blob: a638b73fea26724b9e754fee18ce34e314cb2012 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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using System;
using System.Buffers;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Avro.IO;
namespace Avro.Test
using Decoder = Avro.IO.Decoder;
using Encoder = Avro.IO.Encoder;
delegate T Decode<T>(Decoder d);
delegate void Skip<T>(Decoder d);
delegate void Encode<T>(Encoder e, T t);
/// <summary>
/// Tests the BinaryEncoder and BinaryDecoder. This is pretty general set of test cases and hence
/// can be used for any encoder and its corresponding decoder.
/// </summary>
public class BinaryCodecTests
/// <summary>
/// Writes an avro type T with value t into a stream using the encode method e
/// and reads it back using the decode method d and verifies that
/// the value read back is the same as the one written in.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Avro type to test</typeparam>
/// <param name="t">Value for the Avro type to test.</param>
/// <param name="r">The decode method</param>
/// <param name="w">The encode method</param>
private void TestRead<T>(T t, Decode<T> r, Encode<T> w, int size)
MemoryStream iostr = new MemoryStream();
Encoder e = new BinaryEncoder(iostr);
w(e, t);
Assert.AreEqual(size, iostr.Length);
iostr.Position = 0;
Decoder d = new BinaryDecoder(iostr);
T actual = r(d);
Assert.AreEqual(t, actual);
Assert.AreEqual(-1, iostr.ReadByte());
/// <summary>
/// Writes an avro type T with value t into a stream using the encode method e
/// and reads it back using the decode method d and verifies that
/// the value read back is the same as the one written in.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Avro type to test</typeparam>
/// <param name="t">Value for the Avro type to test.</param>
/// <param name="r">The skip method</param>
/// <param name="w">The encode method</param>
private void TestSkip<T>(T t, Skip<T> s, Encode<T> w, int size)
MemoryStream iostr = new MemoryStream();
Encoder e = new BinaryEncoder(iostr);
w(e, t);
Assert.AreEqual(size, iostr.Length);
iostr.Position = 0;
Decoder d = new BinaryDecoder(iostr);
Assert.AreEqual(-1, iostr.ReadByte());
public void TestBoolean(bool b)
TestRead(b, (Decoder d) => d.ReadBoolean(), (Encoder e, bool t) => e.WriteBoolean(t), 1);
TestSkip(b, (Decoder d) => d.SkipBoolean(), (Encoder e, bool t) => e.WriteBoolean(t), 1);
[TestCase(0, 1)]
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(63, 1)]
[TestCase(64, 2)]
[TestCase(8191, 2)]
[TestCase(8192, 3)]
[TestCase(1048575, 3)]
[TestCase(1048576, 4)]
[TestCase(134217727, 4)]
[TestCase(134217728, 5)]
[TestCase(2147483647, 5)]
[TestCase(-1, 1)]
[TestCase(-64, 1)]
[TestCase(-65, 2)]
[TestCase(-8192, 2)]
[TestCase(-8193, 3)]
[TestCase(-1048576, 3)]
[TestCase(-1048577, 4)]
[TestCase(-134217728, 4)]
[TestCase(-134217729, 5)]
[TestCase(-2147483648, 5)]
public void TestInt(int n, int size)
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadInt(), (Encoder e, int t) => e.WriteInt(t), size);
TestSkip(n, (Decoder d) => d.SkipInt(), (Encoder e, int t) => e.WriteInt(t), size);
[TestCase(0, 1)]
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(63, 1)]
[TestCase(64, 2)]
[TestCase(8191, 2)]
[TestCase(8192, 3)]
[TestCase(1048575, 3)]
[TestCase(1048576, 4)]
[TestCase(134217727, 4)]
[TestCase(134217728, 5)]
[TestCase(17179869183L, 5)]
[TestCase(17179869184L, 6)]
[TestCase(2199023255551L, 6)]
[TestCase(2199023255552L, 7)]
[TestCase(281474976710655L, 7)]
[TestCase(281474976710656L, 8)]
[TestCase(36028797018963967L, 8)]
[TestCase(36028797018963968L, 9)]
[TestCase(4611686018427387903L, 9)]
[TestCase(4611686018427387904L, 10)]
[TestCase(9223372036854775807L, 10)]
[TestCase(-1, 1)]
[TestCase(-64, 1)]
[TestCase(-65, 2)]
[TestCase(-8192, 2)]
[TestCase(-8193, 3)]
[TestCase(-1048576, 3)]
[TestCase(-1048577, 4)]
[TestCase(-134217728, 4)]
[TestCase(-134217729, 5)]
[TestCase(-17179869184L, 5)]
[TestCase(-17179869185L, 6)]
[TestCase(-2199023255552L, 6)]
[TestCase(-2199023255553L, 7)]
[TestCase(-281474976710656L, 7)]
[TestCase(-281474976710657L, 8)]
[TestCase(-36028797018963968L, 8)]
[TestCase(-36028797018963969L, 9)]
[TestCase(-4611686018427387904L, 9)]
[TestCase(-4611686018427387905L, 10)]
[TestCase(-9223372036854775808L, 10)]
public void TestLong(long n, int size)
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadLong(), (Encoder e, long t) => e.WriteLong(t), size);
TestSkip(n, (Decoder d) => d.SkipLong(), (Encoder e, long t) => e.WriteLong(t), size);
[TestCase(Single.MaxValue, Description = "Max value")]
[TestCase(1.17549435E-38f, Description = "Min 'normal' value")]
[TestCase(1.4e-45f, Description = "Min value")]
public void TestFloat(float n)
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadFloat(), (Encoder e, float t) => e.WriteFloat(t), 4);
TestSkip(n, (Decoder d) => d.SkipFloat(), (Encoder e, float t) => e.WriteFloat(t), 4);
[TestCase(1.7976931348623157e+308, Description = "Max value")]
[TestCase(2.2250738585072014E-308, Description = "Min 'normal' value")]
[TestCase(4.9e-324, Description = "Min value")]
public void TestDouble(double n)
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadDouble(), (Encoder e, double t) => e.WriteDouble(t), 8);
TestSkip(n, (Decoder d) => d.SkipDouble(), (Encoder e, double t) => e.WriteDouble(t), 8);
[TestCase(0, 1)]
[TestCase(5, 1)]
[TestCase(63, 1)]
[TestCase(64, 2)]
[TestCase(8191, 2)]
[TestCase(8192, 3)]
public void TestBytes(int length, int overhead)
Random r = new Random();
byte[] b = new byte[length];
TestRead(b, (Decoder d) => d.ReadBytes(), (Encoder e, byte[] t) => e.WriteBytes(t), overhead + b.Length);
TestSkip(b, (Decoder d) => d.SkipBytes(), (Encoder e, byte[] t) => e.WriteBytes(t), overhead + b.Length);
[TestCase("", 1)]
[TestCase("hello", 1)]
[TestCase("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234", 2)]
[TestCase("01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456", 2)]
public void TestString(string n, int overhead)
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadString(), (Encoder e, string t) => e.WriteString(t), overhead + n.Length);
TestSkip(n, (Decoder d) => d.SkipString(), (Encoder e, string t) => e.WriteString(t), overhead + n.Length);
public void TestStringReadIntoArrayPool()
const int maxFastReadLength = 4096;
// Create a 16KB buffer in the Array Pool
var largeBufferToSeedPool = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(2 << 14);
var n = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("A", maxFastReadLength));
var overhead = 2;
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadString(), (Encoder e, string t) => e.WriteString(t), overhead + n.Length);
public void TestStringReadByBinaryReader()
const int overhead = 2;
const int maxFastReadLength = 4096;
const int expectedStringLength = maxFastReadLength + 1;
var n = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("A", expectedStringLength));
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadString(), (Encoder e, string t) => e.WriteString(t), expectedStringLength + overhead);
public void TestInvalidInputWithNegativeStringLength()
using (MemoryStream iostr = new MemoryStream())
Encoder e = new BinaryEncoder(iostr);
iostr.Position = 0;
Decoder d = new BinaryDecoder(iostr);
var exception = Assert.Throws<AvroException>(() => d.ReadString());
Assert.AreEqual("Can not deserialize a string with negative length!", exception.Message);
public void TestInvalidInputWithMaxIntAsStringLength()
using (MemoryStream iostr = new MemoryStream())
Encoder e = new BinaryEncoder(iostr);
iostr.Position = 0;
Decoder d = new BinaryDecoder(iostr);
var exception = Assert.Throws<AvroException>(() => d.ReadString());
Assert.AreEqual("String length is not supported!", exception.Message);
public void TestInvalidInputWithMaxArrayLengthAsStringLength()
using (MemoryStream iostr = new MemoryStream())
Encoder e = new BinaryEncoder(iostr);
const int maximumArrayLength = 0x7FFFFFC7;
const int maximumArrayLength = 0x7FFFFFFF / 2;
iostr.Position = 0;
Decoder d = new BinaryDecoder(iostr);
var exception = Assert.Throws<AvroException>(() => d.ReadString());
Assert.AreEqual("Could not read as many bytes from stream as expected!", exception.Message);
[TestCase(0, 1)]
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(64, 2)]
public void TestEnum(int n, int size)
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadEnum(), (Encoder e, int t) => e.WriteEnum(t), size);
TestSkip(n, (Decoder d) => d.SkipEnum(), (Encoder e, int t) => e.WriteEnum(t), size);
[TestCase(1, new int[] { })]
[TestCase(3, new int[] { 0 })]
[TestCase(4, new int[] { 64 })]
public void TestArray(int size, int[] entries)
TestRead(entries, (Decoder d) =>
int[] t = new int[entries.Length];
int j = 0;
for (long n = d.ReadArrayStart(); n != 0; n = d.ReadArrayNext())
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { t[j++] = d.ReadInt(); }
return t;
(Encoder e, int[] t) =>
foreach (int i in t) { e.StartItem(); e.WriteInt(i); } e.WriteArrayEnd();
}, size);
TestSkip(entries, (Decoder d) =>
for (long n = d.ReadArrayStart(); n != 0; n = d.ReadArrayNext())
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { d.SkipInt(); }
(Encoder e, int[] t) =>
foreach (int i in t) { e.StartItem(); e.WriteInt(i); } e.WriteArrayEnd();
}, size);
[TestCase(1, new string[] { })]
[TestCase(6, new string[] { "a", "b" })]
[TestCase(9, new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "" })]
public void TestMap(int size, string[] entries)
TestRead(entries, (Decoder d) =>
string[] t = new string[entries.Length];
int j = 0;
for (long n = d.ReadArrayStart(); n != 0; n = d.ReadArrayNext())
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { t[j++] = d.ReadString(); t[j++] = d.ReadString(); }
return t;
(Encoder e, string[] t) =>
e.SetItemCount(t.Length / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i += 2)
e.StartItem(); e.WriteString(t[i]); e.WriteString(t[i + 1]);
}, size);
TestSkip(entries, (Decoder d) =>
for (long n = d.ReadArrayStart(); n != 0; n = d.ReadArrayNext())
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { d.SkipString(); d.SkipString(); }
(Encoder e, string[] t) =>
e.SetItemCount(t.Length / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i += 2)
e.StartItem(); e.WriteString(t[i]); e.WriteString(t[i + 1]);
}, size);
[TestCase(0, 1)]
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(64, 2)]
public void TestUnionIndex(int n, int size)
TestRead(n, (Decoder d) => d.ReadUnionIndex(), (Encoder e, int t) => e.WriteUnionIndex(t), size);
TestSkip(n, (Decoder d) => d.SkipUnionIndex(), (Encoder e, int t) => e.WriteUnionIndex(t), size);
public void TestFixed(int size)
byte[] b = new byte[size];
new Random().NextBytes(b);
TestRead(b, (Decoder d) => { byte[] t = new byte[size]; d.ReadFixed(t); return t; },
(Encoder e, byte[] t) => e.WriteFixed(t), size);
TestSkip(b, (Decoder d) => d.SkipFixed(size),
(Encoder e, byte[] t) => e.WriteFixed(t), size);