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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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"""Contains the Name classes."""
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional
from avro.constants import PRIMITIVE_TYPES
from avro.schema import NamedSchema
import re
import warnings
import avro.errors
# The name portion of a fullname, record field names, and enum symbols must:
# start with [A-Za-z_]
# subsequently contain only [A-Za-z0-9_]
_BASE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?:^|\.)[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$")
def validate_basename(basename: str) -> None:
"""Raise InvalidName if the given basename is not a valid name."""
if not
raise avro.errors.InvalidName(f"{basename!s} is not a valid Avro name because it does not match the pattern {_BASE_NAME_PATTERN.pattern!s}")
def _validate_fullname(fullname: str) -> None:
for name in fullname.split("."):
class Name:
"""Class to describe Avro name."""
_full: Optional[str] = None
_name: Optional[str] = None
def __init__(
self, name_attr: Optional[str] = None, space_attr: Optional[str] = None, default_space: Optional[str] = None, validate_name: bool = True
) -> None:
"""The fullname is determined in one of the following ways:
- A name and namespace are both specified. For example, one might use "name": "X",
"namespace": "" to indicate the fullname
- A fullname is specified. If the name specified contains a dot,
then it is assumed to be a fullname, and any namespace also specified is ignored.
For example, use "name": "" to indicate the fullname
- A name only is specified, i.e., a name that contains no dots.
In this case the namespace is taken from the most tightly enclosing schema or protocol.
For example, if "name": "X" is specified, and this occurs within a field of
the record definition of, then the fullname is
If there is no enclosing namespace then the null namespace is used.
References to previously defined names are as in the latter two cases above:
if they contain a dot they are a fullname,
if they do not contain a dot, the namespace is the namespace of the enclosing definition.
@arg name_attr: name value read in schema or None.
@arg space_attr: namespace value read in schema or None. The empty string may be used as a namespace
to indicate the null namespace.
@arg default_space: the current default space or None.
if name_attr is None:
if name_attr == "":
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException("Name must not be the empty string.")
# The empty string may be used as a namespace to indicate the null namespace.
self._name = name_attr.split(".")[-1]
self._full = (
if "." in name_attr or space_attr == "" or not (space_attr or default_space)
else f"{space_attr or default_space!s}.{name_attr!s}"
if validate_name:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Equality of names is defined on the fullname and is case-sensitive."""
return hasattr(other, "fullname") and self.fullname == getattr(other, "fullname")
def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._name
def fullname(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._full
def space(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Back out a namespace from full name."""
full = self._full or ""
return full.rsplit(".", 1)[0] if "." in full else None
def get_space(self) -> Optional[str]:
warnings.warn("Name.get_space() is deprecated in favor of")
class Names:
"""Track name set and default namespace during parsing."""
names: Dict[str, "NamedSchema"]
def __init__(self, default_namespace: Optional[str] = None, validate_names: bool = True) -> None:
self.names = {}
self.default_namespace = default_namespace
self.validate_names = validate_names
def has_name(self, name_attr: str, space_attr: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
test = Name(name_attr, space_attr, self.default_namespace, validate_name=self.validate_names).fullname
return test in self.names
def get_name(self, name_attr: str, space_attr: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional["NamedSchema"]:
test = Name(name_attr, space_attr, self.default_namespace, validate_name=self.validate_names).fullname
return None if test is None else self.names.get(test)
def prune_namespace(self, properties: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:
"""given a properties, return properties with namespace removed if
it matches the own default namespace"""
if self.default_namespace is None:
# I have no default -- no change
return properties
if "namespace" not in properties:
# he has no namespace - no change
return properties
if properties["namespace"] != self.default_namespace:
# we're different - leave his stuff alone
return properties
# we each have a namespace and it's redundant. delete his.
prunable = properties.copy()
del prunable["namespace"]
return prunable
def add_name(self, name_attr: str, space_attr: Optional[str], new_schema: "NamedSchema") -> Name:
Add a new schema object to the name set.
@arg name_attr: name value read in schema
@arg space_attr: namespace value read in schema.
@return: the Name that was just added.
to_add = Name(name_attr, space_attr, self.default_namespace, validate_name=self.validate_names)
if to_add.fullname in PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f"{to_add.fullname} is a reserved type name.")
if to_add.fullname in self.names:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f'The name "{to_add.fullname}" is already in use.')
if to_add.fullname is None:
raise avro.errors.SchemaParseException(f'The name built from "{space_attr}.{name_attr}" is None')
self.names[to_add.fullname] = new_schema
return to_add