blob: 051563abaefc8e71fb8fece6ebfc935458ae0f29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException;
import org.apache.avro.InvalidNumberEncodingException;
import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* An {@link Decoder} for binary-format data.
* <p/>
* Instances are created using {@link DecoderFactory}.
* <p/>
* This class may read-ahead and buffer bytes from the source beyond what is
* required to serve its read methods. The number of unused bytes in the buffer
* can be accessed by inputStream().remaining(), if the BinaryDecoder is not
* 'direct'.
* <p/>
* To prevent this class from making large allocations when handling potentially
* pathological input data, set Java properties
* <tt>org.apache.avro.limits.string.maxLength</tt> and
* <tt>org.apache.avro.limits.bytes.maxLength</tt> before instantiating this
* class to limit the maximum sizes of <tt>string</tt> and <tt>bytes</tt> types
* handled. The default is to permit sizes up to Java's maximum array length.
* @see Encoder
public class BinaryDecoder extends Decoder {
* The maximum size of array to allocate. Some VMs reserve some header words in
* an array. Attempts to allocate larger arrays may result in OutOfMemoryError:
* Requested array size exceeds VM limit
static final long MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8L;
private static final String MAX_BYTES_LENGTH_PROPERTY = "org.apache.avro.limits.bytes.maxLength";
protected final int maxBytesLength;
private ByteSource source = null;
// we keep the buffer and its state variables in this class and not in a
// container class for performance reasons. This improves performance
// over a container object by about 5% to 15%
// for example, we could have a FastBuffer class with these state variables
// and keep a private FastBuffer member here. This simplifies the
// "detach source" code and source access to the buffer, but
// hurts performance.
private byte[] buf = null;
private int minPos = 0;
private int pos = 0;
private int limit = 0;
byte[] getBuf() {
return buf;
int getPos() {
return pos;
int getLimit() {
return limit;
void setBuf(byte[] buf, int pos, int len) {
this.buf = buf;
this.pos = pos;
this.limit = pos + len;
void clearBuf() {
this.buf = null;
/** protected constructor for child classes */
protected BinaryDecoder() {
String o = System.getProperty(MAX_BYTES_LENGTH_PROPERTY);
int i = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (o != null) {
try {
i = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(o);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
.warn("Could not parse property " + MAX_BYTES_LENGTH_PROPERTY + ": " + o, nfe);
maxBytesLength = i;
BinaryDecoder(InputStream in, int bufferSize) {
configure(in, bufferSize);
BinaryDecoder(byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
configure(data, offset, length);
BinaryDecoder configure(InputStream in, int bufferSize) {
configureSource(bufferSize, new InputStreamByteSource(in));
return this;
BinaryDecoder configure(byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
configureSource(DecoderFactory.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, new ByteArrayByteSource(data, offset, length));
return this;
* Initializes this decoder with a new ByteSource. Detaches the old source (if
* it exists) from this Decoder. The old source's state no longer depends on
* this Decoder and its InputStream interface will continue to drain the
* remaining buffer and source data.
* <p/>
* The decoder will read from the new source. The source will generally replace
* the buffer with its own. If the source allocates a new buffer, it will create
* it with size bufferSize.
private void configureSource(int bufferSize, ByteSource source) {
if (null != this.source) {
source.attach(bufferSize, this);
this.source = source;
public void readNull() throws IOException {
public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException {
// inlined, shorter version of ensureBounds
if (limit == pos) {
limit = source.tryReadRaw(buf, 0, buf.length);
pos = 0;
if (limit == 0) {
throw new EOFException();
int n = buf[pos++] & 0xff;
return n == 1;
public int readInt() throws IOException {
ensureBounds(5); // won't throw index out of bounds
int len = 1;
int b = buf[pos] & 0xff;
int n = b & 0x7f;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
n ^= (b & 0x7f) << 7;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
n ^= (b & 0x7f) << 14;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
n ^= (b & 0x7f) << 21;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
n ^= (b & 0x7f) << 28;
if (b > 0x7f) {
throw new InvalidNumberEncodingException("Invalid int encoding");
pos += len;
if (pos > limit) {
throw new EOFException();
return (n >>> 1) ^ -(n & 1); // back to two's-complement
public long readLong() throws IOException {
int b = buf[pos++] & 0xff;
int n = b & 0x7f;
long l;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos++] & 0xff;
n ^= (b & 0x7f) << 7;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos++] & 0xff;
n ^= (b & 0x7f) << 14;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos++] & 0xff;
n ^= (b & 0x7f) << 21;
if (b > 0x7f) {
// only the low 28 bits can be set, so this won't carry
// the sign bit to the long
l = innerLongDecode((long) n);
} else {
l = n;
} else {
l = n;
} else {
l = n;
} else {
l = n;
if (pos > limit) {
throw new EOFException();
return (l >>> 1) ^ -(l & 1); // back to two's-complement
// splitting readLong up makes it faster because of the JVM does more
// optimizations on small methods
private long innerLongDecode(long l) throws IOException {
int len = 1;
int b = buf[pos] & 0xff;
l ^= (b & 0x7fL) << 28;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
l ^= (b & 0x7fL) << 35;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
l ^= (b & 0x7fL) << 42;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
l ^= (b & 0x7fL) << 49;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
l ^= (b & 0x7fL) << 56;
if (b > 0x7f) {
b = buf[pos + len++] & 0xff;
l ^= (b & 0x7fL) << 63;
if (b > 0x7f) {
throw new InvalidNumberEncodingException("Invalid long encoding");
pos += len;
return l;
public float readFloat() throws IOException {
int len = 1;
int n = (buf[pos] & 0xff) | ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 8) | ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 16)
| ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 24);
if ((pos + 4) > limit) {
throw new EOFException();
pos += 4;
return Float.intBitsToFloat(n);
public double readDouble() throws IOException {
int len = 1;
int n1 = (buf[pos] & 0xff) | ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 8) | ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 16)
| ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 24);
int n2 = (buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) | ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 8) | ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 16)
| ((buf[pos + len++] & 0xff) << 24);
if ((pos + 8) > limit) {
throw new EOFException();
pos += 8;
return Double.longBitsToDouble((((long) n1) & 0xffffffffL) | (((long) n2) << 32));
public Utf8 readString(Utf8 old) throws IOException {
long length = readLong();
if (length > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot read strings longer than " + MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + " bytes");
if (length < 0L) {
throw new AvroRuntimeException("Malformed data. Length is negative: " + length);
Utf8 result = (old != null ? old : new Utf8());
result.setByteLength((int) length);
if (0L != length) {
doReadBytes(result.getBytes(), 0, (int) length);
return result;
private final Utf8 scratchUtf8 = new Utf8();
public String readString() throws IOException {
return readString(scratchUtf8).toString();
public void skipString() throws IOException {
public ByteBuffer readBytes(ByteBuffer old) throws IOException {
int length = readInt();
if (length > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot read arrays longer than " + MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + " bytes");
if (length > maxBytesLength) {
throw new AvroRuntimeException("Bytes length " + length + " exceeds maximum allowed");
if (length < 0L) {
throw new AvroRuntimeException("Malformed data. Length is negative: " + length);
final ByteBuffer result;
if (old != null && length <= old.capacity()) {
result = old;
((Buffer) result).clear();
} else {
result = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
doReadBytes(result.array(), result.position(), length);
((Buffer) result).limit(length);
return result;
public void skipBytes() throws IOException {
public void readFixed(byte[] bytes, int start, int length) throws IOException {
doReadBytes(bytes, start, length);
public void skipFixed(int length) throws IOException {
public int readEnum() throws IOException {
return readInt();
protected void doSkipBytes(long length) throws IOException {
int remaining = limit - pos;
if (length <= remaining) {
pos = (int) (pos + length);
} else {
limit = pos = 0;
length -= remaining;
* Reads <tt>length</tt> bytes into <tt>bytes</tt> starting at <tt>start</tt>.
* @throws EOFException If there are not enough number of bytes in the source.
* @throws IOException
protected void doReadBytes(byte[] bytes, int start, int length) throws IOException {
if (length < 0)
throw new AvroRuntimeException("Malformed data. Length is negative: " + length);
int remaining = limit - pos;
if (length <= remaining) {
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, bytes, start, length);
pos += length;
} else {
// read the rest of the buffer
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, bytes, start, remaining);
start += remaining;
length -= remaining;
pos = limit;
// finish from the byte source
source.readRaw(bytes, start, length);
* Returns the number of items to follow in the current array or map. Returns 0
* if there are no more items in the current array and the array/map has ended.
* Arrays are encoded as a series of blocks. Each block consists of a long count
* value, followed by that many array items. A block with count zero indicates
* the end of the array. If a block's count is negative, its absolute value is
* used, and the count is followed immediately by a long block size indicating
* the number of bytes in the block.
* @throws IOException If the first byte cannot be read for any reason other
* than the end of the file, if the input stream has been
* closed, or if some other I/O error occurs.
protected long doReadItemCount() throws IOException {
long result = readLong();
if (result < 0L) {
// Consume byte-count if present
result = -result;
return result;
* Reads the count of items in the current array or map and skip those items, if
* possible. If it could skip the items, keep repeating until there are no more
* items left in the array or map. Arrays are encoded as a series of blocks.
* Each block consists of a long count value, followed by that many array items.
* A block with count zero indicates the end of the array. If a block's count is
* negative, its absolute value is used, and the count is followed immediately
* by a long block size indicating the number of bytes in the block. If block
* size is missing, this method return the count of the items found. The client
* needs to skip the items individually.
* @return Zero if there are no more items to skip and end of array/map is
* reached. Positive number if some items are found that cannot be
* skipped and the client needs to skip them individually.
* @throws IOException If the first byte cannot be read for any reason other
* than the end of the file, if the input stream has been
* closed, or if some other I/O error occurs.
private long doSkipItems() throws IOException {
long result = readLong();
while (result < 0L) {
final long bytecount = readLong();
result = readLong();
return result;
public long readArrayStart() throws IOException {
return doReadItemCount();
public long arrayNext() throws IOException {
return doReadItemCount();
public long skipArray() throws IOException {
return doSkipItems();
public long readMapStart() throws IOException {
return doReadItemCount();
public long mapNext() throws IOException {
return doReadItemCount();
public long skipMap() throws IOException {
return doSkipItems();
public int readIndex() throws IOException {
return readInt();
* Returns true if the current BinaryDecoder is at the end of its source data
* and cannot read any further without throwing an EOFException or other
* IOException.
* <p/>
* Not all implementations of BinaryDecoder support isEnd(). Implementations
* that do not support isEnd() will throw a
* {@link java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @throws IOException If the first byte cannot be read for any reason other
* than the end of the file, if the input stream has been
* closed, or if some other I/O error occurs.
public boolean isEnd() throws IOException {
if (pos < limit) {
return false;
if (source.isEof()) {
return true;
// read from source.
final int read = source.tryReadRaw(buf, 0, buf.length);
pos = 0;
limit = read;
return (0 == read);
* Ensures that buf[pos + num - 1] is not out of the buffer array bounds.
* However, buf[pos + num -1] may be >= limit if there is not enough data left
* in the source to fill the array with num bytes.
* <p/>
* This method allows readers to read ahead by num bytes safely without checking
* for EOF at each byte. However, readers must ensure that their reads are valid
* by checking that their read did not advance past the limit before adjusting
* pos.
* <p/>
* num must be less than the buffer size and greater than 0
private void ensureBounds(int num) throws IOException {
int remaining = limit - pos;
if (remaining < num) {
// move remaining to front
source.compactAndFill(buf, pos, minPos, remaining);
if (pos >= limit)
throw new EOFException();
* Returns an {@link} that is aware of any buffering that
* may occur in this BinaryDecoder. Readers that need to interleave decoding
* Avro data with other reads must access this InputStream to do so unless the
* implementation is 'direct' and does not read beyond the minimum bytes
* necessary from the source.
public InputStream inputStream() {
return source;
* BufferAccessor is used by BinaryEncoder to enable {@link ByteSource}s and the
* InputStream returned by {@link BinaryDecoder#inputStream} to access the
* BinaryEncoder's buffer. When a BufferAccessor is created, it is attached to a
* BinaryDecoder and its buffer. Its accessors directly reference the
* BinaryDecoder's buffer. When detach() is called, it stores references to the
* BinaryDecoder's buffer directly. The BinaryDecoder only detaches a
* BufferAccessor when it is initializing to a new ByteSource. Therefore, a
* client that is using the InputStream returned by BinaryDecoder.inputStream
* can continue to use that stream after a BinaryDecoder has been reinitialized
* to read from new data.
static class BufferAccessor {
private final BinaryDecoder decoder;
private byte[] buf;
private int pos;
private int limit;
boolean detached = false;
private BufferAccessor(BinaryDecoder decoder) {
this.decoder = decoder;
void detach() {
this.buf = decoder.buf;
this.pos = decoder.pos;
this.limit = decoder.limit;
detached = true;
int getPos() {
if (detached)
return this.pos;
return decoder.pos;
int getLim() {
if (detached)
return this.limit;
return decoder.limit;
byte[] getBuf() {
if (detached)
return this.buf;
return decoder.buf;
void setPos(int pos) {
if (detached)
this.pos = pos;
decoder.pos = pos;
void setLimit(int limit) {
if (detached)
this.limit = limit;
decoder.limit = limit;
void setBuf(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) {
if (detached) {
this.buf = buf;
this.limit = offset + length;
this.pos = offset;
} else {
decoder.buf = buf;
decoder.limit = offset + length;
decoder.pos = offset;
decoder.minPos = offset;
* ByteSource abstracts the source of data from the core workings of
* BinaryDecoder. This is very important for performance reasons because
* InputStream's API is a barrier to performance due to several quirks:
* InputStream does not in general require that as many bytes as possible have
* been read when filling a buffer.
* <p/>
* InputStream's terminating conditions for a read are two-fold: EOFException
* and '-1' on the return from read(). Implementations are supposed to return
* '-1' on EOF but often do not. The extra terminating conditions cause extra
* conditionals on both sides of the API, and slow performance significantly.
* <p/>
* ByteSource implementations provide read() and skip() variants that have
* stronger guarantees than InputStream, freeing client code to be simplified
* and faster.
* <p/>
* {@link #skipSourceBytes} and {@link #readRaw} are guaranteed to have read or
* skipped as many bytes as possible, or throw EOFException.
* {@link #trySkipBytes} and {@link #tryReadRaw} are guaranteed to attempt to
* read or skip as many bytes as possible and never throw EOFException, while
* returning the exact number of bytes skipped or read. {@link #isEof} returns
* true if all the source bytes have been read or skipped. This condition can
* also be detected by a client if an EOFException is thrown from
* {@link #skipSourceBytes} or {@link #readRaw}, or if {@link #trySkipBytes} or
* {@link #tryReadRaw} return 0;
* <p/>
* A ByteSource also implements the InputStream contract for use by APIs that
* require it. The InputStream interface must take into account buffering in any
* decoder that this ByteSource is attached to. The other methods do not account
* for buffering.
abstract static class ByteSource extends InputStream {
// maintain a reference to the buffer, so that if this
// source is detached from the Decoder, and a client still
// has a reference to it via inputStream(), bytes are not
// lost
protected BufferAccessor ba;
protected ByteSource() {
abstract boolean isEof();
protected void attach(int bufferSize, BinaryDecoder decoder) {
decoder.buf = new byte[bufferSize];
decoder.pos = 0;
decoder.minPos = 0;
decoder.limit = 0; = new BufferAccessor(decoder);
protected void detach() {
* Skips length bytes from the source. If length bytes cannot be skipped due to
* end of file/stream/channel/etc an EOFException is thrown
* @param length the number of bytes to attempt to skip
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
* @throws EOFException if length bytes cannot be skipped
protected abstract void skipSourceBytes(long length) throws IOException;
* Attempts to skip <i>skipLength</i> bytes from the source. Returns the actual
* number of bytes skipped. This method must attempt to skip as many bytes as
* possible up to <i>skipLength</i> bytes. Skipping 0 bytes signals end of
* stream/channel/file/etc
* @param skipLength the number of bytes to attempt to skip
* @return the count of actual bytes skipped.
protected abstract long trySkipBytes(long skipLength) throws IOException;
* Reads raw from the source, into a byte[]. Used for reads that are larger than
* the buffer, or otherwise unbuffered. This is a mandatory read -- if there is
* not enough bytes in the source, EOFException is thrown.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
* @throws EOFException if len bytes cannot be read
protected abstract void readRaw(byte[] data, int off, int len) throws IOException;
* Attempts to copy up to <i>len</i> bytes from the source into data, starting
* at index <i>off</i>. Returns the actual number of bytes copied which may be
* between 0 and <i>len</i>.
* <p/>
* This method must attempt to read as much as possible from the source. Returns
* 0 when at the end of stream/channel/file/etc.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs reading
protected abstract int tryReadRaw(byte[] data, int off, int len) throws IOException;
* If this source buffers, compacts the buffer by placing the <i>remaining</i>
* bytes starting at <i>pos</i> at <i>minPos</i>. This may be done in the
* current buffer, or may replace the buffer with a new one.
* The end result must be a buffer with at least 16 bytes of remaining space.
* @param pos
* @param minPos
* @param remaining
* @throws IOException
protected void compactAndFill(byte[] buf, int pos, int minPos, int remaining) throws IOException {
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, buf, minPos, remaining);
int newLimit = remaining + tryReadRaw(buf, minPos + remaining, buf.length - remaining);
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int lim = ba.getLim();
int pos = ba.getPos();
byte[] buf = ba.getBuf();
int remaining = (lim - pos);
if (remaining >= len) {
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, len);
pos = pos + len;
return len;
} else {
// flush buffer to array
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, remaining);
pos = pos + remaining;
// get the rest from the stream (skip array)
int inputRead = remaining + tryReadRaw(b, off + remaining, len - remaining);
if (inputRead == 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return inputRead;
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
int lim = ba.getLim();
int pos = ba.getPos();
int remaining = lim - pos;
if (remaining > n) {
pos = (int) (pos + n);
return n;
} else {
pos = lim;
long isSkipCount = trySkipBytes(n - remaining);
return isSkipCount + remaining;
* returns the number of bytes remaining that this BinaryDecoder has buffered
* from its source
public int available() throws IOException {
return (ba.getLim() - ba.getPos());
private static class InputStreamByteSource extends ByteSource {
private InputStream in;
protected boolean isEof = false;
private InputStreamByteSource(InputStream in) {
super(); = in;
protected void skipSourceBytes(long length) throws IOException {
boolean readZero = false;
while (length > 0) {
long n = in.skip(length);
if (n > 0) {
length -= n;
// The inputStream contract is evil.
// zero "might" mean EOF. So check for 2 in a row, we will
// infinite loop waiting for -1 with some classes others
// spuriously will return 0 on occasion without EOF
if (n == 0) {
if (readZero) {
isEof = true;
throw new EOFException();
readZero = true;
// read negative
isEof = true;
throw new EOFException();
protected long trySkipBytes(long length) throws IOException {
long leftToSkip = length;
try {
boolean readZero = false;
while (leftToSkip > 0) {
long n = in.skip(length);
if (n > 0) {
leftToSkip -= n;
// The inputStream contract is evil.
// zero "might" mean EOF. So check for 2 in a row, we will
// infinite loop waiting for -1 with some classes others
// spuriously will return 0 on occasion without EOF
if (n == 0) {
if (readZero) {
isEof = true;
readZero = true;
// read negative
isEof = true;
} catch (EOFException eof) {
isEof = true;
return length - leftToSkip;
protected void readRaw(byte[] data, int off, int len) throws IOException {
while (len > 0) {
int read =, off, len);
if (read < 0) {
isEof = true;
throw new EOFException();
len -= read;
off += read;
protected int tryReadRaw(byte[] data, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int leftToCopy = len;
try {
while (leftToCopy > 0) {
int read =, off, leftToCopy);
if (read < 0) {
isEof = true;
leftToCopy -= read;
off += read;
} catch (EOFException eof) {
isEof = true;
return len - leftToCopy;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (ba.getLim() - ba.getPos() == 0) {
} else {
int position = ba.getPos();
int result = ba.getBuf()[position] & 0xff;
ba.setPos(position + 1);
return result;
public boolean isEof() {
return isEof;
public void close() throws IOException {
* This byte source is special. It will avoid copying data by using the source's
* byte[] as a buffer in the decoder.
private static class ByteArrayByteSource extends ByteSource {
private static final int MIN_SIZE = 16;
private byte[] data;
private int position;
private int max;
private boolean compacted = false;
private ByteArrayByteSource(byte[] data, int start, int len) {
// make sure data is not too small, otherwise getLong may try and
// read 10 bytes and get index out of bounds.
if (len < MIN_SIZE) { = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, start, start + MIN_SIZE);
this.position = 0;
this.max = len;
} else {
// use the array passed in = data;
this.position = start;
this.max = start + len;
protected void attach(int bufferSize, BinaryDecoder decoder) {
// buffer size is not used here, the byte[] source is the buffer.
decoder.buf =;
decoder.pos = this.position;
decoder.minPos = this.position;
decoder.limit = this.max; = new BufferAccessor(decoder);
protected void skipSourceBytes(long length) throws IOException {
long skipped = trySkipBytes(length);
if (skipped < length) {
throw new EOFException();
protected long trySkipBytes(long length) throws IOException {
// the buffer is shared, so this should return 0
max = ba.getLim();
position = ba.getPos();
long remaining = (long) max - position;
if (remaining >= length) {
position = (int) (position + length);
return length;
} else {
position += remaining;
return remaining;
protected void readRaw(byte[] data, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int read = tryReadRaw(data, off, len);
if (read < len) {
throw new EOFException();
protected int tryReadRaw(byte[] data, int off, int len) throws IOException {
// the buffer is shared, nothing to read
return 0;
protected void compactAndFill(byte[] buf, int pos, int minPos, int remaining) throws IOException {
// this implementation does not want to mutate the array passed in,
// so it makes a new tiny buffer unless it has been compacted once before
if (!compacted) {
// assumes ensureCapacity is never called with a size more than 16
byte[] tinybuf = new byte[remaining + 16];
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, tinybuf, 0, remaining);
ba.setBuf(tinybuf, 0, remaining);
compacted = true;
public int read() throws IOException {
max = ba.getLim();
position = ba.getPos();
if (position >= max) {
return -1;
} else {
int result = ba.getBuf()[position++] & 0xff;
return result;
public void close() throws IOException {
ba.setPos(ba.getLim()); // effectively set isEof to false
public boolean isEof() {
int remaining = ba.getLim() - ba.getPos();
return (remaining == 0);