blob: 281c18f0d1bb6d05d20e1869ed20571aed8211b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp;
use Avro::DataFile;
use Avro::BinaryEncoder;
use Avro::BinaryDecoder;
use Avro::Schema;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::More;
use_ok 'Avro::DataFileReader';
use_ok 'Avro::DataFileWriter';
my $tmpfh = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 1);
my $schema = Avro::Schema->parse(<<EOP);
{ "type": "map", "values": { "type": "array", "items": "string" } }
my $write_file = Avro::DataFileWriter->new(
fh => $tmpfh,
writer_schema => $schema,
metadata => {
some => 'metadata',
my $data = {
a => [ "2.2", "4.4" ],
b => [ "2.4", "2", "-4", "4", "5" ],
c => [ "0" ],
## rewind
seek $tmpfh, 0, 0;
my $uncompressed_size = -s $tmpfh;
my $read_file = Avro::DataFileReader->new(
fh => $tmpfh,
reader_schema => $schema,
is $read_file->metadata->{'avro.codec'}, 'null', 'avro.codec';
is $read_file->metadata->{'some'}, 'metadata', 'custom meta';
my @all = $read_file->all;
is scalar @all, 1, "one object back";
is_deeply $all[0], $data, "Our data is intact!";
## codec tests
throws_ok {
fh => File::Temp->new,
writer_schema => $schema,
codec => 'unknown',
} "Avro::DataFile::Error::InvalidCodec", "invalid codec";
## rewind
seek $tmpfh, 0, 0;
local $Avro::DataFile::ValidCodec{null} = 0;
$read_file = Avro::DataFileReader->new(
fh => $tmpfh,
reader_schema => $schema,
throws_ok {
} "Avro::DataFile::Error::UnsupportedCodec", "I've removed 'null' :)";
## deflate!
my $zfh = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 0);
my $write_file = Avro::DataFileWriter->new(
fh => $zfh,
writer_schema => $schema,
codec => 'deflate',
metadata => {
some => 'metadata',
## rewind
seek $zfh, 0, 0;
my $read_file = Avro::DataFileReader->new(
fh => $zfh,
reader_schema => $schema,
is $read_file->metadata->{'avro.codec'}, 'deflate', 'avro.codec';
is $read_file->metadata->{'some'}, 'metadata', 'custom meta';
my @all = $read_file->all;
is scalar @all, 1, "one object back";
is_deeply $all[0], $data, "Our data is intact!";
## bzip2!
$zfh = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 0);
$write_file = Avro::DataFileWriter->new(
fh => $zfh,
writer_schema => $schema,
codec => 'bzip2',
metadata => {
some => 'metadata',
## rewind
seek $zfh, 0, 0;
$read_file = Avro::DataFileReader->new(
fh => $zfh,
reader_schema => $schema,
is $read_file->metadata->{'avro.codec'}, 'bzip2', 'avro.codec';
is $read_file->metadata->{'some'}, 'metadata', 'custom meta';
@all = $read_file->all;
is scalar @all, 1, "one object back";
is_deeply $all[0], $data, "Our data is intact!";
## zstandard!
$zfh = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 0);
$write_file = Avro::DataFileWriter->new(
fh => $zfh,
writer_schema => $schema,
codec => 'zstandard',
metadata => {
some => 'metadata',
## rewind
seek $zfh, 0, 0;
$read_file = Avro::DataFileReader->new(
fh => $zfh,
reader_schema => $schema,
is $read_file->metadata->{'avro.codec'}, 'zstandard', 'avro.codec';
is $read_file->metadata->{'some'}, 'metadata', 'custom meta';
@all = $read_file->all;
is scalar @all, 1, "one object back";
is_deeply $all[0], $data, "Our data is intact!";
## Test on a slightly larger file with 100 records
my $tmpfh_write100 = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 1);
my $write100_file = Avro::DataFileWriter->new(
fh => $tmpfh_write100,
writer_schema => $schema,
codec => 'bzip2'
foreach (1..100) {
seek $tmpfh_write100, 0, 0;
my $read100_file = Avro::DataFileReader->new(
fh => $tmpfh_write100,
# Read the first instance.
my @next = $read100_file->next(1);
is scalar @next, 1, "first object back";
is_deeply $all[0], $data, "Our data is intact!";
is scalar $read100_file->eob, 0, "not end-of-block";
is scalar $read100_file->eof, 0, "not end-of-file";
is scalar $read100_file->{object_count}, 99, "remainder in this block count";
# Scan over the next 98
@next = $read100_file->next(98);
is scalar @next, 98, "ninety-eigth objects back";
is_deeply $all[0], $data, "Our data is intact!";
is scalar $read100_file->eob, 0, "not end-of-block";
is scalar $read100_file->eof, 0, "not end-of-file";
# Read the last instance.
@next = $read100_file->next(1);
is scalar @next, 1, "last object back";
is_deeply $all[0], $data, "Our data is intact!";
is scalar $read100_file->eob, 1, "end-of-block";
is scalar $read100_file->eof, 1, "end-of-file";
is scalar $read100_file->{object_count}, 0, "no blocks remaining";
# One more instance
@next = $read100_file->next(1);
is scalar @next, 0, "no more objects back";