blob: 6d63cb450879ecb514f703ebaa5e8980220a7079 [file] [log] [blame]
/* jshint node: true */
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var protocols = require('./protocols'),
schemas = require('./schemas'),
utils = require('./utils'),
fs = require('fs'),
stream = require('stream'),
util = require('util'),
path = require('path'),
zlib = require('zlib');
// Type of Avro header.
var HEADER_TYPE = schemas.createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'org.apache.avro.file.Header',
fields : [
{name: 'magic', type: {type: 'fixed', name: 'Magic', size: 4}},
{name: 'meta', type: {type: 'map', values: 'bytes'}},
{name: 'sync', type: {type: 'fixed', name: 'Sync', size: 16}}
// Type of each block.
var BLOCK_TYPE = schemas.createType({
type: 'record',
name: 'org.apache.avro.file.Block',
fields : [
{name: 'count', type: 'long'},
{name: 'data', type: 'bytes'},
{name: 'sync', type: {type: 'fixed', name: 'Sync', size: 16}}
// Used to toBuffer each block, without having to copy all its data.
var LONG_TYPE = schemas.createType('long');
// First 4 bytes of an Avro object container file.
var MAGIC_BYTES = Buffer.from('Obj\x01');
// Convenience.
var f = util.format;
var Tap = utils.Tap;
* Parse a schema and return the corresponding type.
function parse(schema, opts) {
var attrs = loadSchema(schema);
return attrs.protocol ?
protocols.createProtocol(attrs, opts) :
schemas.createType(attrs, opts);
* Duplex stream for decoding fragments.
function RawDecoder(schema, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var decode = opts.decode === undefined ? true : !!opts.decode;, {
readableObjectMode: decode,
allowHalfOpen: false
// Somehow setting this to false only closes the writable side after the
// readable side ends, while we need the other way. So we do it manually.
this._type = parse(schema);
this._tap = new Tap(Buffer.alloc(0));
this._needPush = false;
this._readValue = createReader(decode, this._type);
this._finished = false;
this.on('finish', function () {
this._finished = true;
util.inherits(RawDecoder, stream.Duplex);
RawDecoder.prototype._write = function (chunk, encoding, cb) {
var tap = this._tap;
tap.buf = Buffer.concat([tap.buf.slice(tap.pos), chunk]);
tap.pos = 0;
if (this._needPush) {
this._needPush = false;
RawDecoder.prototype._read = function () {
var tap = this._tap;
var pos = tap.pos;
var val = this._readValue(tap);
if (tap.isValid()) {
} else if (!this._finished) {
tap.pos = pos;
this._needPush = true;
} else {
* Duplex stream for decoding object container files.
function BlockDecoder(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var decode = opts.decode === undefined ? true : !!opts.decode;, {
allowHalfOpen: true, // For async decompressors.
readableObjectMode: decode
this._type = null;
this._codecs = opts.codecs;
this._parseOpts = opts.parseOpts || {};
this._tap = new Tap(Buffer.alloc(0));
this._blockTap = new Tap(Buffer.alloc(0));
this._syncMarker = null;
this._readValue = null;
this._decode = decode;
this._queue = new utils.OrderedQueue();
this._decompress = null; // Decompression function.
this._index = 0; // Next block index.
this._pending = 0; // Number of blocks undergoing decompression.
this._needPush = false;
this._finished = false;
this.on('finish', function () {
this._finished = true;
if (!this._pending) {
util.inherits(BlockDecoder, stream.Duplex);
BlockDecoder.getDefaultCodecs = function () {
return {
'null': function (buf, cb) { cb(null, buf); },
'deflate': zlib.inflateRaw
BlockDecoder.prototype._decodeHeader = function () {
var tap = this._tap;
var header = HEADER_TYPE._read(tap);
if (!tap.isValid()) {
// Wait until more data arrives.
return false;
if (!MAGIC_BYTES.equals(header.magic)) {
this.emit('error', new Error('invalid magic bytes'));
var codec = (header.meta['avro.codec'] || 'null').toString();
this._decompress = (this._codecs || BlockDecoder.getDefaultCodecs())[codec];
if (!this._decompress) {
this.emit('error', new Error(f('unknown codec: %s', codec)));
try {
var schema = JSON.parse(header.meta['avro.schema'].toString());
this._type = parse(schema, this._parseOpts);
} catch (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
this._readValue = createReader(this._decode, this._type);
this._syncMarker = header.sync;
this.emit('metadata', this._type, codec, header);
return true;
BlockDecoder.prototype._write = function (chunk, encoding, cb) {
var tap = this._tap;
tap.buf = Buffer.concat([tap.buf, chunk]);
tap.pos = 0;
if (!this._decodeHeader()) {
// We got the header, switch to block decoding mode. Also, call it directly
// in case we already have all the data (in which case `_write` wouldn't get
// called anymore).
this._write = this._writeChunk;
this._write(Buffer.alloc(0), encoding, cb);
BlockDecoder.prototype._writeChunk = function (chunk, encoding, cb) {
var tap = this._tap;
tap.buf = Buffer.concat([tap.buf.slice(tap.pos), chunk]);
tap.pos = 0;
var block;
while ((block = tryReadBlock(tap))) {
if (!this._syncMarker.equals(block.sync)) {
cb(new Error('invalid sync marker'));
this._decompress(, this._createBlockCallback());
BlockDecoder.prototype._createBlockCallback = function () {
var self = this;
var index = this._index++;
return function (err, data) {
if (err) {
self.emit('error', err);
self._queue.push(new BlockData(index, data));
if (self._needPush) {
self._needPush = false;
BlockDecoder.prototype._read = function () {
var tap = this._blockTap;
if (tap.pos >= tap.buf.length) {
var data = this._queue.pop();
if (!data) {
if (this._finished && !this._pending) {
} else {
this._needPush = true;
return; // Wait for more data.
tap.buf = data.buf;
tap.pos = 0;
this.push(this._readValue(tap)); // The read is guaranteed valid.
* Duplex stream for encoding.
function RawEncoder(schema, opts) {
opts = opts || {};, {
writableObjectMode: true,
allowHalfOpen: false
this._type = parse(schema);
this._writeValue = function (tap, val) {
try {
this._type._write(tap, val);
} catch (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
this._tap = new Tap(Buffer.alloc(opts.batchSize || 65536));
util.inherits(RawEncoder, stream.Transform);
RawEncoder.prototype._transform = function (val, encoding, cb) {
var tap = this._tap;
var buf = tap.buf;
var pos = tap.pos;
this._writeValue(tap, val);
if (!tap.isValid()) {
if (pos) {
// Emit any valid data.
this.push(copyBuffer(tap.buf, 0, pos));
var len = tap.pos - pos;
if (len > buf.length) {
// Not enough space for last written object, need to resize.
tap.buf = Buffer.alloc(2 * len);
tap.pos = 0;
this._writeValue(tap, val); // Rewrite last failed write.
RawEncoder.prototype._flush = function (cb) {
var tap = this._tap;
var pos = tap.pos;
if (pos) {
// This should only ever be false if nothing is written to the stream.
this.push(tap.buf.slice(0, pos));
* Duplex stream to write object container files.
* @param schema
* @param opts {Object}
* + `blockSize`, uncompressed.
* + `codec`
* + `codecs`
* + `noCheck`
* + `omitHeader`, useful to append to an existing block file.
function BlockEncoder(schema, opts) {
opts = opts || {};, {
allowHalfOpen: true, // To support async compressors.
writableObjectMode: true
var obj, type;
if (schema instanceof schemas.types.Type) {
type = schema;
schema = undefined;
} else {
// Keep full schema to be able to write it to the header later.
obj = loadSchema(schema);
type = schemas.createType(obj);
schema = JSON.stringify(obj);
this._schema = schema;
this._type = type;
this._writeValue = function (tap, val) {
try {
this._type._write(tap, val);
} catch (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
this._blockSize = opts.blockSize || 65536;
this._tap = new Tap(Buffer.alloc(this._blockSize));
this._codecs = opts.codecs;
this._codec = opts.codec || 'null';
this._compress = null;
this._omitHeader = opts.omitHeader || false;
this._blockCount = 0;
this._syncMarker = opts.syncMarker || new utils.Lcg().nextBuffer(16);
this._queue = new utils.OrderedQueue();
this._pending = 0;
this._finished = false;
this._needPush = false;
this._downstream = null;
this.on('finish', function () {
this._finished = true;
if (this._blockCount) {
util.inherits(BlockEncoder, stream.Duplex);
BlockEncoder.getDefaultCodecs = function () {
return {
'null': function (buf, cb) { cb(null, buf); },
'deflate': zlib.deflateRaw
BlockEncoder.prototype.getDownstream = function () {
return this._downstream;
BlockEncoder.prototype._write = function (val, encoding, cb) {
var codec = this._codec;
this._compress = (this._codecs || BlockEncoder.getDefaultCodecs())[codec];
if (!this._compress) {
this.emit('error', new Error(f('unsupported codec: %s', codec)));
if (!this._omitHeader) {
var meta = {
'avro.schema': Buffer.from(this._schema || this._type.getSchema()),
'avro.codec': Buffer.from(this._codec)
var Header = HEADER_TYPE.getRecordConstructor();
var header = new Header(MAGIC_BYTES, meta, this._syncMarker);
this._write = this._writeChunk;
this._write(val, encoding, cb);
BlockEncoder.prototype._writeChunk = function (val, encoding, cb) {
var tap = this._tap;
var pos = tap.pos;
this._writeValue(tap, val);
if (!tap.isValid()) {
if (pos) {
var len = tap.pos - pos;
if (len > this._blockSize) {
// Not enough space for last written object, need to resize.
this._blockSize = len * 2;
tap.buf = Buffer.alloc(this._blockSize);
tap.pos = 0;
this._writeValue(tap, val); // Rewrite last failed write.
BlockEncoder.prototype._flushChunk = function (pos) {
var tap = this._tap;
pos = pos || tap.pos;
this._compress(tap.buf.slice(0, pos), this._createBlockCallback());
this._blockCount = 0;
BlockEncoder.prototype._read = function () {
var self = this;
var data = this._queue.pop();
if (!data) {
if (this._finished && !this._pending) {
process.nextTick(function () { self.push(null); });
} else {
this._needPush = true;
this.push(LONG_TYPE.toBuffer(data.count, true));
this.push(LONG_TYPE.toBuffer(data.buf.length, true));
BlockEncoder.prototype._createBlockCallback = function () {
var self = this;
var index = this._index++;
var count = this._blockCount;
return function (err, data) {
if (err) {
self.emit('error', err);
self._queue.push(new BlockData(index, data, count));
if (self._needPush) {
self._needPush = false;
* Extract a container file's header synchronously.
function extractFileHeader(path, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var decode = opts.decode === undefined ? true : !!opts.decode;
var size = Math.max(opts.size || 4096, 4);
var fd = fs.openSync(path, 'r');
var buf = Buffer.alloc(size);
var pos = 0;
var tap = new Tap(buf);
var header = null;
while (pos < 4) {
// Make sure we have enough to check the magic bytes.
pos += fs.readSync(fd, buf, pos, size - pos);
if (MAGIC_BYTES.equals(buf.slice(0, 4))) {
do {
header = HEADER_TYPE._read(tap);
} while (!isValid());
if (decode !== false) {
var meta = header.meta;
meta['avro.schema'] = JSON.parse(meta['avro.schema'].toString());
if (meta['avro.codec'] !== undefined) {
meta['avro.codec'] = meta['avro.codec'].toString();
return header;
function isValid() {
if (tap.isValid()) {
return true;
var len = 2 * tap.buf.length;
var buf = Buffer.alloc(len);
len = fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, len);
tap.buf = Buffer.concat([tap.buf, buf]);
tap.pos = 0;
return false;
* Readable stream of records from a local Avro file.
function createFileDecoder(path, opts) {
return fs.createReadStream(path).pipe(new BlockDecoder(opts));
* Writable stream of records to a local Avro file.
function createFileEncoder(path, schema, opts) {
var encoder = new BlockEncoder(schema, opts);
encoder._downstream = encoder.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(path, {defaultEncoding: 'binary'}));
return encoder;
// Helpers.
* An indexed block.
* This can be used to preserve block order since compression and decompression
* can cause some some blocks to be returned out of order. The count is only
* used when encoding.
function BlockData(index, buf, count) {
this.index = index;
this.buf = buf;
this.count = count | 0;
* Maybe get a block.
function tryReadBlock(tap) {
var pos = tap.pos;
var block = BLOCK_TYPE._read(tap);
if (!tap.isValid()) {
tap.pos = pos;
return null;
return block;
* Create bytes consumer, either reading or skipping records.
function createReader(decode, type) {
if (decode) {
return function (tap) { return type._read(tap); };
} else {
return (function (skipper) {
return function (tap) {
var pos = tap.pos;
return tap.buf.slice(pos, tap.pos);
* Copy a buffer.
* This avoids having to create a slice of the original buffer.
function copyBuffer(buf, pos, len) {
var copy = Buffer.alloc(len);
buf.copy(copy, 0, pos, pos + len);
return copy;
* Try to load a schema.
* This method will attempt to load schemas from a file if the schema passed is
* a string which isn't valid JSON and contains at least one slash.
function loadSchema(schema) {
var obj;
if (typeof schema == 'string') {
try {
obj = JSON.parse(schema);
} catch (err) {
if (~schema.indexOf(path.sep)) {
// This can't be a valid name, so we interpret is as a filepath. This
// makes is always feasible to read a file, independent of its name
// (i.e. even if its name is valid JSON), by prefixing it with `./`.
obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(schema));
if (obj === undefined) {
obj = schema;
return obj;
module.exports = {
parse: parse,
createFileDecoder: createFileDecoder,
createFileEncoder: createFileEncoder,
extractFileHeader: extractFileHeader,
streams: {
RawDecoder: RawDecoder,
BlockDecoder: BlockDecoder,
RawEncoder: RawEncoder,
BlockEncoder: BlockEncoder