
to_dump["items"] = item_schema.to_json(names)
return to_dump
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = self.canonical_properties
item_schema = self.get_prop("items")
to_dump["items"] = item_schema.to_canonical_json(names)
return to_dump
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid representation of this schema, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, list) else None
class MapSchema(EqualByJsonMixin, Schema):
def __init__(self, values, names=None, other_props=None, validate_names: bool = True):
# Call parent ctor
Schema.__init__(self, "map", other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
# Add class members
if isinstance(values, str) and names.has_name(values, None):
values_schema = names.get_name(values, None)
values_schema = make_avsc_object(values, names, validate_names=self.validate_names)
except avro.errors.SchemaParseException:
except Exception:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("Values schema is not a valid Avro schema.")
self.set_prop("values", values_schema)
# read-only properties
values = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("values"))
def match(self, writer):
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the writer schema.
@arg writer: the schema to match against
@return bool
return writer.type == self.type and self.values.check_props(writer.values, ["type"])
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = self.props.copy()
to_dump["values"] = self.get_prop("values").to_json(names)
return to_dump
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = self.canonical_properties
to_dump["values"] = self.get_prop("values").to_canonical_json(names)
return to_dump
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid representation of this schema, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, dict) and all(isinstance(key, str) for key in datum) else None
class UnionSchema(EqualByJsonMixin, Schema):
names is a dictionary of schema objects
def __init__(self, schemas, names=None, validate_names: bool = True):
# Ensure valid ctor args
if not isinstance(schemas, list):
fail_msg = "Union schema requires a list of schemas."
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(fail_msg)
# Call parent ctor
Schema.__init__(self, "union", validate_names=validate_names)
# Add class members
schema_objects: List[Schema] = []
for schema in schemas:
if isinstance(schema, str) and names.has_name(schema, None):
new_schema = names.get_name(schema, None)
new_schema = make_avsc_object(schema, names, validate_names=self.validate_names)
except Exception as e:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Union item must be a valid Avro schema: {e}")
# check the new schema
if (
new_schema.type in VALID_TYPES
and new_schema.type not in NAMED_TYPES
and new_schema.type in [schema.type for schema in schema_objects]
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"{new_schema.type} type already in Union")
elif new_schema.type == "union":
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("Unions cannot contain other unions.")
self._schemas = schema_objects
# read-only properties
schemas = property(lambda self: self._schemas)
def match(self, writer):
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the writer schema.
@arg writer: the schema to match against
@return bool
return writer.type in {"union", "error_union"} or any(s.match(writer) for s in self.schemas)
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = []
for schema in self.schemas:
return to_dump
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
return [schema.to_canonical_json(names) for schema in self.schemas]
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return the first branch schema of which datum is a valid example, else None."""
for branch in self.schemas:
if branch.validate(datum) is not None:
return branch
class ErrorUnionSchema(UnionSchema):
def __init__(self, schemas, names=None, validate_names: bool = True):
# Prepend "string" to handle system errors
UnionSchema.__init__(self, ["string"] + schemas, names, validate_names)
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
to_dump = []
for schema in self.schemas:
# Don't print the system error schema
if schema.type == "string":
return to_dump
class RecordSchema(EqualByJsonMixin, NamedSchema):
def make_field_objects(field_data: Sequence[Mapping[str, object]], names:, validate_names: bool = True) -> Sequence[Field]:
"""We're going to need to make message parameters too."""
field_objects = []
field_names = []
for field in field_data:
if not callable(getattr(field, "get", None)):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Not a valid field: {field}")
type = field.get("type")
name = field.get("name")
# null values can have a default value of None
has_default = "default" in field
default = field.get("default")
order = field.get("order")
doc = field.get("doc")
other_props = get_other_props(field, FIELD_RESERVED_PROPS)
new_field = Field(type, name, has_default, default, order, names, doc, other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
# make sure field name has not been used yet
if in field_names:
fail_msg = f"Field name {} already in use."
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(fail_msg)
return field_objects
def match(self, writer):
"""Return True if the current schema (as reader) matches the other schema.
@arg writer: the schema to match against
@return bool
return writer.type == self.type and (self.type == "request" or self.check_props(writer, ["fullname"]))
def __init__(
validate_names: bool = True,
# Ensure valid ctor args
if fields is None:
fail_msg = "Record schema requires a non-empty fields property."
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(fail_msg)
elif not isinstance(fields, list):
fail_msg = "Fields property must be a list of Avro schemas."
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(fail_msg)
# Call parent ctor (adds own name to namespace, too)
if schema_type == "request":
Schema.__init__(self, schema_type, other_props)
NamedSchema.__init__(self, schema_type, name, namespace, names, other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
if schema_type == "record":
old_default = names.default_namespace
names.default_namespace = Name(name, namespace, names.default_namespace, validate_name=validate_names).space
# Add class members
field_objects = RecordSchema.make_field_objects(fields, names, validate_names=validate_names)
self.set_prop("fields", field_objects)
if doc is not None:
self.set_prop("doc", doc)
if schema_type == "record":
names.default_namespace = old_default
# read-only properties
fields = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("fields"))
doc = property(lambda self: self.get_prop("doc"))
def fields_dict(self):
fields_dict = {}
for field in self.fields:
fields_dict[] = field
return fields_dict
def to_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
# Request records don't have names
if self.type == "request":
return [f.to_json(names) for f in self.fields]
if self.fullname in names.names:
return self.name_ref(names)
names.names[self.fullname] = self
to_dump = names.prune_namespace(self.props.copy())
to_dump["fields"] = [f.to_json(names) for f in self.fields]
return to_dump
def to_canonical_json(self, names=None):
names = names or Names(validate_names=self.validate_names)
if self.type == "request":
raise NotImplementedError("Canonical form (probably) does not make sense on type request")
to_dump = self.canonical_properties
to_dump["name"] = self.fullname
if self.fullname in names.names:
return self.name_ref(names)
names.names[self.fullname] = self
to_dump["fields"] = [f.to_canonical_json(names) for f in self.fields]
return to_dump
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid representation of this schema, else None"""
return self if isinstance(datum, dict) and { for f in self.fields}.issuperset(datum.keys()) else None
# Date Type
class DateSchema(LogicalSchema, PrimitiveSchema):
def __init__(self, other_props=None):
LogicalSchema.__init__(self, avro.constants.DATE)
PrimitiveSchema.__init__(self, "int", other_props)
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid date object, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, else None
# time-millis Type
class TimeMillisSchema(LogicalSchema, PrimitiveSchema):
def __init__(self, other_props=None):
LogicalSchema.__init__(self, avro.constants.TIME_MILLIS)
PrimitiveSchema.__init__(self, "int", other_props)
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid representation of this schema, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, datetime.time) else None
# time-micros Type
class TimeMicrosSchema(LogicalSchema, PrimitiveSchema):
def __init__(self, other_props=None):
LogicalSchema.__init__(self, avro.constants.TIME_MICROS)
PrimitiveSchema.__init__(self, "long", other_props)
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
"""Return self if datum is a valid representation of this schema, else None."""
return self if isinstance(datum, datetime.time) else None
# timestamp-millis Type
class TimestampMillisSchema(LogicalSchema, PrimitiveSchema):
def __init__(self, other_props=None):
LogicalSchema.__init__(self, avro.constants.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS)
PrimitiveSchema.__init__(self, "long", other_props)
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
return self if isinstance(datum, datetime.datetime) and _is_timezone_aware_datetime(datum) else None
# timestamp-micros Type
class TimestampMicrosSchema(LogicalSchema, PrimitiveSchema):
def __init__(self, other_props=None):
LogicalSchema.__init__(self, avro.constants.TIMESTAMP_MICROS)
PrimitiveSchema.__init__(self, "long", other_props)
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
return self if isinstance(datum, datetime.datetime) and _is_timezone_aware_datetime(datum) else None
# uuid Type
class UUIDSchema(LogicalSchema, PrimitiveSchema):
def __init__(self, other_props=None):
LogicalSchema.__init__(self, avro.constants.UUID)
PrimitiveSchema.__init__(self, "string", other_props)
def to_json(self, names=None):
return self.props
def validate(self, datum):
val = uuid.UUID(datum)
except ValueError:
# If it's a value error, then the string
# is not a valid hex code for a UUID.
return None
return self
# Module Methods
def get_other_props(all_props: Mapping[str, object], reserved_props: Sequence[str]) -> Mapping[str, object]:
Retrieve the non-reserved properties from a dictionary of properties
@args reserved_props: The set of reserved properties to exclude
return {k: v for k, v in all_props.items() if k not in reserved_props}
def make_bytes_decimal_schema(other_props):
"""Make a BytesDecimalSchema from just other_props."""
return BytesDecimalSchema(other_props.get("precision"), other_props.get("scale", 0), other_props)
def make_logical_schema(logical_type, type_, other_props):
"""Map the logical types to the appropriate literal type and schema class."""
logical_types = {
(avro.constants.DATE, "int"): DateSchema,
(avro.constants.DECIMAL, "bytes"): make_bytes_decimal_schema,
# The fixed decimal schema is handled later by returning None now.
(avro.constants.DECIMAL, "fixed"): lambda x: None,
(avro.constants.TIMESTAMP_MICROS, "long"): TimestampMicrosSchema,
(avro.constants.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS, "long"): TimestampMillisSchema,
(avro.constants.TIME_MICROS, "long"): TimeMicrosSchema,
(avro.constants.TIME_MILLIS, "int"): TimeMillisSchema,
(avro.constants.UUID, "string"): UUIDSchema,
schema_type = logical_types.get((logical_type, type_), None)
if schema_type is not None:
return schema_type(other_props)
expected_types = sorted(literal_type for lt, literal_type in logical_types if lt == logical_type)
if expected_types:
avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType(f"Logical type {logical_type} requires literal type {'/'.join(expected_types)}, not {type_}.")
warnings.warn(avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType(f"Unknown {logical_type}, using {type_}."))
except avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType as warning:
return None
def make_avsc_object(
json_data: object, names: Optional[] = None, validate_enum_symbols: bool = True, validate_names: bool = True
) -> Schema:
Build Avro Schema from data parsed out of JSON string.
@arg names: A Names object (tracks seen names and default space)
@arg validate_enum_symbols: If False, will allow enum symbols that are not valid Avro names.
names = names or Names(validate_names=validate_names)
# JSON object (non-union)
if callable(getattr(json_data, "get", None)):
json_data = cast(Mapping, json_data)
type_ = json_data.get("type")
other_props = get_other_props(json_data, SCHEMA_RESERVED_PROPS)
logical_type = json_data.get("logicalType")
if logical_type:
logical_schema = make_logical_schema(logical_type, type_, other_props or {})
if logical_schema is not None:
return cast(Schema, logical_schema)
if type_ in NAMED_TYPES:
name = json_data.get("name")
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Name {name} must be a string, but it is {type(name)}.")
namespace = json_data.get("namespace", names.default_namespace)
if type_ == "fixed":
size = json_data.get("size")
if logical_type == "decimal":
precision = json_data.get("precision")
scale = json_data.get("scale", 0)
return FixedDecimalSchema(size, name, precision, scale, namespace, names, other_props, validate_names)
except avro.errors.IgnoredLogicalType as warning:
return FixedSchema(name, namespace, size, names, other_props, validate_names=validate_names)
elif type_ == "enum":
symbols = json_data.get("symbols")
if not isinstance(symbols, Sequence):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Enum symbols must be a sequence of strings, but it is {type(symbols)}")
for symbol in symbols:
if not isinstance(symbol, str):
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Enum symbols must be a sequence of strings, but one symbol is a {type(symbol)}")
doc = json_data.get("doc")
return EnumSchema(name, namespace, symbols, names, doc, other_props, validate_enum_symbols, validate_names)
if type_ in ["record", "error"]:
fields = json_data.get("fields")
doc = json_data.get("doc")
return RecordSchema(name, namespace, fields, names, type_, doc, other_props, validate_names)
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Unknown Named Type: {type_}")
if type_ in PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
return PrimitiveSchema(type_, other_props)
if type_ in VALID_TYPES:
if type_ == "array":
items = json_data.get("items")
return ArraySchema(items, names, other_props, validate_names)
elif type_ == "map":
values = json_data.get("values")
return MapSchema(values, names, other_props, validate_names)
elif type_ == "error_union":
declared_errors = json_data.get("declared_errors")
return ErrorUnionSchema(declared_errors, names, validate_names)
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Unknown Valid Type: {type_}")
elif type_ is None:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f'No "type" property: {json_data}')
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Undefined type: {type_}")
# JSON array (union)
elif isinstance(json_data, list):
return UnionSchema(json_data, names, validate_names=validate_names)
# JSON string (primitive)
elif json_data in PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
return PrimitiveSchema(json_data)
# not for us!
fail_msg = f"Could not make an Avro Schema object from {json_data}"
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(fail_msg)
def parse(json_string: str, validate_enum_symbols: bool = True, validate_names: bool = True) -> Schema:
"""Constructs the Schema from the JSON text.
@arg json_string: The json string of the schema to parse
@arg validate_enum_symbols: If False, will allow enum symbols that are not valid Avro names.
@arg validate_names: If False, will allow names that are not valid Avro names. When disabling the validation
test the non-compliant names for non-compliant behavior, also in interoperability cases.
@return Schema
json_data = json.loads(json_string)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"Error parsing JSON: {json_string}, error = {e}") from e
return make_avsc_object(json_data, Names(validate_names=validate_names), validate_enum_symbols, validate_names)
def from_path(path: Union[Path, str], validate_enum_symbols: bool = True, validate_names: bool = True) -> Schema:
Constructs the Schema from a path to an avsc (json) file.
return parse(Path(path).read_text(), validate_enum_symbols, validate_names)