C# Avro Code Coverage

The following instructions should be followed in order to create a code coverage report locally.

  1. Open a command prompt
  2. Install ReportGenerator globally
    a. Run the following command line: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool --version 5.1.4 --add-source https://www.nuget.org/packages/
    b. The latest version can be found at Nuget ReportGenerator
  3. Navigate to the test project avro\lang\csharp\src\apache\test
  4. Run the following test command dotnet test --results-directory ./TestResults --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"
  5. Generate the report with the following command ReportGenerator "-reports:./TestResults/*/coverage.cobertura.xml" "-targetdir:./Coverage/" -reporttypes:HTML
  6. Open Report under avro\lang\csharp\src\apache\test\Coverage\index.html